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Black Book of English Vocabulary


Black Book of English Vocabulary (English)

Are you looking to enhance your English vocabulary and make a lasting impression with your words? Look no further than the 'Black Book of English Vocabulary' Telegram channel! This channel is dedicated to helping individuals expand their vocabulary in a fun and engaging way. Whether you are a student looking to improve your academic performance, a professional aiming to enhance your communication skills, or simply someone who loves to learn new words, this channel is perfect for you

'Black Book of English Vocabulary' offers daily vocabulary lists, tips on how to remember words more effectively, quizzes to test your knowledge, and much more. With the help of this channel, you can enrich your vocabulary and become a more articulate and confident speaker

Who is it for? Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, this channel caters to individuals of all levels who are eager to expand their English vocabulary. What is it? It is a valuable resource for anyone looking to enrich their language skills and stand out in both personal and professional settings

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Black Book of English Vocabulary

20 Feb, 17:06

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Black Book of English Vocabulary

20 Feb, 09:55

🔺 तुम मुझे कैसे जानते हो?
How do you know me?

🔺 मैं तुमसे पहले मिल चुका हूं।
I have met you already.

🔺 अच्छा, अब मुझे जाना है।
Well, I have to go now.

🔺 ठीक,मैं भी जल्दी में हूं।
Ok, I am also in hurry.

🔺 सच में, आपसे मिलकर अच्छा लगा।
Really, good to see you.

🔺 शुक्रिया, अपना ख्याल रखिएगा।
Thanks ,take care .

Black Book of English Vocabulary

20 Feb, 05:08

आपको किस Exam का Notes चाहिए?

Black Book of English Vocabulary

20 Feb, 00:33

Phrasal Verbs : Hindi Meaning.


1. Back out : पीछे हटना
2. Back up : समर्थन देना
3. Bank on : भरोसा करना
4. Be off : जाना
5. Bear out : समर्थन देना, साथ देना
6. Beat up : खूब पीटना
7. Blow out : फूँककर बुझाना
8. Blow up : विस्फोट होना, बर्बाद करना
9. Break down : मशीन इत्यादि ख़राब हो जाना, स्वास्थ्य ख़राब हो जाना
10. Break in : चोरी करने की नीयत से घूसना, बलपूर्वक भीतर घुसना
11. Break into : तालाबंद मकान या कमरे में जबर्दस्ती घुसना
12. Break out : एकाएक फैलना, चाहे वह लड़ाई हो या महामारी
13. Break with : दोस्ती समाप्त करना, आदत छोड़ना, सम्बन्ध विच्छेद करना
14. Break up : समाप्त होना, तितर-बितर हो जाना
15. Boil over : उफ़न पड़ना
16. Bring about : उत्पन्न करना
17. Bring under : वश में करना, नियंत्रण में करना
18. Bring round : होश में लाना
19. Bring down : गिराना, कम करना
20. Bring out : प्रकट या प्रकाशित करना
21. Bring up : पालन पोषण करना, पढ़ाना- लिखाना
22. Bring forth : उत्पन्न करना
23. Burn down : जलाकर बर्बाद कर देना, जलकर बर्बाद होना
24. Burn away : बर्बाद हो जाना
25. Burn out : बुझ जाना
26. Burn up : धधकना
27. Burst in : बाधा डालना
28. Burst in/on : अचानक आ जाना
29. Build on/Upon : निर्भर करना
30. Build up : जमना, बढ़ना
31. Build up : धीरे-धीरे बनाना, हासिल करना
32. Brush away : हटा देना, भगा देना
33. Brush aside : ध्यान न देना, उपेक्षा करना
34. Back down : दावा छोड़ देना
35. Back off : दावा छोड़ देना
36. Bail out : जमानत देना
37. Bargain with : सौदा करना

Black Book of English Vocabulary

19 Feb, 01:31

One Word Substitution

• Fear of height – Acrophobia (ऊंचाई से डरना)

• Fear of water –hydrophobia (पानी से डरना)

• Fear of public places. large or open places – Agoraphobia (public place से डर लगना)

• Fear of crowd -Demophobia (लोगों  से डर)

• Fear of women – Gynophobia(महिलाओं से डर)

• Fear of book – Bibliophobia (किताबों से डर)

• Fear of being confined in a particular place –Claustrophobia (बंद आस्थानों से डर)

• Fear of foreigners
– Xenophobia (विदेशियों से डर)

• Fear of Depths – Bathophobia (गहराई से डर)

• Fear of Ugliness – Cacophobia (भद्देपन से डर)

• Fear of Beauty – Callophobia (सुन्दरता से डर)

• Fear of Colours – Chromophobia (रंगों से डर)

• Fear of Dogs – Cynophobia (कुत्तों से डर)

• Fear of fire – pyrophobia (आग से डर)

• Fear of trees – Dendrophobia (पेड़ों से डर)


• Killing of one’s father – Patricide (पिता की हत्या)

• Killing of one’s mother – Matricide (माता की हत्या)

• Killing of one’s parents – Parricide (माता-पिता की हत्या)

• Killing of one’s brother – Fratricide (भाई की हत्या)

• Killing of one’s sister – Sororicide (बहन की हत्या)

• Killing of one’s wife – Uxoricide (पत्नी की हत्या)

• Killing of one’s husband – Meriticide (पति की हत्या)

• Killing of one’s child – Filicide (अपने संतान की हत्या)

• Killing of infants – Infanticide (नवजात की हत्या)

• Killing of foets – Foeticide (भ्रूण की हत्या)

• Killing of a particular race of people –Genocide (विशेष जाति के लोगों की हत्या)

• Killing of a man – Homicide (मानव हत्या)

• Killing of a dog – Cannicide (कुत्ते की हत्या)

• Killing of a snake – Herpeticide (साँपों की हत्या)

• Killing of a king –Regicide (राजा की हत्या)

Black Book of English Vocabulary

18 Feb, 04:04

Previous Year Vocabulary

1. OUTRAGEOUS (Adj) : असुगम = Far-Fetched
Synonyms: Unlikely, Dubious
Antonyms: Realistic

2. COUNTER (Adj) : विरोध = Opposing
Synonyms: Opposed, Opposite
Antonyms: Complementary

3. COMPLICATION (Noun) : जटिल स्थिति = Complexity
Synonyms: Difficulty, Intricacy
Antonyms: Simplicity

4. UNPRECEDENTED (Adj) : अभूतपूर्व = Unparalleled
Synonyms: Unequalled, Unmatched
Antonyms: Normal

5. DELUGE (Noun) : सैलाब करना = Barrage
Synonyms: Volley, Flood
Antonyms: Trickle

6. EFFICACY (Noun) : प्रभावकारिता = Effectiveness
Synonyms: Success, Potency
Antonyms: Inefficacy

7. ILLUSTRIOUS (Adj) : शानदार = Eminent
Synonyms: Distinguished, Acclaimed
Antonyms: Unknown

8. AGGRESSIVE (Adj) : आक्रामक = Assertive
Synonyms: Forceful, Competitive
Antonyms: Submissive

9. PROPITIOUS (Adj) : अनुकूल = Favourable
Synonyms: Auspicious, Promising
Antonyms: Inauspicious

10. TRAGEDY (Noun) : त्रासदी = Disaster
Synonyms: Calamity, Catastrophe
Antonyms: Fortune

Black Book of English Vocabulary

15 Feb, 06:21

Handwritten Notes के लिए अभी Join करें : -


Black Book of English Vocabulary

15 Feb, 03:37

● Meaning ➩ Deprived of strength or vitality, poor

● Synonyms ➩ beggared, beggarly, broke, destitute, dirt-poor, down-and-out

● Meaning ➩ The quality of being kind and generous (उदारता)

● Synonyms ➩ bigheartedness, bountifulness, bounty, generousness

● Meaning ➩ escape from or avoid (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skilful or cunning way. (टलना)

● Synonyms ➩ avoid, evade, dodge, duck, circumvent

● Meaning ➩ say no to; deny or oppose. (इनकार करना)

● Synonyms ➩ deny, gainsay, contradict, refute

● Meaning ➩ able or likely to make mistakes. (त्रुटि करने वाला)

● Synonyms ➩ error-prone. erring, imperfect, flawed

● Meaning ➩ to do something or go somewhere very slowly, taking more time than is necessary. (सुस्ती में वक़्त गंवाना)

● Synonyms ➩ linger, dally, loiter, plod

● Meaning ➩ A general agreement, harmony (आम सहमति)

● Synonyms ➩ accord, agreement, concurrence, concurrency, unanimity, unison

● Meaning ➩ The area near or surrounding a particular place (आस-पास) 

● Synonyms ➩ backyard, environs, neighborhood, purlieus, vicinage

● Meaning ➩ Very large, massive (भारी)

● Synonyms ➩ astronomical, elephantine, enormous, bumper, colossal, cosmic

● Meaning ➩ Necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility 

● Synonyms ➩ compulsory, forced, imperative, involuntary, mandatory

Black Book of English Vocabulary

15 Feb, 03:37

Previous Year Vocabulary

1. TRIBUNAL [ N ] = न्यायाधिकरण = a court of justice

2. ACCEDE [ V ] = मान लेना = assent or agree to a demand, request, or treaty.

3. SOLICIT [ V ] = मांगना = ask for or try to obtain (something) from someone.

4. ENTITLE [ V ] = समर्थ बनाना = give (someone) a legal right or a just claim to receive or do something.

5. UNANIMOUS [ Adj ] = एकमत = (of two or more people) fully in agreement.

6. DISCOURSE [ N ] = बातचीत = written or spoken communication or debate.

7. TRANSACT [ V ] = चलाना = conduct or carry out (business).

8. EXCLUDE [ V ] = निकालना = deny (someone) access to or bar (someone) from a place, group, or privilege.

9. APPARENT [ Adj ] = स्पष्ट = clearly visible or understood; obvious.

10. QUASI JUDICIAL = अर्ध न्यायिक

11. ABSOLVE [ V ] = दोषमुक्त करना = set or declare (someone) free from blame, guilt, or responsibility.

12. INFER [ V ] = अनुमान करना , निष्कर्ष करना = deduce or conclude (information) from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements.

13. DISCLOSURE [ N ] = भेद खोलना = the action of making new or secret information known.

14. DISSENT [ N ] = मतभेद = the expression or holding of opinions at variance with those previously, commonly, or officially held.

15. INVASIVE [ Adj ] = तेजी से फैलने वाला = invading

Black Book of English Vocabulary

14 Feb, 02:33

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary

1. APPARENT [ Adj ] = स्पष्ट = clearly visible or understood; obvious.

2. DEFINITIVE [ Adj ] = निर्णायक = (of a conclusion or agreement) done or reached decisively and with authority.

3. INFLECTION [ N ] = मोड़

4. HEGEMON [ N ] = a supreme leader.

5. ENDORSEMENT [ N ] = समर्थन = an act of giving one's public approval or support to someone or something.

6. IMPRINT [ V ] = छाप = impress or stamp (a mark or outline) on a surface or body.

7. FOLLY [ N ] = मूर्खता = lack of good sense; foolishness.

8. OUTLIVE [ V ] = जीवित रहना = (of a person) live longer than (another person).

9. FOREBEARS [ N ] = पूर्वजों = an ancestor.

10. RECESS [ N ] = अवकाश = a period of time when the proceedings of a parliament, committee, court of law, or other official body are temporarily suspended.

