Tour Dee Force: A Tapestry Wovem with Threads of Gold. @tourdeeforce Channel on Telegram

Tour Dee Force: A Tapestry Wovem with Threads of Gold.


ㅤEmbracing My Heart's Desires—Heart ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤTo Go Upon A Journey.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤStatus: OPEN.
ㅤㅤㅤ📽️. @OurForcee x @ForceNote.
ㅤㅤㅤWith, @TodeforBot as Connection.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤMutual: @MunforBot.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ— @BlacklistOurde.


Tour Dee Force: A Tapestry Woven with Threads of Gold (English)

Tour Dee Force is a captivating Telegram channel that invites you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and exploration. The channel's username, @tourdeeforce, reflects its mission to embrace your heart's desires and set off on new adventures. With a status of OPEN, the channel is ready to welcome you into a community of like-minded individuals seeking inspiration and connection. Through a collaboration with @OurForcee and @ForceTalent, Tour Dee Force offers a unique platform for sharing stories, ideas, and experiences. The channel also features @TodeforBot as a connection point, enhancing the interactive and engaging nature of the community. Mutual engagement with @MunforBot further enriches the channel's dynamic environment. Whether you are a seasoned traveler or someone looking to expand your horizons, Tour Dee Force is the perfect place to ignite your passion and creativity. Join us on this journey of discovery and unleash the potential within you. Follow @tourdeeforce and become a part of our vibrant community today.

Tour Dee Force: A Tapestry Wovem with Threads of Gold.

24 Nov, 13:12

All done, Ciest... *Tepar* terima kasih banyak udah mau main sama Eve malam ini. Yang belum kedapatan jangan sedih, mingdep kita main lagi. Terima kasih ya. Jangan lupa besok Senin, harus beristirahat dengan cukup malam ini, supaya besok fit, dan bisa menjalani hari esok dengan lancar! Dan semoga besok adalah hari yang baik untuk kalian, Ciest. Selamat beristirahat yaa. 🤍

Tour Dee Force: A Tapestry Wovem with Threads of Gold.

24 Nov, 13:10

Hai... Anggora... Nama kamu siapa... :3 aku ngeliat kamu seperti anak kucing baru lahir. Alias... Aku baru liat kamu! And i was thought that you're humble too, lucu banget tadi aku ngeliat interaksi kamu. Anak kucing yang baru lahir di dunia, dan masih butuh adaptasi. Karena baru lahir juga, seperti masih malu-malu kecil. Terus imut, aku salfok usernamenya hwhwhw LUCU. Hope we can get closer asap ya, anak kucing!

Tour Dee Force: A Tapestry Wovem with Threads of Gold.

24 Nov, 13:03

Hah bosen Annael lagi! Tapi ya, kalau aku ngeliat kamu, seperti buah Jambu woe. Yang artinya, ada dimana-mana anjir! SOCIAL BUTTERFLY BANGET BOS. Manis seperti jambu, yang memang interaksi sama Annael itu asik banget bos. Terus dia baik banget, punya seribu toko lucu yang dia tempatin. Kecuali kalau jambunya lagi busuk, berisik banget ege, suka nyepam!!! (Tapi aku sayang kamu) (Tolong jbjb sampe akhir hayat)

Tour Dee Force: A Tapestry Wovem with Threads of Gold.

24 Nov, 12:59

Myrabelle! (Eh ini bener gak namanya) Hi! Aku ngeliat kamu seperti buah melon.🍈 Manisnyaaa mirabelle ini bikin orang-orang terpana! Cantik banget Myrabelleee. Disamping itu juga, Melon biasanya selalu diminati orang-orang, apalagi melon madu. You're so attractive! Myrabelle juga lucu banget, seperti melon yang baru tumbuh di musim dingin... (Let's get closer).

Tour Dee Force: A Tapestry Wovem with Threads of Gold.

24 Nov, 12:55

Sekar! Aku ngeliat kamu kalau sebagai hewan, seperti Capybara... Aku sering ngeliat kamu jbjb disana-disini dan dimana-mana, yang alias kamu suka sokab dimanapun. You're so humble, Sekar! Sama seperti Capybara yang suka bersosialisasi, bahkan sampe buaya buaya pun, Capybara sanggup naikin buaya tanpa dimakan. Terus juga pernah beberapa kali ngeliat, kalau interaksi kamu lucu banget. (Let's get closer)

Tour Dee Force: A Tapestry Wovem with Threads of Gold.

24 Nov, 12:51

Mellie Cheryshe! Kalau aku ngeliat kamu sebagai mochi stroberi. Yang kadang-kadang zonk (nyebelin) dan kadang-kadang lembut dan manis. Mellie kalau lagi menjadi mochi yang pulen, pasti baik banget, tapi kalau lagi mochi kayak kurang bahan, pasti disentuh dikit gak enak. Mellie itu mochi jepang yang isinya ada stroberi, sama kacang merah. Stroberi yang asem, itu seperti dia yang lagi banyak energi! Dia banyak banget energinya. And everyone love mochi stoberi 🍓

Tour Dee Force: A Tapestry Wovem with Threads of Gold.

24 Nov, 12:42

Sorry Mikhael, kali ini nice try 🙏🏼 try your luck on another time ya, slmt. Semoga bahagia selalu. Hm.

Tour Dee Force: A Tapestry Wovem with Threads of Gold.

24 Nov, 12:40

Pilihannya Mikhael dibuang atau Anggora dibuang

Tour Dee Force: A Tapestry Wovem with Threads of Gold.

24 Nov, 12:40

Hnggg jebol 1

Tour Dee Force: A Tapestry Wovem with Threads of Gold.

24 Nov, 12:38

19.40 aku buka

Tour Dee Force: A Tapestry Wovem with Threads of Gold.

24 Nov, 12:38

Dah ya

Tour Dee Force: A Tapestry Wovem with Threads of Gold.

24 Nov, 12:37

Typo ege

Tour Dee Force: A Tapestry Wovem with Threads of Gold.

24 Nov, 12:37

Sorry tdf berpegang teguh sama Pancasila nomer 5

Tour Dee Force: A Tapestry Wovem with Threads of Gold.

24 Nov, 12:36

Nih tak tambahin 1, Mikhael bisa lagi asal tarik vote, lalu pencet lagi (kalau mau pake id juga sih)

Tour Dee Force: A Tapestry Wovem with Threads of Gold.

24 Nov, 12:34

🗳 Hi

- :3 @anggora
- annael, a. @yeonjvu
- I love you, Abaa. (Miyabel!) @kawgura
- Sekar. @faktisiush
- mellie, c. @parkminvu
- (Vayayi's-Personal-Refrigerator.)

👥 6 people of 5 have voted so far.
📖 Personal Participation

🚫 This poll is closed...

Tour Dee Force: A Tapestry Wovem with Threads of Gold.

24 Nov, 12:32

Keadaan elvest now