Ушлая пара заманила её туда, сообщив что не работает слив. Преступники залутали 15 000 злотых. 26-летнюю и 33-летнего Бони и Клайда задержали уже на следующий день, 8500 они прятали в... холодильнике.
Wiadomości Gdańsk / Новости Труймясто / Гданьск / Гдыня / Сопот is a Telegram channel that provides news and updates about the Tricity area, including Gdańsk, Gdynia, and Sopot. Whether you are a local resident or a visitor to the region, this channel is the perfect source for staying informed about the latest developments, events, and happenings in the area. The channel covers a wide range of topics, including local news, cultural events, business updates, and much more. With a diverse and dedicated team of contributors, Wiadomości Gdańsk / Новости Труймясто / Гданьск / Гдыня / Сопот ensures that you are always up to date with what's going on in the Tricity. From job opportunities to automotive markets, from parenting groups to advertising inquiries, this channel offers a wealth of information and resources for everyone. Join Wiadomości Gdańsk / Новости Труймясто / Гданьск / Гдыня / Сопот today to stay connected and informed about all things Tricity!
24 Jan, 13:54
24 Jan, 12:50
22 Jan, 12:04
22 Jan, 12:01
18 Jan, 08:45
17 Jan, 06:57
17 Jan, 06:41
15 Jan, 07:03
12 Jan, 07:02
11 Jan, 17:50
11 Jan, 14:07
11 Jan, 09:29
10 Jan, 18:20
10 Jan, 16:07
09 Jan, 21:36
09 Jan, 18:13
09 Jan, 14:22
07 Jan, 09:33
26 Dec, 16:13
25 Dec, 14:10
25 Dec, 13:34
24 Dec, 14:45
24 Dec, 11:39
24 Dec, 10:40
24 Dec, 05:22
21 Dec, 09:50
21 Dec, 07:35
20 Dec, 19:30
20 Dec, 16:24
17 Dec, 13:49
17 Dec, 13:07
01 Dec, 13:51
01 Dec, 12:18
29 Nov, 17:28
28 Nov, 10:38
28 Nov, 08:15
27 Nov, 18:09
20 Nov, 11:33
18 Nov, 14:53
18 Nov, 13:00
18 Nov, 07:27
17 Nov, 10:50
15 Nov, 14:17
15 Nov, 10:11
15 Nov, 09:21
14 Nov, 20:21
13 Nov, 19:24
13 Nov, 16:32
13 Nov, 11:11
25 Oct, 14:09
24 Oct, 21:44
24 Oct, 18:18
24 Oct, 12:55
24 Oct, 09:11
23 Oct, 18:36
23 Oct, 12:15
22 Oct, 15:42
22 Oct, 11:37
21 Oct, 19:07
21 Oct, 17:43
21 Oct, 17:19
19 Oct, 10:44
18 Oct, 18:45
18 Oct, 10:58