11. TEMPER [ N ] = स्वभाव = a person's state of mind seen in terms of their being angry or calm.

12. DERISION [ N ] = उपहास = contemptuous ridicule or mockery.

13. PROPONENT [ N ] = समर्थक = a person who advocates a theory, proposal, or project.

14. VERDICT [ N ] = निर्णय = a decision on a disputed issue in a civil or criminal case or an inquest.

15. DISMANTLE [ V ] = take (a machine or structure) to pieces.

16. ELITE [ N ] = a select part of a group that is superior to the rest in terms of ability or qualities

17. SCEPTICISM [ N ] = संदेहवाद = doubt as to the truth of something.

18. GOBBLE [ V ] = हडप जाना = eat (something) hurriedly and noisily.

19. UPEND [ V ] = समाप्त कर देना = set or turn (something) on its end or upside down.

20. USURP [ V ] = हड़पना = take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force.

21. FIEFDOMS [ N ] = जागीर

22. SWEAR [ V ] = सौगंध खाना = make a solemn statement or promise undertaking to do something or affirming that something is the case.

23. UNANIMOUS [ Adj ] = एकमत = (of two or more people) fully in agreement.

Black Book of English Vocabulary

13 Feb, 06:29

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Black Book of English Vocabulary

29 Jan, 09:59

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Black Book of English Vocabulary

29 Jan, 06:22

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary

1. DISCLOSURE (Noun) : प्रकटीकरण = Revelation
Synonyms: Divulgence, Declaration
Antonyms: Concealment

2. ADHERE (Verb) : पालन करना = Abide by
Synonyms: Stick to, Hold to
Antonyms: Flout, Ignore

3. FIAT (Noun) : व्यवस्थापत्र = Edict
Synonyms: Order, Command
Antonyms: Denial,Disapproval

4. CONTEMPORARY (Adj) : समकालीन = Present
Synonyms: Modern, Present-day
Antonyms: Old-fashioned, Out of date

5. PROPONENT (Noun) : समर्थक = Supporter
Synonyms:Upholder, Exponent
Antonyms: Opponent

6. ELUDE (Verb) : बचना = Evade
Synonyms: Avoid, Dodge
Antonyms: Be caught by

7. OUTLAY (Noun) : व्यय = Expenditure
Synonyms: Expenses, Spending
Antonyms: Income

8. PINNACLE (Noun) : शिखर = Peak
Synonyms: Height, Summit
Antonyms: Nadir, Trough

9. DELINEATE (Verb) : चित्रित करना = Set out
Synonyms: Describe, Set forth
Antonyms: Confuse, Twist

10. COERCIVE (Adj) : बलपूर्वक = Persistent
Synonyms: Insistent, Pressing
Antonyms: Powerless

Black Book of English Vocabulary

28 Jan, 01:29

● The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.

1. DIM (ADJECTIVE): (अस्पष्ट): indistinct 
Synonyms: ill-defined, unclear 
Antonyms: distinct 
Example Sentence: 
There was a dim figure in the dark kitchen.indistinct 

2. CONVENE (VERB): (बुलाना): summon 
Synonyms: call, order 
Antonyms: disperse 
Example Sentence: 
He had convened a secret meeting of military personnel. 

3. SCANDALIZE (VERB): (अपमानित करना): shock 
Synonyms: appal, outrage 
Antonyms: impress 
Example Sentence: 
Their lack of manners scandalized their hosts. 

4. GENEROSITY (VERB): (प्रचुरता): abundance 
Synonyms: amplitude, richness 
Antonyms: dearth 
Example Sentence: 
Diners certainly cannot complain about the generosity of portions. 

5. SURREAL (ADJECTIVE): (अवास्तविक): unreal 
Synonyms: bizarre, unusual 
Antonyms: real 
Example Sentence: 
He studied the surreal imagery of the situation. 

6. RECURRENT (ADJECTIVE): (आवर्तक): repeated 
Synonyms: recurring, repetitive 
Antonyms: isolated 
Example Sentence: 
She had a recurrent dream about falling. 

7. RESUMPTION (NOUN): (पुनरारंभ): restart 
Synonyms: restarting, reopening 
Antonyms: suspension 
Example Sentence: 
Resumption of peace talks is expected soon. 

8. LATENT (ADJECTIVE): (निष्क्रिय): dormant 
Synonyms: quiescent, inactive 
Antonyms: manifest 
Example Sentence:
They have a huge reserve of latent talent. 

9. FORGO (VERB): (त्यागना): do without 
Synonyms: go without, give up 
Antonyms: keep 
Example Sentence: 
I'll forgo dessert tonight—I'm trying to lose weight. 

10. AFFLUENT (ADJECTIVE): (धनी): wealthy 
Synonyms: rich, prosperous 
Antonyms: poor 
Example Sentence: 
I reside in an affluent neighbourhood.

Black Book of English Vocabulary

27 Jan, 18:33

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Black Book of English Vocabulary

27 Jan, 15:36

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Black Book of English Vocabulary

27 Jan, 10:39


▪️The killing of dogs -
Canicide  (कुत्तो की हत्या)

▪️The killing of one's brother -  Fratricide (भाई की हत्या)

▪️The killing of one's children -  Filicide (बच्चो की हत्या)

▪️The killing of a race of people -  Genocide (किसी जाति का सामूहिक संहार)

▪️The killing of germs - 
Germicide (कीटनाशक)

▪️The killing of human being -  Homicide (मानव हत्या)

▪️The killing of snakes -
 Herpeticide (सापो की हत्या)

▪️The killing of one's mother - Matricide (मातृ हत्या)

▪️The killing of one's infant - Infanticide (नवजात शिशु की हत्या)

▪️The killing of one's parents - Parricide (माता-पिता की हत्या)

▪️The killing of one's father - Patricide ( पितृ हत्या)

▪️The killing of king
- Regicide (राजहत्या)

▪️The killing of oneself
- Suicide (आत्महत्या)

▪️The killing of one's sister - Sororicide (बहन की हत्या)

▪️The killing of one's wife - Uxoricide (पत्नी हत्या)

Black Book of English Vocabulary

27 Jan, 04:02

One Word Substitution related to Types of Fear

🟢One Word ➺ Ecophobia
Meaning ➺ Fear of home surroundings

🟢One Word ➺ Zoophobia
Meaning ➺ Fear of animals

🟢One Word ➺ Claustrophobia
Meaning ➺ Fear of closed space

🟢One Word ➺ Hydrophobia
Meaning ➺ Fear of Water

🟢One Word ➺ Bibliophobia
Meaning ➺ Fear of books

🟢One Word ➺ Xenophobia
Meaning ➺ Fear or dislike of foreigners

🟢One Word ➺ Necrophobia
Meaning ➺ Fear of dead body

🟢One Word ➺ Aerophobia
Meaning ➺ Fear of height

🟢One Word ➺ Ophiophobia
Meaning ➺ Fear of snakes

🟢One Word ➺ Syngenesophobia
Meaning ➺ Fear of relatives

🟢One Word ➺ Nomophobia
Meaning ➺ Fear of being without your mobile phone

Black Book of English Vocabulary

26 Jan, 14:00

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Black Book of English Vocabulary

26 Jan, 01:34

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Black Book of English Vocabulary

26 Jan, 01:29

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary

1. APPARENT [ Adj ] = स्पष्ट = clearly visible or understood; obvious.

2. DEFINITIVE [ Adj ] = निर्णायक = (of a conclusion or agreement) done or reached decisively and with authority.

3. INFLECTION [ N ] = मोड़

4. HEGEMON [ N ] = a supreme leader.

5. ENDORSEMENT [ N ] = समर्थन = an act of giving one's public approval or support to someone or something.

6. IMPRINT [ V ] = छाप = impress or stamp (a mark or outline) on a surface or body.

7. FOLLY [ N ] = मूर्खता = lack of good sense; foolishness.

8. OUTLIVE [ V ] = जीवित रहना = (of a person) live longer than (another person).

9. FOREBEARS [ N ] = पूर्वजों = an ancestor.

10. RECESS [ N ] = अवकाश = a period of time when the proceedings of a parliament, committee, court of law, or other official body are temporarily suspended.

11. TEMPER [ N ] = स्वभाव = a person's state of mind seen in terms of their being angry or calm.

12. DERISION [ N ] = उपहास = contemptuous ridicule or mockery.

13. PROPONENT [ N ] = समर्थक = a person who advocates a theory, proposal, or project.

14. VERDICT [ N ] = निर्णय = a decision on a disputed issue in a civil or criminal case or an inquest.

15. DISMANTLE [ V ] = take (a machine or structure) to pieces.

16. ELITE [ N ] = a select part of a group that is superior to the rest in terms of ability or qualities

17. SCEPTICISM [ N ] = संदेहवाद = doubt as to the truth of something.

18. GOBBLE [ V ] = हडप जाना = eat (something) hurriedly and noisily.

19. UPEND [ V ] = समाप्त कर देना = set or turn (something) on its end or upside down.

20. USURP [ V ] = हड़पना = take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force.

21. FIEFDOMS [ N ] = जागीर

22. SWEAR [ V ] = सौगंध खाना = make a solemn statement or promise undertaking to do something or affirming that something is the case.

23. UNANIMOUS [ Adj ] = एकमत = (of two or more people) fully in agreement.

Black Book of English Vocabulary

24 Jan, 01:34

One Word Substitution related to Study

🟢One Word ➺ Aviation
Meaning ➺ Study of flying aero planes

🟢One Word ➺ Astronomy
Study of celestial bodies

🟢One Word ➺ Alchemy
Meaning ➺ The ancient search for a universal panacea, and of the philosopher’s stone.
The medieval version of the study of Chemistry

🟢One Word ➺ Acoustics
Meaning ➺ Study of sound and sound waves

🟢One Word ➺ Anthropology
Meaning ➺ The study of the evolution of mankind

🟢One Word ➺ Astronomy
Meaning ➺ Study of Stars

🟢One Word ➺ Botany
Meaning ➺ The study of plants

🟢One Word ➺ Biology
Meaning ➺ Study of Living Things

🟢One Word ➺ Calligraphy
Meaning ➺ Art related to ornate, good handwriting

🟢One Word ➺ Chronology
Meaning ➺ The science of time order

🟢One Word ➺ Demography
Meaning ➺ The study of statistics

🟢One Word ➺ Entomology
Meaning ➺ Study of science of insects

🟢One Word ➺ Ecology
Meaning ➺ Study of the relation between the organism and their environment

🟢One Word ➺ Genetics
Meaning ➺ Study of hereditary, genes and variation in living organisms

🟢One Word ➺ Geology
Meaning ➺ The study of rocks and soil

🟢One Word ➺ Geography
Meaning ➺ Mapping of earth and its formation

🟢One Word ➺ Graphology
Meaning ➺ Study of handwriting

🟢One Word ➺ Gerontology
Meaning ➺ Study of various aspects of ageing

🟢One Word ➺ Hydraulics
Meaning ➺ Study of the law of the flow of water and other liquids

🟢One Word ➺ Lexicography
Meaning ➺ The practice of writing dictionaries

🟢One Word ➺ Numismatics
Meaning ➺ Study of collection of coins, tokens, paper money etc.

