Últimas publicaciones de Tiger Reborn (@tigerreborn) en Telegram

Publicaciones de Telegram de Tiger Reborn

Tiger Reborn
Este canal de Telegram es privado.
Irish initiative to raise awareness and protect the natural rights of the individual. Formerly on Facebook for over 10 years with 62k+ Followers until cancellation 29/1/21 for drawing attention to death surge of elderly after vaccination in nursing homes.
6,573 Suscriptores
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477 Videos
Última Actualización 06.03.2025 19:40

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El contenido más reciente compartido por Tiger Reborn en Telegram

Tiger Reborn

02 Nov, 08:13


Fasting heals the body.

Source https://www.instagram.com/reel/DBrOHw6y558/
Tiger Reborn

01 Nov, 11:57


Far right hate and extremism in Ireland Exposed 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨
Tiger Reborn

01 Nov, 07:43


Last night saw Ciaran Mullooly MEP use so-called "far-right" language. Was it a strategic attempt by Independent Ireland to try and win back the many centre-to-right voters they lost after Ciaran joined in with FF in the liberal Renew Europe group in the EU parliament? #GE24
Tiger Reborn

01 Nov, 04:19


The People’s Vaccine Inquiry Dublin press conference on 16/10/24 chaired by Senior Council Una McGurk.
Tiger Reborn

30 Oct, 14:08


🔴Nigel Farage update on the children murdered at Southport, UK.

A serious reminder that almost one year later here in Ireland we still have no credible and verifiable statement from a government authority on the little children attacked on Parnell Street, Dublin last November.

Video source https://www.instagram.com/reel/DBtwxxbIiAL/
Tiger Reborn

28 Oct, 19:54


The US voting machine you can rely on to rig any election.
Tiger Reborn

27 Oct, 05:54


Joe Rogan Experience #2219 - Donald Trump – 26 Oct 2024

Donald Trump is currently the 2024 Presidential Candidate of the Republican Party. He previously served as America’s 45th president, and is also a businessman and media personality.

Source https://youtu.be/hBMoPUAeLnY
Tiger Reborn

26 Oct, 18:29


Corruption Awareness Ireland posted today:

Helen McEntee granted High Court order to #Bug Every Citizens Phone.
Details of Every Phone Call made in Ireland are being Recorded for Government inspection.

The power to do this was granted in a #SecretCourt, presided over by an #AnonymousJudge, at a #SecretPlace unknown, and details of which will remain secret from the citizens of Ireland.

The hearing was ‘ex-parte’, meaning only the justice minister was represented, and the case was ‘in camera’, meaning that members of the public were excluded.

It was a one-side hearing before the judge who shall remain anonymous – by law.

A High Court order was obtained by justice minister Helen McEntee requiring all communications service providers to retain certain data.

Details including user, traffic and location data is being held for a period of 12 months for the purpose of safeguarding State Security.

We can guess what ‘user’ and ‘location’ data means, but what is ‘traffic’, are they keeping recordings of all phone calls made in the state ?

It would appear so.

The high court order was granted on June 21st last, this is the second year the state has done this.

The law to allow this, apparently, arises out of the ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the Graham Dwyer case.

Many questions arise:

Firstly, why the secrecy in the court ?
How can we say what actually took place there ?
Is this an issue for our Constitution, which says that justice must be administered in public – except in limited and special circumstances?

No doubt the Minister will say that ‘special circumstances’ do exist, if so, where were they before the Graham Dwyer case ?

Secondly, can we really trust these Politions to hold such comprehensive data on everyone, including where we go, who we talk to, and what we say?

We think this is a gross violation of basic Human Rights, but where is the outcry ?

1984, the now famous book by #GeorgeOrwell couldn’t have understated the reach of Big Brother more, he never conceived the reality of today, complete surveillance.

Consider with this, that you cant go for a simple walk, or drive, anywhere, but that cameras are identifying you. Soon Gardaí will have body cameras with the same facial recognition technology in them – all very intrusive.

But we are assured by the political elite that none of this data will be used improperly. REALY !

Tiger Reborn

24 Oct, 02:07


The Dáil has passed the Hate Crime Bill, by a majority of 78 to 52 votes, with no abstentions. Justice Minister Helen McEntee said tonight that she believes incitement to violence and hatred elements of the Bill will be progressed "at a later stage."
Tiger Reborn

22 Oct, 23:03


If ever you needed further evidence for the contempt this Government have for the Irish people and democracy in general

They intend to hold a 90 minute debate on one of the most controversial pieces of legislation tomorrow at 21.49

The General Election is fast approaching. Let them know this is the nail in the coffin.