Welcome to Manga & Anime Archive, a Telegram channel curated and managed by the user @thighed. If you are a fan of manga and anime, this channel is the perfect place for you to explore and discover new content, engage in discussions, and share your love for this exciting genre. @thighed regularly posts manga images along with their thoughts, providing a unique perspective on various series. Whether you are looking for recommendations, reviews, or just want to connect with fellow manga enthusiasts, this channel has something for everyone. You can also follow @thighed on Twitter for more updates and join the community on x.com to engage with like-minded individuals. Don't miss out on the opportunity to join this vibrant community dedicated to celebrating all things manga and anime. Subscribe to Manga & Anime Archive today and immerse yourself in the world of Japanese comics and animated series!
28 Nov, 01:55
02 Sep, 22:16
27 May, 23:12
12 May, 22:44
08 May, 21:22
22 Apr, 22:44
19 Apr, 23:21
16 Apr, 14:30
15 Apr, 22:33