🟢One Word ➺ Ornithology
Meaning ➺ Study of birds

🟢One Word ➺ Philology
Meaning ➺ The study of languages

🟢One Word ➺ Palaeography
Meaning ➺ The study of ancient writing and scriptures

🟢One Word ➺ Psychology
Meaning ➺ The study of Human Mind

🟢One Word ➺ Psephology
Meaning ➺ Study of election trends

🟢One Word ➺ Theology
Meaning ➺ Study of religion

Black Book of English Vocabulary

23 Jan, 04:11

One Word Substitution related to Things, Events & Places

🟢One Word ➺ Solarium
Meaning ➺ A place for the sun to enter where one can sunbath

🟢One Word ➺ Aquarium
Meaning ➺ A glass container in which fish and other water animals can be kept

🟢One Word ➺ Podium
Meaning ➺ A place for feet or a speaker's platform

🟢One Word ➺ Auditorium
Meaning ➺ The part of a theatre where people who are watching and listening sit

🟢One Word ➺ Planetarium
Meaning ➺ An optical device for projecting various celestial images and effects

🟢One Word ➺ Sanatorium
Meaning ➺ An establishment for the treatment of the chronically ill

🟢One Word ➺ Museum
Meaning ➺ A place where objects are exhibited

🟢One Word ➺ Deciduous
Meaning ➺ Trees whose leaves fall every autumn

🟢One Word ➺ Incident
Meaning ➺ That which falls upon befalls happens

🟢One Word ➺ Accident
Meaning ➺ That which falls to someone or something

🟢One Word ➺ Occidental
Meaning ➺ That which falls on the western countries

🟢One Word ➺ Alma Mater
Meaning ➺ The school or college one attends

🟢One Word ➺ Automobile
Meaning ➺ A self-moving vehicle

🟢One Word ➺ Automatic
Meaning ➺ A machine that functions by itself

🟢One Word ➺ Perambulator
Meaning ➺ A baby carriage

🟢One Word ➺ Ambulance
Meaning ➺ A carriage for sick people

Black Book of English Vocabulary

22 Jan, 03:13

Previous Year Vocabulary

1. NASCENT (Adj) : नवजात = Budding
Synonyms: Growing, Developing
Antonyms: Developed, Mature

2. COVERT (Adj) : गुप्त = Hidden
Synonyms: Undercover, Secret
Antonyms: Open, Known

3. PROXIMITY (Noun) : निकटता = Closeness
Synonyms: Nearness, Presence
Antonyms: Distance

4. BOTTLENECK (Noun) : बाधा = Jam
Synonyms: Barrier, Hindrance
Antonyms: Aid, Assistance

5. DETRIMENTAL (Adj) : हानिकारक = Dangerous
Synonyms:Harmful, Hurtful
Antonyms: Benign, Beneficial

6. ONSLAUGHT (Noun) : हमला = Attack
Synonyms: Assault, Onset
Antonyms: Defense, Repulsion

7. SPURT (Noun) : उछाल = Spray
Synonyms: Squirt, Spout
Antonyms: Contain

8. DEFILE (Verb) : अपवित्र करना = Corrupt
Synonyms: Degrade, Desecrate
Antonyms: Honour, Praise

9. DECREE (Noun) : हुक्मनामा = Order
Synonyms: Edict command
Antonyms: Hint, Suggestion

10. VERBOSE (Adj) : वाचाल = Wordy
Synonyms: Gabby, Circumlocutory
Antonyms: Concise, Succinct

Black Book of English Vocabulary

21 Jan, 12:44

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Black Book of English Vocabulary

21 Jan, 01:32

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary

1. DISENGAGE [ V ] = छुड़ाना = separate or release (someone or something) from something to which they are attached or connected.

2. FORECAST [ N ] = पूर्वानुमान = a prediction or estimate of future events, especially coming weather or a financial trend.

3. DEFICIT [ N ] = कमी = the amount by which something, especially a sum of money, is too small.

4. BOUNTY [ N ] = इनाम = a monetary gift or reward, typically given by a government, in particular.

5. ERRATIC [ Adj ] = अनियमित = not even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable.

6. CRUCIAL [ Adj ] = महत्वपूर्ण = decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of something.

7. INSIGHTS [ N ] = अंतर्दृष्टि = the capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing.

8. SUSTAINED [ Adj ] = निरंतर = continuing for an extended period or without interruption.

9. PURSUE [ V ] = पीछा करना = follow (someone or something) in order to catch or attack them.

10. EFFICIENCY [ N ] = क्षमता = the state or quality of being efficient.

11. IMPERATIVE [ Adj ] = अनिवार्य = of vital importance; crucial.

12. INTERVENTION [ N ] = हस्तक्षेप = the action or process of intervening.

13. SUPPRESS [ V ] = दबाना = forcibly put an end to.

14. DISPERSE [ V ] = फैलाना = distribute or spread over a wide area.

15. BIOMASS [ N ] = the total mass of organisms in a given area or volume.

16. PRESERVE [ V ] = रक्षा करना = maintain (something) in its original or existing state.

17. MANDATORY [ Adj ] = अनिवार्य = required by law or rules; compulsory.

18. COMMODITY [ N ] = वस्तु = a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee.

19. DEPLORABLE [ Adj ] = खेदजनक = deserving strong condemnation.

20. INDIFFERENCE [ N ] =उदासीनता = lack of interest, concern, or sympathy.

21. VITAL [ Adj ] = महत्वपूर्ण = absolutely necessary or important; essential.

22. DEVOID [ Adj ] = वंचित = entirely lacking or free from.

Black Book of English Vocabulary

20 Jan, 01:29

🎯 ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɴᴅᴜ ᴠᴏᴄᴀʙᴜʟᴀʀʏ

1.DISMAL (ADJECTIVE): (शोकयुक्त): gloomy
Synonyms: glum mournful
Antonyms: cheerful
Example Sentence:
His dismal mood was not dispelled by finding the house empty.

2.VIGOROUS (ADJECTIVE): (ज़ोरदार): strenuous
Synonyms: powerful, potent
Antonyms: weak
Example Sentence:
It is said that vigorous exercise increases oxygen consumption.

3.LABYRINTHINE (ADJECTIVE): (जटिल): complicated
Synonyms: intricate, complex
Antonyms: straightforward
Example Sentence:
The film was filled with labyrinthine plots and counterplots.

4.DINGY (ADJECTIVE): (अंधकारमय): gloomy
Synonyms: drab, dark
Antonyms: bright
Example Sentence:
In my city, there are dingy alleys, the sun doesn’t shine and the air is foul.

5.EXPEDIENT (ADJECTIVE): (फ़ायदेमंद): convenient
Synonyms: advantageous, useful
Antonyms: inexpedient
Example Sentence:
Either side could break the agreement if it were expedient to do so.

6.EXPEDITE (VERB): (जल्दी करना): speed up
Synonyms: accelerate, hurry
Antonyms: delay
Example Sentence:
I expedited the completion of my report.

7.JUBILATION (NOUN): (आनंद): joy
Synonyms: exultation, triumph
Antonyms: despondency
Example Sentence:
We all witnessed unbelievable scenes of jubilation.

8.CRAMP (VERB): (बाधा डालना): hinder
Synonyms: impede, inhibit
Antonyms: facilitate
Example Sentence:
Tighter rules cramp economic growth.

9.ABEYANCE (NOUN): (निलम्बन): suspension
Synonyms: suspense, remission
Antonyms: in hand
Example Sentence:
Matters were held in abeyance pending further enquiries.

10.FUEL (VERB): (बढ़ावा देना): stimulate
Synonyms: boost, encourage
Antonyms: dampen
Example Sentence:
His resignation fuelled speculation of an imminent cabinet reshuffle.

Black Book of English Vocabulary

19 Jan, 05:08

● Meaning ➩ impossible to understand or interpret.

● Synonyms ➩ enigmatic, unreadable, mysterious, cryptic, unemotional

● Meaning ➩ irritate or annoy (someone).

● Synonyms ➩ vex, bother, gall, infuriate, displease, pique

● Meaning ➩ clothes, especially formal clothes worn on an important occasion.

● Synonyms ➩ attire, vesture, garments, costume, clothing

● Meaning ➩ in very small amounts (किफायत से, संयम से)

● Synonyms ➩ moderately, meagrely, cautiously, frugality, rarely

● Meaning ➩ disappointed and annoyed (निराश और रुष्ट)

● Synonyms ➩ dissatisfied, resentful, malcontent, angry, grumpy, aggravated

● Meaning ➩ having a lot of problems or criticism to deal with

● Synonyms ➩ troubled, harassed, plagued, tormented

● Meaning ➩ lack of agreement or harmony between people or things. (मतभेद)

● Synonyms ➩ disparity, incongruity, difference

● Meaning ➩ revoke or annul (a law or act of parliament). (रद्द करना)

● Synonyms ➩ annul, rescind, nullify, abolish, quash.

● Meaning ➩  a person fighting against the government or armed forces of their own country (विद्रोही, बाग़ी)

● Synonyms ➩ rebel, mutineer, anarchist, agitator.

● Meaning ➩ to officially charge somebody with a crime (अभियोग लगाना)

● Synonyms ➩ prosecute, summon, charge, Arraign.

● Meaning ➩ continuously strong, not becoming weaker or stopping. (अडिग)

● Synonyms ➩  implacable, inflexible, relentless, determined

Black Book of English Vocabulary

18 Jan, 14:31

📚 Download Free NCERT Book 📚

Black Book of English Vocabulary

18 Jan, 14:31

Today's Quiz : Fixed Preposition👇

Black Book of English Vocabulary

18 Jan, 12:02

आपको किस मीडियम में नोट्स चाहिए?

Black Book of English Vocabulary

18 Jan, 01:29

● Meaning ➩ Deprived of strength or vitality, poor

● Synonyms ➩ beggared, beggarly, broke, destitute, dirt-poor, down-and-out

● Meaning ➩ The quality of being kind and generous (उदारता)

● Synonyms ➩ bigheartedness, bountifulness, bounty, generousness

● Meaning ➩ escape from or avoid (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skilful or cunning way. (टलना)

● Synonyms ➩ avoid, evade, dodge, duck, circumvent

● Meaning ➩ say no to; deny or oppose. (इनकार करना)

● Synonyms ➩ deny, gainsay, contradict, refute

● Meaning ➩ able or likely to make mistakes. (त्रुटि करने वाला)

● Synonyms ➩ error-prone. erring, imperfect, flawed

● Meaning ➩ to do something or go somewhere very slowly, taking more time than is necessary. (सुस्ती में वक़्त गंवाना)

● Synonyms ➩ linger, dally, loiter, plod

● Meaning ➩ A general agreement, harmony (आम सहमति)

● Synonyms ➩ accord, agreement, concurrence, concurrency, unanimity, unison

● Meaning ➩ The area near or surrounding a particular place (आस-पास) 

● Synonyms ➩ backyard, environs, neighborhood, purlieus, vicinage

● Meaning ➩ Very large, massive (भारी)

● Synonyms ➩ astronomical, elephantine, enormous, bumper, colossal, cosmic

● Meaning ➩ Necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility 

● Synonyms ➩ compulsory, forced, imperative, involuntary, mandatory

Black Book of English Vocabulary

16 Jan, 04:24

One Word Substitution related to Study

🟢One Word ➺ Aviation
Meaning ➺ Study of flying aero planes

🟢One Word ➺ Astronomy
Study of celestial bodies

🟢One Word ➺ Alchemy
Meaning ➺ The ancient search for a universal panacea, and of the philosopher’s stone.
The medieval version of the study of Chemistry

🟢One Word ➺ Acoustics
Meaning ➺ Study of sound and sound waves

🟢One Word ➺ Anthropology
Meaning ➺ The study of the evolution of mankind

🟢One Word ➺ Astronomy
Meaning ➺ Study of Stars

🟢One Word ➺ Botany
Meaning ➺ The study of plants

🟢One Word ➺ Biology
Meaning ➺ Study of Living Things

🟢One Word ➺ Calligraphy
Meaning ➺ Art related to ornate, good handwriting

🟢One Word ➺ Chronology
Meaning ➺ The science of time order

🟢One Word ➺ Demography
Meaning ➺ The study of statistics

🟢One Word ➺ Entomology
Meaning ➺ Study of science of insects

🟢One Word ➺ Ecology
Meaning ➺ Study of the relation between the organism and their environment

🟢One Word ➺ Genetics
Meaning ➺ Study of hereditary, genes and variation in living organisms

🟢One Word ➺ Geology
Meaning ➺ The study of rocks and soil

🟢One Word ➺ Geography
Meaning ➺ Mapping of earth and its formation

🟢One Word ➺ Graphology
Meaning ➺ Study of handwriting

🟢One Word ➺ Gerontology
Meaning ➺ Study of various aspects of ageing

🟢One Word ➺ Hydraulics
Meaning ➺ Study of the law of the flow of water and other liquids

🟢One Word ➺ Lexicography
Meaning ➺ The practice of writing dictionaries

🟢One Word ➺ Numismatics
Meaning ➺ Study of collection of coins, tokens, paper money etc.

