Mr. Karim Hassan 1st sec.


Mr. Karim Hassan 1st sec.

17 Oct, 13:00

الاسبوع الرابع
1) الاداءات الصفية

1. a) term (long-term طويل المدى)
2. b) after (look after يعتني بـ)
3. c) out (find out about يجد معلومات/يكتشف)
4. c) friendly ودود
5. c) to pass
الفعل allow بيجي بعده to+ المصدر
6. d) appreciate يقدر
7. b) gave اعطى
8. b) admiration اعجاب
9. c) destination جهة وصول
10. b) organisations مؤسسات
11. a) donations تبرعات
12. a) responsibility مسئولية
13. a) increase يزود
14. b) tracked - c) traced معناهم تتبع
15. c) monitoring يراقب
1. A

2) الاداءات المنزلية
1. b) didn't send
الجملة فيها last يبقى ماضي بسيط
2. b) played
الجملة بدأت ماضي تكمل ماضي
3. a) did
الجملة فيها last يبقى ماضي بسيط
4. a) saw
الجملة فيها yesterday يبقى ماضي بسيط
5. c) are followed
مضارع بسيط مبني للمجهول
6. d) are killed مضارع بسيط مبني للمجهول
7. d) are
الجملة مضارع بسيط.. وبعدها فيه صفة
8. d) to (thanks to بفضل)
9. b) never
مينفعش نختار does علشان الفعل بعدها فيه s
10. a) didn't الجملة ماضي
11. c) was ماضي بسيط
12. b) How often كم عدد المرات
13. d) gets الجملة مضارع بسيط
1. c
2. a
3. d
4. b
5. b
6. b
7. d

3) الاختبار الاسبوعي
Group A
1. We should pay great attention to the cinema and the theater and produce films and plays, which help spread values, morals and others respect.
2. The society should help people with special needs to lead a normal life.
3. People admired him for his intelligence, skill and ability to comfort hardships and solve the problems that he faces.
Because the sailors might attack them to get the map of the treasure.

Group B
1. The construction of the underground has helped the traffic flow in the greater Cairo.
2. Education reform is an inevitable necessity for a better future for our sons. Without good education, there won't be scientists, doctors or engineers, who are fully responsible to help their society.
3. Mohammed Salah has been a good role model to many of the young people by his good morals and treatment of people, especially those in his hometown.
He was already weak after his struggle with the Black Dog, then he got more frightened with the message of the gang "ten o'clock".

Group C
1. My friend is very kind and generous. He donated greatly to a charity which looks after orphan children.
2. We should keep the wild animals and protect them from being endangered, because they are a fortune for any country.
3. Mohammed Salah paid a visit to the Children Cancer Hospital and gave presents to children with cancer. And at the end of the visit he donated some money to help treat the sick.
Maybe he wanted Jim to go and find the treasure after his death.

Mr. Karim Hassan 1st sec.

16 Oct, 21:56

الاسبوع الثالث
1) الاداءات الصفية
1. a. skinny / d. thin معناهم نحيف / رفيع
2. b. obtained / e. accessible معناهم متاح
3. a. evacuated/ d. emptied أفرَغَ / أخلى
4. a. over (all over the world يعني في كل انحاء العالم)
5. c. achieve يحقق هدف
6. b. admire يعجب بـ
7. a. blood pressure ضغط الدم
8. d. intelligence ذكاء
9. b. desire رغبة
10. a. role model قدوة / مثل اعلى
11. c. donate يتبرع
12. b. generous كريم
13. c. long-term طويل المدى
14. c. had
ما اختارناش do علشان مش هو اللي عمل العملية لنفسه
15. d. sad حزين
16. a. goal هدف / جول
1. ج

2) الاداءات المنزلية
1. b. arrested
الفعل اللي بعد and زي اللي قبلها
2. a. spends
كلمة often تدل على المضارع البسيط
3. c. plays
كلمة sometimes تدل على المضارع البسيط
4. d. eat مضارع بسيط
5. d. How often كم عدد المرات
6. c. Do بعدها الفعل في المصدر والجملة مضارع بسيط
7. d. didn't sent
فيه كلمة last يبقى ماضي بسيط
8. c. fell
فيه كلمة last يبقى ماضي بسيط
9. b. played الجملة بدأت ماضي تكمل ماضي
10. c. was built ماضي بسيط مبني للمجهول
11. d. never
الجملة مضارع بسيط ومينفعش نحط doesn't علشان بعدها الفعل فيه s
12. b. is estimated من المقدر أن..مبني للمجهول
13. c. are followed مضارع بسيط مبني للمجهول
14. d. are
مضارع بسيط وبعدها صفة late
1. B
2. A

3) الاختبار الاسبوعي
Group A
1. They were searching for the Captain's box to get his papers.
2. He means that Jim and his mother are those who have opened the Captain's box and have taken all his papers.
3. The Captain's box.

