Typokar | تایپوکار is a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing freely available design resources. The channel allows for commercial use of the designs, with the only requirement being to not remove the Typokar watermark. Additionally, the channel emphasizes the need for legally downloading fonts only from the website Tarhet.ir. For those interested in contacting the channel administrator, they can do so through @dorostkar9. Whether you are a designer looking for inspiration or a business in need of design assets, Typokar | تایپوکار is the perfect channel for you. Stay updated on the latest design trends and access a wide range of design resources for your projects. Join Typokar | تایپوکار today and take your designs to the next level!
28 Dec, 21:03
17 Dec, 14:20
15 Dec, 21:38
07 Dec, 19:54
05 Dec, 19:29
02 Dec, 20:51
26 Nov, 18:27
23 Nov, 19:04
24 Oct, 21:51
19 Oct, 19:39
07 Oct, 09:18
28 Sep, 14:56
15 Sep, 23:25
09 Sep, 21:30
27 Aug, 21:54
20 May, 09:42
16 Apr, 21:59