🟢One Word ➺ Ornithology
Meaning ➺ Study of birds

🟢One Word ➺ Philology
Meaning ➺ The study of languages

🟢One Word ➺ Palaeography
Meaning ➺ The study of ancient writing and scriptures

🟢One Word ➺ Psychology
Meaning ➺ The study of Human Mind

🟢One Word ➺ Psephology
Meaning ➺ Study of election trends

🟢One Word ➺ Theology
Meaning ➺ Study of religion

Black Book of English Vocabulary

15 Jan, 03:21

Previous Year Vocabulary

1. OUTRAGEOUS (Adj) : असुगम = Far-Fetched
Synonyms: Unlikely, Dubious
Antonyms: Realistic

2. COUNTER (Adj) : विरोध = Opposing
Synonyms: Opposed, Opposite
Antonyms: Complementary

3. COMPLICATION (Noun) : जटिल स्थिति = Complexity
Synonyms: Difficulty, Intricacy
Antonyms: Simplicity

4. UNPRECEDENTED (Adj) : अभूतपूर्व = Unparalleled
Synonyms: Unequalled, Unmatched
Antonyms: Normal

5. DELUGE (Noun) : सैलाब करना = Barrage
Synonyms: Volley, Flood
Antonyms: Trickle

6. EFFICACY (Noun) : प्रभावकारिता = Effectiveness
Synonyms: Success, Potency
Antonyms: Inefficacy

7. ILLUSTRIOUS (Adj) : शानदार = Eminent
Synonyms: Distinguished, Acclaimed
Antonyms: Unknown

8. AGGRESSIVE (Adj) : आक्रामक = Assertive
Synonyms: Forceful, Competitive
Antonyms: Submissive

9. PROPITIOUS (Adj) : अनुकूल = Favourable
Synonyms: Auspicious, Promising
Antonyms: Inauspicious

10. TRAGEDY (Noun) : त्रासदी = Disaster
Synonyms: Calamity, Catastrophe
Antonyms: Fortune

Black Book of English Vocabulary

14 Jan, 01:33

● The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.

1. DIM (ADJECTIVE): (अस्पष्ट): indistinct 
Synonyms: ill-defined, unclear 
Antonyms: distinct 
Example Sentence: 
There was a dim figure in the dark kitchen.indistinct 

2. CONVENE (VERB): (बुलाना): summon 
Synonyms: call, order 
Antonyms: disperse 
Example Sentence: 
He had convened a secret meeting of military personnel. 

3. SCANDALIZE (VERB): (अपमानित करना): shock 
Synonyms: appal, outrage 
Antonyms: impress 
Example Sentence: 
Their lack of manners scandalized their hosts. 

4. GENEROSITY (VERB): (प्रचुरता): abundance 
Synonyms: amplitude, richness 
Antonyms: dearth 
Example Sentence: 
Diners certainly cannot complain about the generosity of portions. 

5. SURREAL (ADJECTIVE): (अवास्तविक): unreal 
Synonyms: bizarre, unusual 
Antonyms: real 
Example Sentence: 
He studied the surreal imagery of the situation. 

6. RECURRENT (ADJECTIVE): (आवर्तक): repeated 
Synonyms: recurring, repetitive 
Antonyms: isolated 
Example Sentence: 
She had a recurrent dream about falling. 

7. RESUMPTION (NOUN): (पुनरारंभ): restart 
Synonyms: restarting, reopening 
Antonyms: suspension 
Example Sentence: 
Resumption of peace talks is expected soon. 

8. LATENT (ADJECTIVE): (निष्क्रिय): dormant 
Synonyms: quiescent, inactive 
Antonyms: manifest 
Example Sentence:
They have a huge reserve of latent talent. 

9. FORGO (VERB): (त्यागना): do without 
Synonyms: go without, give up 
Antonyms: keep 
Example Sentence: 
I'll forgo dessert tonight—I'm trying to lose weight. 

10. AFFLUENT (ADJECTIVE): (धनी): wealthy 
Synonyms: rich, prosperous 
Antonyms: poor 
Example Sentence: 
I reside in an affluent neighbourhood.

Black Book of English Vocabulary

13 Jan, 05:50

One Word Substitution Related to Likes and Dislikes

🟢One Word ➺ Sycophant
Meaning ➺ One who is a boot licker, flatterer

🟢One Word ➺ Gourmet
Meaning ➺ One who has keen interest in food and drinks

🟢One Word ➺ Philanthropy
Meaning ➺ Love for mankind

🟢One Word ➺ Bibliophile
Meaning ➺ Someone who loves collecting books

🟢One Word ➺ Anglophile
Meaning ➺ One who loves and admires the British

🟢One Word ➺ Philanderer
Meaning ➺ One who loves without seriousness

🟢One Word ➺ Philogyny
Meaning ➺ Fondness towards women

🟢One Word ➺ Androphile
Meaning ➺ One who loves men

🟢One Word ➺ Philosopher
Meaning ➺ One who loves wisdom (hence pursues it)

🟢One Word ➺ Misandrist
Meaning ➺ One who hates men

🟢One Word ➺ Andromania
Meaning ➺ Madness or obsession with males

🟢One Word ➺ Misogynist
Meaning ➺ One who hates women

🟢One Word ➺ Misanthropist
Meaning ➺ One who hates mankind

🟢One Word ➺ Patriot
Meaning ➺ One who loves his country

🟢One Word ➺ Super patriotism
Meaning ➺ Excessive love for one's country

🟢One Word ➺ Misogamist
Meaning ➺ One who hates marriage

🟢One Word ➺ Loquacious
Meaning ➺ One who loves to speak

🟢One Word ➺ Antipathy
Meaning ➺ Strong, deep dislike

🟢One Word ➺ Sympathy
Meaning ➺ Simultaneously affected by similar feelings

🟢One Word ➺ Empathy
Meaning ➺ Mentally identifying oneself with other person or a thing

🟢One Word ➺ Pathetic
Meaning ➺ Something or someone makes you feel deep sadness or pity

Black Book of English Vocabulary

12 Jan, 07:08

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary

1. FORBEARANCE (Noun) : सहनशीलता = Patient self-control
Synonyms: Tolerance, Patience
Antonyms: Impatience

2. KUDOS (Noun) : प्रशंसा = Applause
Synonyms: Esteem, Praise
Antonyms: Dishonour, Denunciation

3. APATHY (Noun) : उदासीनता = Indifference
Synonyms: Unconcern, Passivity
Antonyms: Enthusiasm, Interest

4. CONVALESCE (Verb) : अच्छा हो जाना = Recover
Synonyms: Recuperate, Get well
Antonyms: Deteriorate

5. HERETIC (Noun) : नास्तिक = Schismatic
Synonyms: Apostate, Pagan
Antonyms: Believer, Follower

6. JOLT (Verb) : ऐंठना = Convulse
Synonyms: Disturb,Jar
Antonyms: Calm, Comfort

7. EXTRANEOUS (Adj) : अप्रासंगिक = Immaterial
Synonyms: Irrelevant, Beside the point
Antonyms: Material

8. UNCONSTITUTIONAL (Adj) : असंवैधानिक = Illegitimate
Synonyms: Illegal, Unauthorized
Antonyms: Legal

9. VERNACULAR (Noun) : मातृभाषा = Colloquial Speech
Synonyms: Jargon, Dialect
Antonyms: Latin

10. DISHEARTENING (Adj) : बेहद निराशाजनक = Saddening
Synonyms: Disheartening, Dispiriting
Antonyms: Encouraging, Cheering

Black Book of English Vocabulary

10 Jan, 14:26

100 Notes फ्री में WhatsApp पर लेने के लिए अभी Register करें


Black Book of English Vocabulary

10 Jan, 04:42

आपको किस Exam का Notes चाहिए?

Black Book of English Vocabulary

10 Jan, 04:36

One Word Substitution Related to Likes and Dislikes

🟢One Word ➺ Sycophant
Meaning ➺ One who is a boot licker, flatterer

🟢One Word ➺ Gourmet
Meaning ➺ One who has keen interest in food and drinks

🟢One Word ➺ Philanthropy
Meaning ➺ Love for mankind

🟢One Word ➺ Bibliophile
Meaning ➺ Someone who loves collecting books

🟢One Word ➺ Anglophile
Meaning ➺ One who loves and admires the British

🟢One Word ➺ Philanderer
Meaning ➺ One who loves without seriousness

🟢One Word ➺ Philogyny
Meaning ➺ Fondness towards women

🟢One Word ➺ Androphile
Meaning ➺ One who loves men

🟢One Word ➺ Philosopher
Meaning ➺ One who loves wisdom (hence pursues it)

🟢One Word ➺ Misandrist
Meaning ➺ One who hates men

🟢One Word ➺ Andromania
Meaning ➺ Madness or obsession with males

🟢One Word ➺ Misogynist
Meaning ➺ One who hates women

🟢One Word ➺ Misanthropist
Meaning ➺ One who hates mankind

🟢One Word ➺ Patriot
Meaning ➺ One who loves his country

🟢One Word ➺ Super patriotism
Meaning ➺ Excessive love for one's country

🟢One Word ➺ Misogamist
Meaning ➺ One who hates marriage

🟢One Word ➺ Loquacious
Meaning ➺ One who loves to speak

🟢One Word ➺ Antipathy
Meaning ➺ Strong, deep dislike

🟢One Word ➺ Sympathy
Meaning ➺ Simultaneously affected by similar feelings

🟢One Word ➺ Empathy
Meaning ➺ Mentally identifying oneself with other person or a thing

🟢One Word ➺ Pathetic
Meaning ➺ Something or someone makes you feel deep sadness or pity

Black Book of English Vocabulary

09 Jan, 05:04

🔴Important Idioms and Phrases starting with letter "A"