Group B
1. To find the map of the treasure.
2. They would have killed them.
3. Because he trusted him and Dr. Livesy was also a magistrate.

Group C
1. He decided to find a good ship to go and look for the treasure themselves.
2. No, I wouldn't, because it could be dangerous.
3. Mr. Trelawny told them.

Mr. Karim Hassan 1st sec.

08 Oct, 21:38

طلاب الشهر 💚💚
طلاب سنتر العلا .... الجامدين قوي 🙏🙏
و باقي السناتر الاسبوع ده و الجاي

Mr. Karim Hassan 1st sec.

30 Sep, 11:29

اجابات ملف الاسبوع الثاني 👆👆👇👇
الاسبوع الثاني
الاداءات الصفية
1) a. play
مفيش بعد would rather فاعل يبقى نحط مصدر
2) c. met .... الجملة ماضي بسيط
3) b. Were
سؤال في الماضي ومفيش فعل اساسي
4) c. was built
ماضي بسيط مبني للمجهول
5) b. walked
الجملة بدأت ماضي تكمل ماضي
6) a. studied
الجملة بدأت ماضي تكمل ماضي
7) c. travelled
الجملة فيها last year تبقى ماضي بسيط
8) b. watched
الجملة ماضي بسيط..اللي يجي قبل and زي اللي يجي بعدها
9) d. didn't play
الجملة فيها yesterday تبقى ماضي بسيط
10) b. died
الجملة ماضي بسيط
(الترجمة) ... (1)

الاداءات المنزلية
1) d. exist معناها القوانين موجودة
2) c. protect يحمي
3) a. develop........muscles
معناها نمو العضلات
4) b. coast ساحل
5) c. avoid يتجنب
6) a. was founded
ماضي بسيط مبني للمجهول
7) a. was cooking
الجملة فيها As يجي بعدها ماضي مستمر
8) c. arrived حدث فجأة
9) c. went حدث فجأة
10) d. fell حدث فجأة
1. Because it's quiet and away from the other pirates.
2. Because he knew that the Captain was an evil man.
3. Because Black Dog wanted the map of the treasure.
4. I would leave the inn as soon as possible.

الاختبار الاسبوعي القصه الفصل الاول
Group (A)
1. Because he didn't want the other sailors to know his place.
2. I don't think so, because when the Captain saw him he looked pale and ill.
3. They weren't helpful as they refused to help Jim and his mother.
4. It means that if he doesn't give the pirates the papers until ten, they will kill him.

Group (B)
1. Yes, I agree. Because Jim's father was worried that nobody would want to visit the inn because they would be frightened by the Captain stories.
2. Because the Captain didn't want the sailors to find him.
3. Yes, he was lucky. Because Dr. Livesey ,the doctor of Jim's father, was coming to see him because he was ill.
4. He wanted the map of the treasure.

Group (C)
1. He didn't want the gang to kill them.
2. No, they weren't. Because they refused to help Jim and his mother.
3. He didn't want the other sailors to find him.
4. They would kill the Captain if he didn't give them the papers until ten.

Mr. Karim Hassan 1st sec.

25 Sep, 18:20

اجابات Exercise 1
1- c e بمعني كريم او مضياف
2-b d بمعني يعالج
3- b d بمعني ضخم
4- c e بمعني أمن أو أمان
5- b سياحه بيئيه
6- a بائس أو تعيس
7-b منعزل
8- c مهدد بالانقراض
9- b تأثير
10- d يكسب مال
11- a يوفر
12- c نظام بيئي
13-d اسم مستعار
14-a انسان الغاب أو الغوريلا
15- a رائع أو فاتن
1- a
2 ج

Mr. Karim Hassan 1st sec.

25 Sep, 18:19

واجبات الوزاره للصف الاول الثانوي
الاسبوع الاول 👇👇

Mr. Karim Hassan 1st sec.

23 Sep, 20:20

السلام عليكم ....دفعه تخفيف المواد
شباب أولي ثانوي ده👆👆👆 الابلكيشن الخاص بالمستر كله ينزله عشان هنشتغل عليه اونلاين كتير

Mr. Karim Hassan 1st sec.

23 Sep, 20:19

Mr. Karim Hassan 1st sec.

27 Mar, 15:51

Mr. Karim Hassan 1st sec. pinned Deleted message





