Tryber Official Channel @tryber_me Channel on Telegram

Tryber Official Channel


Hello 🤗

This is Tryber's official and exclusive channel!
Here you will receive a preview of all the news coming from the platform, apply for exclusive campaigns, and participate in many quizzes.

📧 [email protected]

Tryber Official Channel (English)

Are you a fan of Tryber? Do you want to stay updated on all the latest news and exclusive campaigns from the platform? Look no further than the Tryber Official Channel on Telegram! This channel is the go-to place for Tryber enthusiasts to get a sneak peek at upcoming announcements, apply for exclusive campaigns, and participate in fun quizzes. With regular updates and direct access to the Tryber team, you'll always be in the loop with everything happening on the platform. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with other Tryber fans and be the first to know about all the exciting developments. Join the Tryber Official Channel today and step into the world of Tryber like never before! For any inquiries or support, you can reach out to us at [email protected].🤗📧

Tryber Official Channel

15 Nov, 09:18

Imagine being able to trasform every point you earn into a superpower! 💪

If you could choose, which power would you want?

The gift of speed to complete Campaigns in a flash, or the wisdom to tackle challenges with strategy? 🦸‍♀️🦸‍♂️

Tryber Official Channel

12 Nov, 16:54

Buon pomeriggio Tryber!

Molti di voi hanno già sentito parlare del nostro progetto speciale, ma oggi abbiamo una doppia opportunità da condividere 👇

Se avete amici appassionati di poker, questa è l’occasione perfetta per coinvolgerli e ricevere un bonus di 5€ per ognuno di loro che completa l’attività di testing di una nuova piattaforma di gioco! 🃏

Ecco come funziona:
1. Invitate i vostri amici a unirsi a TRYBER tramite questo link. Più amici inviterete, più bonus per voi! 🎁
2. Invitateli a candidarsi alla campagna poker compilando la survey di preselezione che troveranno in fondo alla pagina qui 👇🏻
Durante la survey, dovranno indicare il vostro nome, cognome e ID TRYBER per permetterci di tenere traccia della vostra segnalazione. 📝
3. Bonus per giocare: Appena accettati per il test, i vostri amici riceveranno un bonus di benvenuto di 20€ per provare la piattaforma. Non sarà necessario investire denaro e tutte le eventuali vincite saranno loro! 💸💰

🔹Ogni amico che completa il test vi farà guadagnare un bonus di 5€! Cosa aspettate? Coinvolgete i vostri amici e facciamo crescere la nostra community!

Tryber Official Channel

11 Nov, 09:01

👏 Everyone has their own style when it comes to testing:

some prefer to work early in the morning with a cup of coffee , while others work better in the evening with some background music 🎶.

What's your ritual or habit while testing?


Tryber Official Channel

08 Nov, 18:11

🇮🇹 Recruiting utenze domestiche 🇮🇹

Per una nuova campagna UX retribuita 35€ ricerchiamo utenti Iren con i seguenti contratti:

🔹Solo acqua
🔸Solo Gas
🔹Acqua e Gas
🔸Acqua, gas e luce
🔹Luce e gas

Se sei in target rispondi al questionario in basso per avere l'opportunità di partecipare al test 👇👇

Tryber Official Channel

08 Nov, 09:00

Every point you earn brings you closer to your next goal, but the real value lies in the experience you're gaining. 🏋🏻

Do you have tips on how to maximize results or optimize the time spent on campaigns? 💡


Tryber Official Channel

07 Nov, 11:12

🇮🇹🏦 Nuovo Recruiting - Test apertura conto cointestato 🇮🇹🏦

Per testare l'apertura online di un conto cointestato siamo alla ricerca di un tester disposto a partecipare insieme al suo cointestatario.
Il requisito fondamentale è che uno dei due cointestatari deve avere necessariamente passaporto o CIE emessi all'estero da consolato italiano.

Il test prevede esclusivamente la registrazione degli step fatti durante la fase di apertura conto.

🤑 Payout complessivo €70

Se sei in target o conosci qualcuno che lo sia scrivi a @TR_Claudia.

*Nel caso in cui segnalassi un profilo idoneo, ovvero un tester con CIE o passaporto emessi all'estero da consolato italiano, riceverai un bonus di 20€!

Tryber Official Channel

07 Nov, 09:01

🎓 Hey Tryber!
Are you ready to discover something super interesting?
Put your glasses on and dive into these three articles full of curiosities that will make you go Eureka!

