Але деякі речі змінилися після повномасштабного вторгнення росії. Блекаути стали звичним явищем, і поруч зі святковими вогнями надворі кияни запалюють свічки вдома.
Попри це, ми не здаємося та відзначаємо все добре, що сталося за рік 🙏
Welcome to UNITED24 - the official Telegram channel dedicated to the initiative of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskiy (@V_Zelenskiy_official). This channel serves as the main venue for collecting charitable donations in support of Ukraine, providing a platform for individuals around the world to contribute to important causes. By joining UNITED24, you become part of a global community working towards positive change and making a difference in the lives of those in need. Whether you're passionate about assisting with humanitarian aid, supporting local communities, or promoting education and healthcare initiatives, UNITED24 offers a space for like-minded individuals to come together and create impact. Stay updated on the latest projects, events, and initiatives organized by UNITED24 by visiting our website at u24.gov.ua. For any questions or inquiries, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]. Media inquiries can be directed to [email protected], and for partnership opportunities, please contact [email protected]. Join us at UNITED24 and be a part of something bigger than yourself - together, we can make a difference.
31 Dec, 17:48
31 Dec, 17:04
31 Dec, 14:59
30 Dec, 18:52
30 Dec, 16:57
30 Dec, 15:46
28 Nov, 20:37
28 Nov, 19:16
28 Nov, 17:01
28 Nov, 16:00
27 Nov, 20:16
27 Nov, 18:31
27 Nov, 16:01
26 Nov, 19:31
26 Nov, 18:00
26 Nov, 16:02
25 Nov, 18:59
25 Nov, 16:02
25 Nov, 12:08
24 Nov, 18:22
21 Nov, 19:12
21 Nov, 17:59
21 Nov, 16:15
21 Nov, 14:00
21 Nov, 07:31
20 Nov, 18:45
20 Nov, 15:59
19 Nov, 20:21
19 Nov, 18:42
19 Nov, 15:03
04 Nov, 18:01
04 Nov, 16:07
03 Nov, 18:01
03 Nov, 12:00
02 Nov, 18:04
02 Nov, 16:01
02 Nov, 13:56
02 Nov, 07:50
01 Nov, 18:47
31 Oct, 20:01
31 Oct, 13:06
31 Oct, 10:46
30 Oct, 19:31
29 Oct, 18:04
29 Oct, 16:04
29 Oct, 11:23
28 Oct, 19:37
28 Oct, 18:31
28 Oct, 16:07
28 Oct, 12:03
27 Oct, 18:56
27 Oct, 17:12
27 Oct, 15:52
27 Oct, 14:04
26 Oct, 17:02
26 Oct, 15:08
25 Oct, 18:13
25 Oct, 17:07
25 Oct, 15:01
24 Oct, 18:22
24 Oct, 15:02
22 Oct, 16:57
22 Oct, 15:02
21 Oct, 16:54
21 Oct, 14:54
21 Oct, 10:24
19 Oct, 19:00
19 Oct, 17:00
19 Oct, 07:41
18 Oct, 17:32
18 Oct, 14:59