-Bemorning ahvoli jiddiy, Biz tezro harakat qilishimiz kerak.
Please take a deep breath and hold it.
-Chuqurroq nafas oling va ushlab turing.
Can you tell me where it hurts the most?
-Qaysi joyi giz eng Ko'p og'riyotganini ayta olasizmi?
Take this medication twice a day after meals.
-Bu dorini kuniga ikki marta, ovqatdan keyin.
If your symptoms get worse, Please call me immediately.
-Agar simptomlaringiz yomonlashsa, Darxol menga qo'ng'iroq qiling.
Do you feel any other symptoms, like nause or dizziness?
-Ko'ngil aynishi yoki bosh aylanishi kabi boshqa simptomlar bormi?