1️⃣ “How to create a strong password and which tests to carry out during a Campaign ”: tips for keeping your data safe and much more. 😎
👉 Read our article HERE
Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

2️⃣ “What are VPNs”: discover the secrets behind these three letters with us.
👉 Read the article HERE
Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

3️⃣ “Experiential campaigns (Moderated Agile Test)”: because TRYBER is more than just Bug Finding.
Get ready, this could be your next campaign! 🤓
👉 Read the article HERE
Difficulty: ⭐️

Enjoy the reading!

Tryber Official Channel

06 Nov, 09:01

🗓️ What do you have to do besides think about the AWARDS?

Don’t forget to complete your activities to accumulate points and gain recognition!
Every little step counts!

Share your progress with us!

Tryber Official Channel

06 Nov, 09:00

🇮🇹 Nell'ambito della tua attività lavorativa utilizzi Team System Pay? 🇮🇹

C'è una campagna che non puoi perdere! 😍

Compila il questionario di preview e se sarai in target verrai selezionato al più presto 👇

Tryber Official Channel

04 Nov, 09:01

Are you a training marathon runner or an earning sprinter? 🏃‍♂️💨

Whatever your strategy is, every step brings you closer to the next level! 📈

What's your secret for racking up points and maximizing your rewards? 🤑


Tryber Official Channel

31 Oct, 18:27

Tryber Official Channel pinned «🎃 Psst... have you seen our Halloween video? Forget pumpkins and cute witches, this one gets real 🗿 Head over to Instagram, check it out, and let us know in the comments if it gave you chills (or laughs) 👻 Here it is ➡️…»

Tryber Official Channel

31 Oct, 17:32

🎃 Psst... have you seen our Halloween video?

Forget pumpkins and cute witches, this one gets real 🗿

Head over to Instagram, check it out, and let us know in the comments if it gave you chills (or laughs) 👻

Here it is ➡️

Happy Halloween 🕸

Tryber Official Channel

29 Oct, 09:02

Hi, Tryber!

Have you ever tested apps/sites or worked in tech while exploring the world?

Or is it a dream of yours? 🌏🔍

Tryber Official Channel

28 Oct, 09:00

🎓 Hey Tryber!
The transition seasons are a myth, but every season is perfect for leveling up your skills and boosting your XP!

Here are three must-read articles from our university. 📚

1️⃣ “What is customer experience (CX)”: it’s not just about bugs! In this article, discover another important "sector" of a Tryber's campaigns with us!
👉 Read our article HERE
Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

2️⃣ “How to check your internet connection information”: we’re sure you’ll find some interesting "gems."
👉 Read the article HERE
Difficulty: ⭐️

3️⃣ “University and basic courses”: make the most of our archive to enhance your knowledge. Studying has never been so interesting
👉 Read the article HERE
Difficulty: ⭐️

Tryber Official Channel

26 Oct, 13:01

How did you find out about TRYBER? 🔎

Did someone point you our way, or did you stumble upon us on your own? 🕵🏻

Tryber Official Channel

25 Oct, 15:20

🇮🇹 Recruiting polizze assicurative 🇮🇹

Ciao a tutti,
stiamo cercando tester per un test di usabilità (metodologia thinking aloud), di seguito i requisiti richiesti:

Avere almeno una delle polizze vita/salute elencate in basso con accesso all'app della compagnia sullo smartphone.

Essere disposti a partecipare al test di usabilità dallo smartphone (non ci sono dati sensibili esposti)

Se possiedi una di queste polizze e hai accesso all'app contatta al più presto @TR_Claudia 👇👇

- Polizza Vita attiva con Sara Assicurazioni
- Polizza Vita attiva con Vittoria Assicurazioni
- Polizza Vita attiva con GeniaLife (proviene da Allianz Direct, quindi app dovrebbe essere Allianz Direct)

- Polizza Salute attiva con Mediolanum Assicurazioni
- Polizza Salute attiva con Sara Assicurazioni
- Polizza Salute attiva con Vittoria Assicurazioni
- Polizza Salute attiva con Allianz Direct

Tryber Official Channel

24 Oct, 09:02


Tryber Official Channel

23 Oct, 08:01

Try’s Tips 👏
These are the key actions to take when recording a UX Thinking Aloud video (Part 2):

☑️ Comment the site/app, what you like and what you don't, what you would do differently, whether the graphics are adequate or not; it is not enough to mention what you are doing or describe what you see.

☑️ Speak clearly and at an appropriate volume.

☑️ Stop the recording when requested and do not visit different sections, unless expressly indicated.

☑️ If necessary, convert the file to mp4 and rename it according to the TryberID-brand_model-usecaseX standard (unless you are on a pc with the extension displayed, it is not necessary to add .mp4).