1. A Bee in one's bonnet
◾️किसी चीज़ के बारे में लगातार बात करते रहना

2. A bolt from the blue
◾️अचानक और अप्रत्याशित घटना

3. A close shave
◾️बाल - बाल बचना

4. A Cat and Dog life
◾️हमेशा झगड़ते रहने वाला जीवन

5. A chicken-hearted Person
◾️कायर व्यक्ति

6. A Dark Horse
◾️अप्रत्याशित विजेता

7. A cold shoulder
◾️उदासीनता का प्रदर्शन

8. A cog in the Machine
◾️कार्य के लिए आवश्यक लेकिन कम महत्व का

9. A close-fisted man
◾️पैसे देने या ख़र्च करने के लिए बहुत ही अनिच्छुक रहना

10. A chink in someone's armour
◾️किसी की कमजोरी

11. A hot potato
◾️एक विवादास्पद मुद्दा जो निपटने में कठिन है और बहुत ही असहमतियो से युक्त है

12. A good turn
◾️एक ऐसा कार्य जो किसी अन्य व्यक्ति से किसी तरह से लाभकारी है

13. A going concern
◾️लाभ कमाता हुआ व्यवसाय

14. A go-getter
◾️एक बेहद प्रेरित और महत्वाकांक्षी व्यक्ति

15. A fool's paradize
◾️हवाई महल

16. A feather in one's cap
◾️गर्व करने लायक उपलब्धि

17. A dime a dozen
◾️बहुत आम

18. A stone's throw of
◾️बहुत पास में

19. A sight for sore eyes
◾️आँख की ठण्डक

20. A red rag to a bull
◾️साँड़ को लाल कपड़ा दिकाने के समान

21. A queer fish
◾️सनकी व्यक्ति

22. A left-handed compliment
◾️प्रशंसा की आड़ में एक अपमान

23. A leap in the dark
◾️साहसिक कार्य

24. A jack of all trades
◾️कई अलग अलग क्षेत्रों में कुशल व्यक्ति

25. At the end of one's tether
◾️और ज्यादा कष्ट सहने में असमर्थ

26. A wild goose chase
◾️निरर्थक खोज

27. A taste of your own medicine
◾️जैसे को तैसा

28. A storm in a tea-cup
◾️बात का बतंगड़

29. A chip on your shoulder
◾️हर समय गुस्सा आना क्योंकि आपको लगता है कि आपके साथ गलत तरीके से व्यवहार किया गया है या आपको लगता है कि आप अन्य लोगों के समान उतना ही अच्छे नहीं हैं

30. A man of spirit
◾️साहसिक व्यक्ति

31. A man of straw
◾️एक कमजोर व्यक्ति

32. A man of parts
◾️कई अलग-अलग क्षेत्रों में महारथ वाला

33. A man of mettle
◾️दृढ़-संकल्प का व्यक्ति

34. A man of means
◾️अमीर आदमी

35. A man of letters
◾️साहित्यिक व्यक्ति

36. Aman of his words
◾️अपनी बात का पक्का

37. A man in a million
◾️लाखो में एक

Black Book of English Vocabulary

08 Jan, 11:57

आप क्या Download करना चाहते हैं ?

Black Book of English Vocabulary

08 Jan, 05:09

आपको किस Exam का Notes चाहिए?

Black Book of English Vocabulary

08 Jan, 01:30

🔴Important Idioms and Phrases starting with letter "A"

1. A Bee in one's bonnet
◾️किसी चीज़ के बारे में लगातार बात करते रहना

2. A bolt from the blue
◾️अचानक और अप्रत्याशित घटना

3. A close shave
◾️बाल - बाल बचना

4. A Cat and Dog life
◾️हमेशा झगड़ते रहने वाला जीवन

5. A chicken-hearted Person
◾️कायर व्यक्ति

6. A Dark Horse
◾️अप्रत्याशित विजेता

7. A cold shoulder
◾️उदासीनता का प्रदर्शन

8. A cog in the Machine
◾️कार्य के लिए आवश्यक लेकिन कम महत्व का

9. A close-fisted man
◾️पैसे देने या ख़र्च करने के लिए बहुत ही अनिच्छुक रहना

10. A chink in someone's armour
◾️किसी की कमजोरी

11. A hot potato
◾️एक विवादास्पद मुद्दा जो निपटने में कठिन है और बहुत ही असहमतियो से युक्त है

12. A good turn
◾️एक ऐसा कार्य जो किसी अन्य व्यक्ति से किसी तरह से लाभकारी है

13. A going concern
◾️लाभ कमाता हुआ व्यवसाय

14. A go-getter
◾️एक बेहद प्रेरित और महत्वाकांक्षी व्यक्ति

15. A fool's paradize
◾️हवाई महल

16. A feather in one's cap
◾️गर्व करने लायक उपलब्धि

17. A dime a dozen
◾️बहुत आम

18. A stone's throw of
◾️बहुत पास में

19. A sight for sore eyes
◾️आँख की ठण्डक

20. A red rag to a bull
◾️साँड़ को लाल कपड़ा दिकाने के समान

21. A queer fish
◾️सनकी व्यक्ति

22. A left-handed compliment
◾️प्रशंसा की आड़ में एक अपमान

23. A leap in the dark
◾️साहसिक कार्य

24. A jack of all trades
◾️कई अलग अलग क्षेत्रों में कुशल व्यक्ति

25. At the end of one's tether
◾️और ज्यादा कष्ट सहने में असमर्थ

26. A wild goose chase
◾️निरर्थक खोज

27. A taste of your own medicine
◾️जैसे को तैसा

28. A storm in a tea-cup
◾️बात का बतंगड़

29. A chip on your shoulder
◾️हर समय गुस्सा आना क्योंकि आपको लगता है कि आपके साथ गलत तरीके से व्यवहार किया गया है या आपको लगता है कि आप अन्य लोगों के समान उतना ही अच्छे नहीं हैं

30. A man of spirit
◾️साहसिक व्यक्ति

31. A man of straw
◾️एक कमजोर व्यक्ति

32. A man of parts
◾️कई अलग-अलग क्षेत्रों में महारथ वाला

33. A man of mettle
◾️दृढ़-संकल्प का व्यक्ति

34. A man of means
◾️अमीर आदमी

35. A man of letters
◾️साहित्यिक व्यक्ति

36. Aman of his words
◾️अपनी बात का पक्का

37. A man in a million
◾️लाखो में एक

Black Book of English Vocabulary

08 Jan, 01:30

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary

1. FORBEARANCE (Noun) : सहनशीलता = Patient self-control
Synonyms: Tolerance, Patience
Antonyms: Impatience

2. KUDOS (Noun) : प्रशंसा = Applause
Synonyms: Esteem, Praise
Antonyms: Dishonour, Denunciation

3. APATHY (Noun) : उदासीनता = Indifference
Synonyms: Unconcern, Passivity
Antonyms: Enthusiasm, Interest

4. CONVALESCE (Verb) : अच्छा हो जाना = Recover
Synonyms: Recuperate, Get well
Antonyms: Deteriorate

5. HERETIC (Noun) : नास्तिक = Schismatic
Synonyms: Apostate, Pagan
Antonyms: Believer, Follower

6. JOLT (Verb) : ऐंठना = Convulse
Synonyms: Disturb,Jar
Antonyms: Calm, Comfort

7. EXTRANEOUS (Adj) : अप्रासंगिक = Immaterial
Synonyms: Irrelevant, Beside the point
Antonyms: Material

8. UNCONSTITUTIONAL (Adj) : असंवैधानिक = Illegitimate
Synonyms: Illegal, Unauthorized
Antonyms: Legal

9. VERNACULAR (Noun) : मातृभाषा = Colloquial Speech
Synonyms: Jargon, Dialect
Antonyms: Latin

10. DISHEARTENING (Adj) : बेहद निराशाजनक = Saddening
Synonyms: Disheartening, Dispiriting
Antonyms: Encouraging, Cheering

Black Book of English Vocabulary

07 Jan, 13:45

【 Synonyms 】
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【 Antonyms 】
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【 Spelling 】
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【 One Word Substitution 】
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【 Preposition 】
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【 Sentence Improvement 】
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Black Book of English Vocabulary

07 Jan, 01:30

One Word Substitution related to Killing & Manias

🟢One Word ➺ Mariticide
Meaning ➺  The killing of one's husband

🟢One Word ➺ Parricide 
Meaning ➺ The killing of parents

🟢One Word ➺ Genocide 
Meaning ➺ The killing of a whole race

🟢One Word ➺ Infanticide 
Meaning ➺ The killing of a newborn child

🟢One Word ➺ Regicide 
Meaning ➺ The killing of a king

🟢One Word ➺ Homicide 
Meaning ➺ The killing of a human being

🟢One Word ➺ Suicide 
Meaning ➺ The killing of oneself

🟢One Word ➺ Patricide 
Meaning ➺ The killing of a father

🟢One Word ➺ Matricide 
Meaning ➺ The killing of a mother

🟢One Word ➺ Fratricide 
Meaning ➺ The killing of one's brother

🟢One Word ➺ Sororicide 
Meaning ➺ The killing of one's sister

🟢One Word ➺ Uxoricide 
Meaning ➺ The killing of one's wife

🟢One Word ➺ Dipsomania 
Meaning ➺ Morbid compulsion to keep on consuming alcohol

🟢One Word ➺ Kleptomania 
Meaning ➺ Morbid compulsion to steal

🟢One Word ➺ Bibliokleptomania 
Meaning ➺ Morbid compulsion to steal books

🟢One Word ➺ Pyromania 
Meaning ➺ Morbid compulsion to start a fire

🟢One Word ➺ Megalomania 
Meaning ➺ Morbid delusion of power, importance or godliness

🟢One Word ➺ Nymphomania 
Meaning ➺ Morbid, uncontrollable desire on the part of a woman

🟢One Word ➺ Satyromania 
Meaning ➺ Morbid, uncontrollable desire on the part of a man

🟢One Word ➺ Monomania 
Meaning ➺ A person with a one-track mind

🟢One Word ➺ Mythomania 
Meaning ➺ The compulsion to tell lies

🟢One Word ➺ Mania       
Meaning ➺ Madness with an obsession with something

Black Book of English Vocabulary

06 Jan, 03:21

Previous Year Vocabulary

1. PENURY (Noun) : दरिद्रता = Extreme Poverty
Synonyms: Impoverishment, Indigence
Antonyms: Wealth

2. ABRUPT (Adj) : आकस्मिक = Sudden
Synonyms: Immediate, Instantaneous
Antonyms: Gradual

3. FEASIBLE (Adj) : संभव = Practicable
Synonyms: Practical Workable
Antonyms: Impractical

4. DISMISS (Verb) : ख़ारिज करना = Banish
Synonyms: Set aside, Abandon
Antonyms: Entertain

5. NORM (Noun) : मानक = Standard
Synonyms: Usual, Normal
Antonyms: The exception.

6. JUDICIAL (Adj) : न्यायिक = Legal
Synonyms: Judiciary, Juridical
Antonyms: Illegal

7. SUMMON (Verb) : बुला भेजना = Send for
Synonyms: Call for, Ask for
Antonyms: Discharge

8. INDUCE (Verb) : मनाना = Persuade
Synonyms: Convince, Prompt
Antonyms: Dissuade

9. MANIFOLD (Adj) : अनेक = Many
Synonyms: Numerous, Multiple
Antonyms: Few

10. PERILOUS (Adj) : जोखिम का = Dangerous
Synonyms:Hazardous, Risky
Antonyms: Safe

Black Book of English Vocabulary

04 Jan, 12:24

आपको किस Exam का Notes चाहिए?

