Turkiye23 کانال تحصیل is a Telegram channel that focuses on providing news, information, and practical topics about Turkey. Whether you're interested in Turkish culture, history, travel tips, or current events, this channel has you covered. Stay updated on the latest developments in Turkey and broaden your knowledge about this fascinating country. The channel is managed by @ghazzka, who ensures that the content is relevant, engaging, and informative. Join Turkiye23 کانال تحصیل today to unlock a world of knowledge about Turkey and connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for this unique country.
08 Sep, 09:55
04 Aug, 18:56
19 Mar, 10:58
10 Jan, 07:50
09 Jan, 09:40
01 Jan, 15:51
01 Jan, 07:26
31 Dec, 12:51
29 Oct, 19:15
28 Oct, 10:48
19 Oct, 10:04
04 Sep, 15:33
04 Jul, 05:45
28 May, 17:32
12 May, 21:48
12 May, 09:32
07 May, 08:54
22 Apr, 17:01