The Transparency Report @thetransparencyreport Channel on Telegram

The Transparency Report


Gaza statistics
2.2 million Residents
Approx 50% of inhabitants were Children
Over 800,000 Children live in Gaza


The Transparency Report (English)

The Transparency Report is a Telegram channel dedicated to providing accurate and truthful statistics and information about Gaza. With a focus on shedding light on the realities faced by the 2.2 million residents of Gaza, including the alarming statistic that approximately 50% of the inhabitants are children, this channel aims to counter propaganda and astroturf movements that seek to distort the truth. Through the use of hashtags such as #zionismisterrorism, #rallythepolicestate, #domesticteroristthreats, and #intelligenceoperations, The Transparency Report delves into important issues affecting Gaza and challenges the narratives perpetuated by mainstream media outlets. If you're looking for raw, unfiltered data and analysis on Gaza, look no further than @thetransparencyreport on Telegram.