Black Book of English Vocabulary

04 Jan, 03:25

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary

1. APPARENT [ Adj ] = स्पष्ट = clearly visible or understood; obvious.

2. DEFINITIVE [ Adj ] = निर्णायक = (of a conclusion or agreement) done or reached decisively and with authority.

3. INFLECTION [ N ] = मोड़

4. HEGEMON [ N ] = a supreme leader.

5. ENDORSEMENT [ N ] = समर्थन = an act of giving one's public approval or support to someone or something.

6. IMPRINT [ V ] = छाप = impress or stamp (a mark or outline) on a surface or body.

7. FOLLY [ N ] = मूर्खता = lack of good sense; foolishness.

8. OUTLIVE [ V ] = जीवित रहना = (of a person) live longer than (another person).

9. FOREBEARS [ N ] = पूर्वजों = an ancestor.

10. RECESS [ N ] = अवकाश = a period of time when the proceedings of a parliament, committee, court of law, or other official body are temporarily suspended.

11. TEMPER [ N ] = स्वभाव = a person's state of mind seen in terms of their being angry or calm.

12. DERISION [ N ] = उपहास = contemptuous ridicule or mockery.

13. PROPONENT [ N ] = समर्थक = a person who advocates a theory, proposal, or project.

14. VERDICT [ N ] = निर्णय = a decision on a disputed issue in a civil or criminal case or an inquest.

15. DISMANTLE [ V ] = take (a machine or structure) to pieces.

16. ELITE [ N ] = a select part of a group that is superior to the rest in terms of ability or qualities

17. SCEPTICISM [ N ] = संदेहवाद = doubt as to the truth of something.

18. GOBBLE [ V ] = हडप जाना = eat (something) hurriedly and noisily.

19. UPEND [ V ] = समाप्त कर देना = set or turn (something) on its end or upside down.

20. USURP [ V ] = हड़पना = take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force.

21. FIEFDOMS [ N ] = जागीर

22. SWEAR [ V ] = सौगंध खाना = make a solemn statement or promise undertaking to do something or affirming that something is the case.

23. UNANIMOUS [ Adj ] = एकमत = (of two or more people) fully in agreement.

Black Book of English Vocabulary

03 Jan, 01:29

Previous Year Vocabulary

1. OUTRAGEOUS (Adj) : असुगम = Far-Fetched
Synonyms: Unlikely, Dubious
Antonyms: Realistic

2. COUNTER (Adj) : विरोध = Opposing
Synonyms: Opposed, Opposite
Antonyms: Complementary

3. COMPLICATION (Noun) : जटिल स्थिति = Complexity
Synonyms: Difficulty, Intricacy
Antonyms: Simplicity

4. UNPRECEDENTED (Adj) : अभूतपूर्व = Unparalleled
Synonyms: Unequalled, Unmatched
Antonyms: Normal

5. DELUGE (Noun) : सैलाब करना = Barrage
Synonyms: Volley, Flood
Antonyms: Trickle

6. EFFICACY (Noun) : प्रभावकारिता = Effectiveness
Synonyms: Success, Potency
Antonyms: Inefficacy

7. ILLUSTRIOUS (Adj) : शानदार = Eminent
Synonyms: Distinguished, Acclaimed
Antonyms: Unknown

8. AGGRESSIVE (Adj) : आक्रामक = Assertive
Synonyms: Forceful, Competitive
Antonyms: Submissive

9. PROPITIOUS (Adj) : अनुकूल = Favourable
Synonyms: Auspicious, Promising
Antonyms: Inauspicious

10. TRAGEDY (Noun) : त्रासदी = Disaster
Synonyms: Calamity, Catastrophe
Antonyms: Fortune

Black Book of English Vocabulary

02 Jan, 04:13

◆ Daily The Hindu Vocabulary ◆

1. TRANSITIONAL (ADJECTIVE): (माध्यमिक): Intermediate
Synonyms: Middle, Midway
Antonyms: Initial
Example Sentence:
A transitional government had been appointed.

2. EXPATRIATE (ADJECTIVE): (प्रवासी): Emigrant
Synonyms: Non-native, Displaced
Antonyms: Native
Example Sentence:
Expatriate workers were returning to their cities.

3. DIRECTIVE (NOUN): (निदेशात्मक): Instruction
Synonyms: Direction, Command
Antonyms: Lawlessness
Example Sentence:
A new EC directive has been forwarded for approval.

4. OUTLAW (VERB): (गैरकानूनी घोषित करना): Ban
Synonyms: Bar prohibit
Antonyms: Permit
Example Sentence:
Secondary picketing has finally been outlawed.

5. DISASTROUS (ADJECTIVE): (उत्पातक): Catastrophic
Synonyms: Calamitous, Cataclysmic
Antonyms: Fortunate
Example Sentence:
A disastrous fire swept through the museum.

6. ISOLATION (NOUN): (एकांत): Separation
Synonyms: Segregation, Quarantine
Antonyms: Contact
Example Sentence:
Isolation from family and friends may also contribute to anxiety.

7. RIGOROUS (ADJECTIVE): (सख्त): Strict
Synonyms: Severe, Stern
Antonyms: Lax
Example Sentence:
Rigorous controls on mergers are needed.

8. SPARK (VERB): (बढ़ावा देना): Give rise to
Synonyms: Cause, Set in motion
Antonyms: Bring to an end
Example Sentence:
The trial sparked a furious row.

9. MANDATORY (ADJECTIVE): (अनिवार्य): Obligatory
Synonyms: Compulsory, Binding
Antonyms: Optional
Example Sentence:
Wearing helmets was made mandatory for pedal cyclists.

10. STEEP (ADJECTIVE): (बहुत ढालवाँ): Precipitous
Synonyms: Sheer, Abrupt
Antonyms: Gentle
Example Sentence:
She pushed the bike up the steep hill.

Black Book of English Vocabulary

31 Dec, 10:13

🔥 SSC CPO Tier-II 2024

Exam Date: 8th March 2025

Black Book of English Vocabulary

31 Dec, 09:49

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary

1. FORBEARANCE (Noun) : सहनशीलता = Patient self-control
Synonyms: Tolerance, Patience
Antonyms: Impatience

2. KUDOS (Noun) : प्रशंसा = Applause
Synonyms: Esteem, Praise
Antonyms: Dishonour, Denunciation

3. APATHY (Noun) : उदासीनता = Indifference
Synonyms: Unconcern, Passivity
Antonyms: Enthusiasm, Interest

4. CONVALESCE (Verb) : अच्छा हो जाना = Recover
Synonyms: Recuperate, Get well
Antonyms: Deteriorate

5. HERETIC (Noun) : नास्तिक = Schismatic
Synonyms: Apostate, Pagan
Antonyms: Believer, Follower

6. JOLT (Verb) : ऐंठना = Convulse
Synonyms: Disturb,Jar
Antonyms: Calm, Comfort

7. EXTRANEOUS (Adj) : अप्रासंगिक = Immaterial
Synonyms: Irrelevant, Beside the point
Antonyms: Material

8. UNCONSTITUTIONAL (Adj) : असंवैधानिक = Illegitimate
Synonyms: Illegal, Unauthorized
Antonyms: Legal

9. VERNACULAR (Noun) : मातृभाषा = Colloquial Speech
Synonyms: Jargon, Dialect
Antonyms: Latin

10. DISHEARTENING (Adj) : बेहद निराशाजनक = Saddening
Synonyms: Disheartening, Dispiriting
Antonyms: Encouraging, Cheering

Black Book of English Vocabulary

30 Dec, 02:30

Previous Year Vocabulary

1. TRIBUNAL [ N ] = न्यायाधिकरण = a court of justice

2. ACCEDE [ V ] = मान लेना = assent or agree to a demand, request, or treaty.

3. SOLICIT [ V ] = मांगना = ask for or try to obtain (something) from someone.

4. ENTITLE [ V ] = समर्थ बनाना = give (someone) a legal right or a just claim to receive or do something.

5. UNANIMOUS [ Adj ] = एकमत = (of two or more people) fully in agreement.

6. DISCOURSE [ N ] = बातचीत = written or spoken communication or debate.

7. TRANSACT [ V ] = चलाना = conduct or carry out (business).

8. EXCLUDE [ V ] = निकालना = deny (someone) access to or bar (someone) from a place, group, or privilege.

9. APPARENT [ Adj ] = स्पष्ट = clearly visible or understood; obvious.

10. QUASI JUDICIAL = अर्ध न्यायिक

11. ABSOLVE [ V ] = दोषमुक्त करना = set or declare (someone) free from blame, guilt, or responsibility.

12. INFER [ V ] = अनुमान करना , निष्कर्ष करना = deduce or conclude (information) from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements.

13. DISCLOSURE [ N ] = भेद खोलना = the action of making new or secret information known.

14. DISSENT [ N ] = मतभेद = the expression or holding of opinions at variance with those previously, commonly, or officially held.

15. INVASIVE [ Adj ] = तेजी से फैलने वाला = invading

Black Book of English Vocabulary

29 Dec, 01:31

🔴Important Idioms and Phrases starting with letter "A"

1. A Bee in one's bonnet
◾️किसी चीज़ के बारे में लगातार बात करते रहना

2. A bolt from the blue
◾️अचानक और अप्रत्याशित घटना

3. A close shave
◾️बाल - बाल बचना

4. A Cat and Dog life
◾️हमेशा झगड़ते रहने वाला जीवन

5. A chicken-hearted Person
◾️कायर व्यक्ति

6. A Dark Horse
◾️अप्रत्याशित विजेता

7. A cold shoulder
◾️उदासीनता का प्रदर्शन

8. A cog in the Machine
◾️कार्य के लिए आवश्यक लेकिन कम महत्व का

9. A close-fisted man
◾️पैसे देने या ख़र्च करने के लिए बहुत ही अनिच्छुक रहना

10. A chink in someone's armour
◾️किसी की कमजोरी

11. A hot potato
◾️एक विवादास्पद मुद्दा जो निपटने में कठिन है और बहुत ही असहमतियो से युक्त है

12. A good turn
◾️एक ऐसा कार्य जो किसी अन्य व्यक्ति से किसी तरह से लाभकारी है

13. A going concern
◾️लाभ कमाता हुआ व्यवसाय

14. A go-getter
◾️एक बेहद प्रेरित और महत्वाकांक्षी व्यक्ति

15. A fool's paradize
◾️हवाई महल

16. A feather in one's cap
◾️गर्व करने लायक उपलब्धि

17. A dime a dozen
◾️बहुत आम

18. A stone's throw of
◾️बहुत पास में

19. A sight for sore eyes
◾️आँख की ठण्डक

20. A red rag to a bull
◾️साँड़ को लाल कपड़ा दिकाने के समान

21. A queer fish
◾️सनकी व्यक्ति

22. A left-handed compliment
◾️प्रशंसा की आड़ में एक अपमान

23. A leap in the dark
◾️साहसिक कार्य

24. A jack of all trades
◾️कई अलग अलग क्षेत्रों में कुशल व्यक्ति

25. At the end of one's tether
◾️और ज्यादा कष्ट सहने में असमर्थ

26. A wild goose chase
◾️निरर्थक खोज

27. A taste of your own medicine
◾️जैसे को तैसा

28. A storm in a tea-cup
◾️बात का बतंगड़

29. A chip on your shoulder
◾️हर समय गुस्सा आना क्योंकि आपको लगता है कि आपके साथ गलत तरीके से व्यवहार किया गया है या आपको लगता है कि आप अन्य लोगों के समान उतना ही अच्छे नहीं हैं

30. A man of spirit
◾️साहसिक व्यक्ति

31. A man of straw
◾️एक कमजोर व्यक्ति

32. A man of parts
◾️कई अलग-अलग क्षेत्रों में महारथ वाला

33. A man of mettle
◾️दृढ़-संकल्प का व्यक्ति

34. A man of means
◾️अमीर आदमी

35. A man of letters
◾️साहित्यिक व्यक्ति

36. Aman of his words
◾️अपनी बात का पक्का

37. A man in a million
◾️लाखो में एक

Black Book of English Vocabulary

28 Dec, 11:15

क्या आप पीडीएफ ( PDF ) चैनल से जुड़ना चाहते हैं. ?

