Tech Insaf channel is a popular Telegram channel that focuses on providing the latest news, updates, and information about technology. Whether you are a tech enthusiast, a professional in the field, or simply someone curious about the latest trends in the tech world, this channel is the perfect place for you. With a team of dedicated moderators and experts, Tech Insaf channel ensures that you stay informed about the cutting-edge developments in tech, from new gadget releases to software updates and industry trends. Join the @ticpublicchannel today to become part of a vibrant community of tech lovers and stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving world of technology.
17 Jan, 08:41********
15 Jan, 10:25
Api url:
Information : Its A custom sms api. Its work in only Bangladesh
Api By : @ihc_Apis
22 Dec, 07:59
18 Dec, 06:50
17 Dec, 18:08
16 Dec, 03:52
09 Dec, 03:32
05 Dec, 08:21
05 Dec, 08:20
"API OWNER": "@ihc_apis",
"Response": "Hello! How can I assist you today?"
07 Nov, 11:35
15 Oct, 05:45
15 Oct, 04:31
05 Oct, 08:08
28 Sep, 04:25
29 Aug, 14:40
24 Aug, 10:42
21 Aug, 16:19
18 Aug, 10:48
18 Aug, 07:27
[Facebook ID link]15 Aug, 12:20
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15 Aug, 09:02
15 Aug, 05:32
11 Aug, 16:40
09 Aug, 03:24