UAEnglish with Oleksii Bondar (@uaengl)の最新投稿

UAEnglish with Oleksii Bondar のテレグラム投稿

UAEnglish with Oleksii Bondar
This channel was created to spread new ideas in teaching and learning English with an English teacher Oleksii Bondar
2,273 人の購読者
1,397 枚の写真
180 本の動画
最終更新日 09.03.2025 02:11

UAEnglish with Oleksii Bondar によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ

UAEnglish with Oleksii Bondar

06 Mar, 17:32


В англійській мові є кілька способів сказати "встигнути", залежно від контексту

😁To have time: Це загальний спосіб сказати, що у вас є достатньо часу, щоб щось зробити. Наприклад: "I don't have time to go to the store." (У мене немає часу сходити в магазин.)
😁To make it: Це означає встигнути кудись або зробити щось вчасно. Наприклад: "I hope I can make it to the meeting." (Сподіваюся, я встигну на зустріч.)
😁To be in time: Це означає встигнути до певного часу. Наприклад: "I was in time for the train." (Я встиг на поїзд.)
😁To manage to: Це означає зуміти щось зробити, незважаючи на труднощі. Наприклад: "I managed to finish the project on time." (Я встиг закінчити проєкт вчасно.)
😁To catch: можна використовувати, коли йдеться про встигання на поїзд, літак або автобус. Наприклад: "I managed to catch the last train" (Мені вдалося встигнути на останній потяг)

Ось кілька прикладів:

I need to hurry if I want to make it to the airport on time. (Мені потрібно поквапитися, якщо я хочу встигнути в аеропорт вчасно.)
Do you think we'll have time to grab some lunch before the movie starts? (Як думаєш, у нас буде час перекусити до початку фільму?)
I was barely in time to catch the bus. (Я ледве встиг на автобус.)
UAEnglish with Oleksii Bondar

04 Mar, 08:13


Here you can read more
UAEnglish with Oleksii Bondar

02 Mar, 17:43


🐱International Rescue Cat Day is observed on March 2 every year. There are a lot of cats on the streets just waiting for a day like this where people will come to take them off the streets and adopt them as a member of their families.🐱
UAEnglish with Oleksii Bondar

27 Feb, 12:22


What I love about these photos is that they always stand out with their common sense, compared to the modern world of people.
UAEnglish with Oleksii Bondar

24 Feb, 06:47


Today I don't want to say any pompous words, there are politicians for this. Today I just want to think about the three years that our country has gone through, to comprehend and understand how important peace is today.
God Bless Ukraine 🇺🇦
UAEnglish with Oleksii Bondar

21 Feb, 21:35


When you read this list and think, "Well, at least I can dream."
UAEnglish with Oleksii Bondar

18 Feb, 10:09


It is interesting that we experience all these emotions every day. That is the reality. But what can we do about it? We have to deal with it.
UAEnglish with Oleksii Bondar

16 Feb, 10:14


Time to recharge batteries
UAEnglish with Oleksii Bondar

14 Feb, 09:07


Happy St Valentine's Day
UAEnglish with Oleksii Bondar

08 Feb, 21:37


Good people are those who love animals.
Animals are unique creatures, and everyone who has been fortunate enough to interact with them knows this very well.
The nobility of animals is a true science. They make us more humble, responsive, and caring people.
They give us their love unconditionally, asking for nothing in return, while doing us good...