☑️ Re-watch the video to check it and upload it to the corresponding use case.

If you missed the first part of the best practices for recording a UX video, you can catch up by reading the last Try’s tip here 🔙

Tryber Official Channel

22 Oct, 09:38


🎯 Vuoi divertirti e guadagnare giocando?
Partecipa al test esclusivo di un nuovo gioco online!
💸 Guadagna 15€ semplicemente giocando e completando delle brevi survey!
🎁 Ricevi un bonus di benvenuto
📝 Condividi le tue opinioni e aiuta a migliorare il gioco!

Candidati alla campagna e non perdere questa occasione unica! 👇
Compila il questionario di preselezione qui

Non sarà in alcun modo necessario investire il proprio denaro per partecipare al test.

Tryber Official Channel

22 Oct, 08:01

👾 Have you ever thought about a TRYBER themed video game?

What would you expect to find, besides the boss bug to defeat (oops, we meant to report at all costs)?

Let your imagination run wild and surprise us! 🤩👇

Tryber Official Channel

21 Oct, 08:00

🎓 Hi Tryber!
Dive into these three must-read articles from our university and boost your skills like never before! 🌟📚

1️⃣ "The winning formula to avoid Bugs in Need Review": the "Bible" for every Tryber. Always keep it handy to be a true bug professional
👉 Read our article HERE
Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

2️⃣ "Learn more: payments & privacy": a short yet essential guide to clarify an important part of the Tryber's work
👉 Read the article HERE
Difficulty: ⭐️

3️⃣ "What is JavaScript? And how does it affect the Bug Hunting tests?": a must-read article to be ready for every campaign!
👉 Read the article HERE
Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

Now it’s your turn, Tryber. Show us what you’re made of! 🔥

Tryber Official Channel

19 Oct, 13:02

How many campaigns have you wrapped up this month? 📆

Did you ace them all or hit some rough patches? 😮‍💨

Tryber Official Channel

18 Oct, 09:48

🇮🇹 Nuovo Recruiting in ambito bancario 🏦 

Per un'intervista moderata su prototipo stiamo cercando tester appartenenti al seguente target:

 profili con conto UniCredit business (come liberi professionisti e imprese) che abbiano effettuato almeno un pagamento in app nell’ultimo mese (bonifico, bollettino, PagoPa ecc)

Payout tester: 40€

Assicurati di avere un conto Business, non un conto privato, poi compila il questionario di preselezione che trovi QUI

Se hai dubbi lascia un commento a questo messaggio, ti risponderemo al più presto 🚀

Tryber Official Channel

16 Oct, 08:00

🎉 The TRYBER AWARDS are already in full swing! 🎉

It's time to step up and show what you can do.

Choose your category and earn points to win amazing BONUS rewards!

Your passion makes a difference! 👊🏆

Tryber Official Channel

14 Oct, 08:02

Try’s Tips 👏
These are the key actions to take when recording a UX Thinking Aloud video (Part 1):

☑️ Put your phone in "do not disturb" mode.

☑️ Find a quiet environment where you know you won't be disturbed: there should be no outside noise in the audio, and you won't be able to re-record the video so as not to miss out on first impressions.

☑️ Record and re-watch the video to be sure that all the technical parts are working properly.

☑️ Always wait 1-2 seconds before starting to speak to avoid cutting the first few words.

☑️ Remember the initial presentation: "Tryber ID, brand and model of your device, usecase" (the usecase number must coincide with the one for which you are recording the video). Do not confuse the usecase or Tryber ID with the campaign number, which should not be mentioned. Also remember not to mention your first and last name.”

Don't miss the next TRY’s tip to read part 2 of the best practices to achieve an exceptional Thinking Aloud!

Tryber Official Channel

12 Oct, 13:01

What does being part of the TRYBER community mean to you? 🫂

Spill the bean and let us know what you think! 🫣

Tryber Official Channel

10 Oct, 08:25


Cerchiamo per un’intervista di 45/60 minuti:

- PRIVATI che abbiano una polizza motori attiva presso Banca ICCREA

- PMI (Piccole e medie imprese) con almeno una polizza con Banca ICCREA

- PMI con almeno una polizza Illimity

- PMI con almeno una polizza BNL BNP Paribas

- PMI con almeno una polizza Unicredit Allianz

- PMI con almeno una polizza MPS

💰Payout tester da 60€ a 80€

Condizione fondamentale è che gli intervistati in target abbiano accesso alle aree riservate web/app della propria polizza e siano disponibili a condividere lo schermo del loro PC/smartphone per navigare insieme aree riservate/ app (ovviamente oscureremo eventuali dati sensibili)

🗣 Conosci qualcuno che rientra in almeno uno dei target richiesti? 👇

Contatta al più presto @TR_Claudia per segnalare il tuo contatto, se verrà approvato e completerà la campagna riceverai 50€.