Black Book of English Vocabulary

23 Dec, 13:32

SSC CGL 2024 Tentative Vacancies

Black Book of English Vocabulary

23 Dec, 09:44

One Word Substitution Related to Government

🟢One Word ➺ Bureaucracy
Meaning ➺ Government by Officials

🟢One Word ➺ Autocracy
Meaning ➺ Government by one person with absolute power

🟢One Word ➺ Meritocracy
Meaning ➺ Government by the intelligentsia

🟢One Word ➺ Democracy
Meaning ➺ Government by elected representatives

🟢One Word ➺ Confederacy
Meaning ➺ The union of states, parties or persons

🟢One Word ➺ Plutocracy
Meaning ➺ Government by rich people

🟢One Word ➺ Aristocracy
Meaning ➺ Government by the nobles

🟢One Word ➺ Theocracy
Meaning ➺ Government by Divine Laws

🟢One Word ➺ Monarchy
Meaning ➺ Government by one person (royal)

🟢One Word ➺ Diarchy
Meaning ➺ Government by two agencies

🟢One Word ➺ Oligarchy
Meaning ➺ Government by a few powerful people

🟢One Word ➺ Stratocracy
Meaning ➺ Government by military class

🟢One Word ➺ Anarchy
Meaning ➺ Absence of Government

Black Book of English Vocabulary

20 Dec, 11:04

📚 Download Free NCERT Book 📚

Black Book of English Vocabulary

17 Dec, 14:22


Black Book of English Vocabulary

11 Dec, 01:30

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary

1. DISCLOSURE (Noun) : प्रकटीकरण = Revelation
Synonyms: Divulgence, Declaration
Antonyms: Concealment

2. ADHERE (Verb) : पालन करना = Abide by
Synonyms: Stick to, Hold to
Antonyms: Flout, Ignore

3. FIAT (Noun) : व्यवस्थापत्र = Edict
Synonyms: Order, Command
Antonyms: Denial,Disapproval

4. CONTEMPORARY (Adj) : समकालीन = Present
Synonyms: Modern, Present-day
Antonyms: Old-fashioned, Out of date

5. PROPONENT (Noun) : समर्थक = Supporter
Synonyms:Upholder, Exponent
Antonyms: Opponent

6. ELUDE (Verb) : बचना = Evade
Synonyms: Avoid, Dodge
Antonyms: Be caught by

7. OUTLAY (Noun) : व्यय = Expenditure
Synonyms: Expenses, Spending
Antonyms: Income

8. PINNACLE (Noun) : शिखर = Peak
Synonyms: Height, Summit
Antonyms: Nadir, Trough

9. DELINEATE (Verb) : चित्रित करना = Set out
Synonyms: Describe, Set forth
Antonyms: Confuse, Twist

10. COERCIVE (Adj) : बलपूर्वक = Persistent
Synonyms: Insistent, Pressing
Antonyms: Powerless

Black Book of English Vocabulary

10 Dec, 04:59

🔴 One Word Substitution

1. A Place Where Animals Are Slaughtered For The Market
= Abattoir (कसाईखाना)

2. Shortening Something By Omitting Parts Of It
= Abbreviation (संक्षिप्त)

3. To Give Up A Throne Voluntarily
= Abdicate( त्यागना)

4. Voluntary Giving Up Of Throne In Favour Of Someone
= Abdication (त्याग)

5. Do Away With
= Abolish (समाप्त करना)

6. The Original Inhabitants Of A Country
= Aborigines (मुलनिवासी)

7. An Edition A Book In Which It Has Been Condensed
= Abridged( संगृहीत)

8. To Do Away With Rules
= Abrogate (अभिनिषेध करना)

9. Move Faster
= Accelerate (में तेजी लाने के)

10. Which Can Be Approached
= Accessible( सुलभ)

11. To Accustom Oneself In New Climate
= Acclimatize (जलवायु का अभ्यस्त

12. A Partner In Crime
= Accomplice (साथी)

13. Responsible For One's Actions
= Accountable (उत्तरदायी)

14. Make Oneself Familiar With A Person Or A Thing
= Acquaint (परिचित)

15. The Act Of Freeing A Person From A Charge By Verdict
= Acquittal (दोषमुक्ति)

16. Someone Versed In The Interpretation Of Numerical Data
= Actuary (मुंशी)

17. A Substance That Can Stick Or Cause Sticking
= Adhesive (गोंद)

18. The Period Between The Beginning Of Puberty And Adulthood
= Adolescence (किशोरावस्था)

19. To Falsify A Thing By Admixture Or Baser Ingredients
= Adulteration (मिलावट)

20. Person Who Pilots Or Travels In A Balloon Airship Or Other Aircraft
= Aeronaut (वायु-यान चलानेवाला)

21. Science Of Flight Of Aeroplanes
= Aeronautics (एयरोनॉटिक्स)

22. Fear Of Height
= Aerophobia (ऊंचाई का डर)

23. Person Who Claims To Have Great Love For Understanding Of What Is Beautiful In Nature , Art Etc
= Aesthete

24. A List Of Headings Of The Business To Be Transacted At A Meeting
= Agenda (कार्यसूची)

25. To Increase The Gravity Of An Offence Or The Intensity Of A Disease
= Aggravate (छेड़ना)

Black Book of English Vocabulary

08 Dec, 06:52

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Black Book of English Vocabulary

08 Dec, 06:47

One Word Substitution Related to Government

🟢One Word ➺ Bureaucracy
Meaning ➺ Government by Officials

🟢One Word ➺ Autocracy
Meaning ➺ Government by one person with absolute power

🟢One Word ➺ Meritocracy
Meaning ➺ Government by the intelligentsia

🟢One Word ➺ Democracy
Meaning ➺ Government by elected representatives

🟢One Word ➺ Confederacy
Meaning ➺ The union of states, parties or persons

🟢One Word ➺ Plutocracy
Meaning ➺ Government by rich people

🟢One Word ➺ Aristocracy
Meaning ➺ Government by the nobles

🟢One Word ➺ Theocracy
Meaning ➺ Government by Divine Laws

🟢One Word ➺ Monarchy
Meaning ➺ Government by one person (royal)

🟢One Word ➺ Diarchy
Meaning ➺ Government by two agencies

🟢One Word ➺ Oligarchy
Meaning ➺ Government by a few powerful people

🟢One Word ➺ Stratocracy
Meaning ➺ Government by military class

🟢One Word ➺ Anarchy
Meaning ➺ Absence of Government

Black Book of English Vocabulary

07 Dec, 03:10

Previous Year Vocabulary

1. TRIBUNAL [ N ] = न्यायाधिकरण = a court of justice

2. ACCEDE [ V ] = मान लेना = assent or agree to a demand, request, or treaty.

3. SOLICIT [ V ] = मांगना = ask for or try to obtain (something) from someone.

4. ENTITLE [ V ] = समर्थ बनाना = give (someone) a legal right or a just claim to receive or do something.

5. UNANIMOUS [ Adj ] = एकमत = (of two or more people) fully in agreement.

6. DISCOURSE [ N ] = बातचीत = written or spoken communication or debate.

7. TRANSACT [ V ] = चलाना = conduct or carry out (business).

8. EXCLUDE [ V ] = निकालना = deny (someone) access to or bar (someone) from a place, group, or privilege.

9. APPARENT [ Adj ] = स्पष्ट = clearly visible or understood; obvious.

10. QUASI JUDICIAL = अर्ध न्यायिक

11. ABSOLVE [ V ] = दोषमुक्त करना = set or declare (someone) free from blame, guilt, or responsibility.

12. INFER [ V ] = अनुमान करना , निष्कर्ष करना = deduce or conclude (information) from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements.

13. DISCLOSURE [ N ] = भेद खोलना = the action of making new or secret information known.

14. DISSENT [ N ] = मतभेद = the expression or holding of opinions at variance with those previously, commonly, or officially held.

15. INVASIVE [ Adj ] = तेजी से फैलने वाला = invading

Black Book of English Vocabulary

06 Dec, 00:37

Previous Year Vocabulary

1. TRIBUNAL [ N ] = न्यायाधिकरण = a court of justice

2. ACCEDE [ V ] = मान लेना = assent or agree to a demand, request, or treaty.

3. SOLICIT [ V ] = मांगना = ask for or try to obtain (something) from someone.

4. ENTITLE [ V ] = समर्थ बनाना = give (someone) a legal right or a just claim to receive or do something.

5. UNANIMOUS [ Adj ] = एकमत = (of two or more people) fully in agreement.

6. DISCOURSE [ N ] = बातचीत = written or spoken communication or debate.

7. TRANSACT [ V ] = चलाना = conduct or carry out (business).

8. EXCLUDE [ V ] = निकालना = deny (someone) access to or bar (someone) from a place, group, or privilege.

9. APPARENT [ Adj ] = स्पष्ट = clearly visible or understood; obvious.

10. QUASI JUDICIAL = अर्ध न्यायिक

11. ABSOLVE [ V ] = दोषमुक्त करना = set or declare (someone) free from blame, guilt, or responsibility.

12. INFER [ V ] = अनुमान करना , निष्कर्ष करना = deduce or conclude (information) from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements.

13. DISCLOSURE [ N ] = भेद खोलना = the action of making new or secret information known.

14. DISSENT [ N ] = मतभेद = the expression or holding of opinions at variance with those previously, commonly, or officially held.

