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Are you interested in staying updated with the latest news and information about the Armed Forces of Ukraine? Look no further than the Telegram channel 'Armed Forces of Ukraine - Збройні сили України' managed by RTP. This channel serves as the official Ukraine Army news backup, providing you with timely updates on all things related to the army, military, navy, and air force of Ukraine. Whether you are a military enthusiast, a supporter of the Ukraine Army, or simply someone who wants to stay informed about the latest developments in Ukraine's armed forces, this channel is the perfect source for you. RTP, the administrator of this channel, ensures that you receive accurate and reliable information straight to your Telegram feed. In addition to the latest news updates, the channel also features related channels such as @UkrainianTelegramFreaks, @ukrainebackup, @ucrainarussiaitaliano, @ukrainerussiastatus, @ukrainerussiatiktok, and @ukrainelivefeed, offering you a comprehensive source of information about Ukraine and its military affairs. Join the 'Armed Forces of Ukraine - Збройні сили України' Telegram channel today to stay connected and informed about the brave men and women who serve in Ukraine's armed forces. Support the heroes who defend their country and learn more about the important work they do on a daily basis. Stay up-to-date with the latest news, stories, and updates from the frontlines of Ukraine's defense forces. Don't miss out on this valuable resource for all things related to the Armed Forces of Ukraine!
22 Nov, 00:01
21 Nov, 23:57
21 Nov, 23:44
21 Nov, 19:54
21 Nov, 19:37
21 Nov, 19:12
21 Nov, 18:51
21 Nov, 18:16
21 Nov, 18:10
21 Nov, 17:43
21 Nov, 17:40
21 Nov, 17:38