Tryber Official Channel

08 Oct, 11:22

🇮🇹 NEW Recruiting 🇮🇹

Per un nuovo test esperienziale stiamo cercando clienti MooneyGo con le seguenti particolarità:

- che abbiano un dispositivo MooneyGo per il telepedaggio attivo

- che NON acquistino biglietti dei trasporti tramite l’app MooneyGo

Se possiedi i requisiti lascia nei commenti il tuo Tryber ID per essere ricontattato, grazie 👋

Tryber Official Channel

08 Oct, 08:02

Every journey leaves a mark... and maybe even a few bugs to track down! 🐛

✈️💻 Have you ever tested an app while exploring a new city or enjoying a coffee break with a sea view?

Or did you decide to completely disconnect and take a break from testing during your travels?

Come on, share your adventures as a tester around the globe! 🌍

Tryber Official Channel

07 Oct, 09:27


⚡️Intervista moderata in presenza a Milano⚡️

🔎 Siamo alla ricerca di giocatori di giochi del comparto lotterie per un'attività in presenza a Milano.

Requisito principale per partecipare 👇

- Giocare online ai giochi delle lotterie (SuperEnalotto, 10eLotto, Lotto, WinforLife, SiVinceTutto, MillionDay, VinciCasa...)

Possiedi il requisito? 👍 Compila questo questionario, se risulterai idoneo verrai ricontattato al più presto

Il payout della CP è di €60 + rimborso spese viaggio

Tryber Official Channel

05 Oct, 13:01

🥵 Got any challenge this week that you really can’t stand and found tough to tackle?

Drop a comment, we’re dying to know which one! 👇🏻

Tryber Official Channel

04 Oct, 12:15

🔔 Important update on Challenge Campaigns

Starting this week, the "Application Phase" will be live in Challenge Campaigns.
To participate, you need to apply by the date shown in the "Apply By" under the calendar icon. If you miss the deadline, tough luck!
A “” will appear, indicating that applications are closed, and you won’t be able to join.

So, when you log into the dashboard, make sure to look for the symbol "👉" to confirm that you can apply. Once you do, you’ll be automatically selected, and you can start reading the manual and completing the use cases right away, just like always!

So, no excuses! Keep an eye on the dashboard regularly, apply on time, and watch those deadlines.

Stay active and show everyone who’s in charge 🚀

Tryber Official Channel

03 Oct, 09:06

Have you ever had to test something on a device that’s different from your usual one?

Maybe you had to test an app on that old tablet you found buried in a drawer? 🖥️🕰️

Share the challenges and surprises you’ve encountered while working on hardware that’s different from your usual one!

Tryber Official Channel

30 Sep, 13:31

🎓 Hi, Tryber!
Today we have 3 articles that might (possibly) shake up your routine.
Okay, okay, maybe not, but they will definitely be useful. We promise. 😎

1️⃣ "How to optimize the infinite resources of devices during testing": a must-read article to make the most of each of our devices' potential.
👉 Read our article HERE
Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

2️⃣ "Popup blockers and functional CPs": knowing pop-up blockers is useful to avoid fake bugs. Discover them with us!
👉 Read the article HERE
Difficulty: ⭐️

3️⃣ "Browsers and incognito mode": tips and secrets to make the most of every browsing mode.
👉 Read the article HERE
Difficulty: ⭐️

Enjoy the reading!

Tryber Official Channel

28 Sep, 08:01

📝 It’s time to test yourself!

TRYBER certificates will be released soon.

What do you think about this initiative? And how could we improve it in the future? 🌟


Tryber Official Channel

26 Sep, 10:15

Hey, did you catch the latest bomb💣 we just dropped in our newsletter?

If you missed it, go check it out now!

Then come back here with any questions, we’re ready to answer them all 😉

Tryber Official Channel

25 Sep, 08:00

Try’s Tips 👏

An RSS feed (Really Simple Syndication) is a list of headers, short summaries and links in XML format that is used to send notifications to subscribers whenever the site is updated with new content.

❗️ These feeds require special readers, so encountering a coded page when opening an RSS link is the expected behavior and shouldn't be reported as a bug.

However, if a page of XML code is opened without the link being tagged as an RSS feed or without the distinctive orange icon with dots and waves, you may report it as a usability bug.