15. INVASIVE [ Adj ] = तेजी से फैलने वाला = invading

Black Book of English Vocabulary

05 Dec, 13:24

SSC CGL result out

Black Book of English Vocabulary

05 Dec, 01:29

Previous Year Vocabulary

1. PENURY (Noun) : दरिद्रता = Extreme Poverty
Synonyms: Impoverishment, Indigence
Antonyms: Wealth

2. ABRUPT (Adj) : आकस्मिक = Sudden
Synonyms: Immediate, Instantaneous
Antonyms: Gradual

3. FEASIBLE (Adj) : संभव = Practicable
Synonyms: Practical Workable
Antonyms: Impractical

4. DISMISS (Verb) : ख़ारिज करना = Banish
Synonyms: Set aside, Abandon
Antonyms: Entertain

5. NORM (Noun) : मानक = Standard
Synonyms: Usual, Normal
Antonyms: The exception.

6. JUDICIAL (Adj) : न्यायिक = Legal
Synonyms: Judiciary, Juridical
Antonyms: Illegal

7. SUMMON (Verb) : बुला भेजना = Send for
Synonyms: Call for, Ask for
Antonyms: Discharge

8. INDUCE (Verb) : मनाना = Persuade
Synonyms: Convince, Prompt
Antonyms: Dissuade

9. MANIFOLD (Adj) : अनेक = Many
Synonyms: Numerous, Multiple
Antonyms: Few

10. PERILOUS (Adj) : जोखिम का = Dangerous
Synonyms:Hazardous, Risky
Antonyms: Safe

Black Book of English Vocabulary

04 Dec, 01:29

● Meaning ➩ Deprived of strength or vitality, poor

● Synonyms ➩ beggared, beggarly, broke, destitute, dirt-poor, down-and-out

● Meaning ➩ The quality of being kind and generous (उदारता)

● Synonyms ➩ bigheartedness, bountifulness, bounty, generousness

● Meaning ➩ escape from or avoid (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skilful or cunning way. (टलना)

● Synonyms ➩ avoid, evade, dodge, duck, circumvent

● Meaning ➩ say no to; deny or oppose. (इनकार करना)

● Synonyms ➩ deny, gainsay, contradict, refute

● Meaning ➩ able or likely to make mistakes. (त्रुटि करने वाला)

● Synonyms ➩ error-prone. erring, imperfect, flawed

● Meaning ➩ to do something or go somewhere very slowly, taking more time than is necessary. (सुस्ती में वक़्त गंवाना)

● Synonyms ➩ linger, dally, loiter, plod

● Meaning ➩ A general agreement, harmony (आम सहमति)

● Synonyms ➩ accord, agreement, concurrence, concurrency, unanimity, unison

● Meaning ➩ The area near or surrounding a particular place (आस-पास) 

● Synonyms ➩ backyard, environs, neighborhood, purlieus, vicinage

● Meaning ➩ Very large, massive (भारी)

● Synonyms ➩ astronomical, elephantine, enormous, bumper, colossal, cosmic

● Meaning ➩ Necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility 

● Synonyms ➩ compulsory, forced, imperative, involuntary, mandatory

Black Book of English Vocabulary

02 Dec, 00:35

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary

1. HUDDLE (Verb) : भीड़ लगाना = crowd
Synonyms: gather, throng
Antonyms: disperse

2. SPLENDOUR (Noun) : वैभव = magnificence
Synonyms: grandeur, opulence
Antonyms: modesty

3. INDICT (Verb) : अभियोग लगाना = charge with
Synonyms: summon, cite
Antonyms: acquit

4. INSURGENT (Noun) : विद्रोही = rebel
Synonyms: revolutionary, mutineer
Antonyms: loyalist

5. CONSENSUS (Noun) : आम सहमति = agreement
Synonyms: harmony, concord
Antonyms: disagreement

6. AMBITIOUS (Adj) : महत्वाकांक्षी = aspiring
Synonyms: determined, forceful
Antonyms: unambitious

7. COMBAT (Verb) : सामना करना = fight
Synonyms: tackle, attack
Antonyms: give in to

8. ULTIMATE (Adj) : अंतिम = eventual
Synonyms: last, final
Antonyms: immediate

9. UNDERMINE (Verb) : दुर्बल करना = subvert
Synonyms: sabotage, threaten
Antonyms: enhance

10. UNFETTERED (Adj) : निरंकुश = unrestrained
Synonyms: unrestricted, unconstrained
Antonyms: restrained

Black Book of English Vocabulary

28 Nov, 11:36

One Word Substitution related to Study

🟢One Word ➺ Aviation
Meaning ➺ Study of flying aero planes

🟢One Word ➺ Astronomy
Study of celestial bodies

🟢One Word ➺ Alchemy
Meaning ➺ The ancient search for a universal panacea, and of the philosopher’s stone.
The medieval version of the study of Chemistry

🟢One Word ➺ Acoustics
Meaning ➺ Study of sound and sound waves

🟢One Word ➺ Anthropology
Meaning ➺ The study of the evolution of mankind

🟢One Word ➺ Astronomy
Meaning ➺ Study of Stars

🟢One Word ➺ Botany
Meaning ➺ The study of plants

🟢One Word ➺ Biology
Meaning ➺ Study of Living Things

🟢One Word ➺ Calligraphy
Meaning ➺ Art related to ornate, good handwriting

🟢One Word ➺ Chronology
Meaning ➺ The science of time order

🟢One Word ➺ Demography
Meaning ➺ The study of statistics

🟢One Word ➺ Entomology
Meaning ➺ Study of science of insects

🟢One Word ➺ Ecology
Meaning ➺ Study of the relation between the organism and their environment

🟢One Word ➺ Genetics
Meaning ➺ Study of hereditary, genes and variation in living organisms

🟢One Word ➺ Geology
Meaning ➺ The study of rocks and soil

🟢One Word ➺ Geography
Meaning ➺ Mapping of earth and its formation

🟢One Word ➺ Graphology
Meaning ➺ Study of handwriting

🟢One Word ➺ Gerontology
Meaning ➺ Study of various aspects of ageing

🟢One Word ➺ Hydraulics
Meaning ➺ Study of the law of the flow of water and other liquids

🟢One Word ➺ Lexicography
Meaning ➺ The practice of writing dictionaries

🟢One Word ➺ Numismatics
Meaning ➺ Study of collection of coins, tokens, paper money etc.

🟢One Word ➺ Ornithology
Meaning ➺ Study of birds

🟢One Word ➺ Philology
Meaning ➺ The study of languages

🟢One Word ➺ Palaeography
Meaning ➺ The study of ancient writing and scriptures

🟢One Word ➺ Psychology
Meaning ➺ The study of Human Mind

🟢One Word ➺ Psephology
Meaning ➺ Study of election trends

🟢One Word ➺ Theology
Meaning ➺ Study of religion

Black Book of English Vocabulary

27 Nov, 00:05

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary

1. DISENGAGE [ V ] = छुड़ाना = separate or release (someone or something) from something to which they are attached or connected.

2. FORECAST [ N ] = पूर्वानुमान = a prediction or estimate of future events, especially coming weather or a financial trend.

3. DEFICIT [ N ] = कमी = the amount by which something, especially a sum of money, is too small.

4. BOUNTY [ N ] = इनाम = a monetary gift or reward, typically given by a government, in particular.

5. ERRATIC [ Adj ] = अनियमित = not even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable.

6. CRUCIAL [ Adj ] = महत्वपूर्ण = decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of something.

7. INSIGHTS [ N ] = अंतर्दृष्टि = the capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing.

8. SUSTAINED [ Adj ] = निरंतर = continuing for an extended period or without interruption.

9. PURSUE [ V ] = पीछा करना = follow (someone or something) in order to catch or attack them.

10. EFFICIENCY [ N ] = क्षमता = the state or quality of being efficient.

11. IMPERATIVE [ Adj ] = अनिवार्य = of vital importance; crucial.

12. INTERVENTION [ N ] = हस्तक्षेप = the action or process of intervening.

13. SUPPRESS [ V ] = दबाना = forcibly put an end to.

14. DISPERSE [ V ] = फैलाना = distribute or spread over a wide area.

15. BIOMASS [ N ] = the total mass of organisms in a given area or volume.

16. PRESERVE [ V ] = रक्षा करना = maintain (something) in its original or existing state.

17. MANDATORY [ Adj ] = अनिवार्य = required by law or rules; compulsory.

18. COMMODITY [ N ] = वस्तु = a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee.

19. DEPLORABLE [ Adj ] = खेदजनक = deserving strong condemnation.

20. INDIFFERENCE [ N ] =उदासीनता = lack of interest, concern, or sympathy.

21. VITAL [ Adj ] = महत्वपूर्ण = absolutely necessary or important; essential.

22. DEVOID [ Adj ] = वंचित = entirely lacking or free from.

Black Book of English Vocabulary

25 Nov, 11:23

क्या आप पीडीएफ ( PDF ) चैनल से जुड़ना चाहते हैं. ?

Black Book of English Vocabulary

25 Nov, 04:48

One Word Substitution related to Study

🟢One Word ➺ Aviation
Meaning ➺ Study of flying aero planes

🟢One Word ➺ Astronomy
Study of celestial bodies

🟢One Word ➺ Alchemy
Meaning ➺ The ancient search for a universal panacea, and of the philosopher’s stone.
The medieval version of the study of Chemistry

🟢One Word ➺ Acoustics
Meaning ➺ Study of sound and sound waves

🟢One Word ➺ Anthropology
Meaning ➺ The study of the evolution of mankind

🟢One Word ➺ Astronomy
Meaning ➺ Study of Stars

🟢One Word ➺ Botany
Meaning ➺ The study of plants

🟢One Word ➺ Biology
Meaning ➺ Study of Living Things

🟢One Word ➺ Calligraphy
Meaning ➺ Art related to ornate, good handwriting

🟢One Word ➺ Chronology
Meaning ➺ The science of time order

🟢One Word ➺ Demography
Meaning ➺ The study of statistics

🟢One Word ➺ Entomology
Meaning ➺ Study of science of insects

🟢One Word ➺ Ecology
Meaning ➺ Study of the relation between the organism and their environment

🟢One Word ➺ Genetics
Meaning ➺ Study of hereditary, genes and variation in living organisms

🟢One Word ➺ Geology
Meaning ➺ The study of rocks and soil

🟢One Word ➺ Geography
Meaning ➺ Mapping of earth and its formation

🟢One Word ➺ Graphology
Meaning ➺ Study of handwriting

🟢One Word ➺ Gerontology
Meaning ➺ Study of various aspects of ageing

🟢One Word ➺ Hydraulics
Meaning ➺ Study of the law of the flow of water and other liquids

🟢One Word ➺ Lexicography
Meaning ➺ The practice of writing dictionaries

🟢One Word ➺ Numismatics
Meaning ➺ Study of collection of coins, tokens, paper money etc.

🟢One Word ➺ Ornithology
Meaning ➺ Study of birds

🟢One Word ➺ Philology
Meaning ➺ The study of languages

🟢One Word ➺ Palaeography
Meaning ➺ The study of ancient writing and scriptures

🟢One Word ➺ Psychology
Meaning ➺ The study of Human Mind

🟢One Word ➺ Psephology
Meaning ➺ Study of election trends

🟢One Word ➺ Theology
Meaning ➺ Study of religion

Black Book of English Vocabulary

22 Nov, 10:24

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Black Book of English Vocabulary

22 Nov, 00:32

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary

1. FORBEARANCE (Noun) : सहनशीलता = Patient self-control
Synonyms: Tolerance, Patience
Antonyms: Impatience

2. KUDOS (Noun) : प्रशंसा = Applause
Synonyms: Esteem, Praise
Antonyms: Dishonour, Denunciation

3. APATHY (Noun) : उदासीनता = Indifference
Synonyms: Unconcern, Passivity
Antonyms: Enthusiasm, Interest

4. CONVALESCE (Verb) : अच्छा हो जाना = Recover
Synonyms: Recuperate, Get well
Antonyms: Deteriorate

5. HERETIC (Noun) : नास्तिक = Schismatic
Synonyms: Apostate, Pagan
Antonyms: Believer, Follower

6. JOLT (Verb) : ऐंठना = Convulse
Synonyms: Disturb,Jar
Antonyms: Calm, Comfort

7. EXTRANEOUS (Adj) : अप्रासंगिक = Immaterial
Synonyms: Irrelevant, Beside the point
Antonyms: Material

8. UNCONSTITUTIONAL (Adj) : असंवैधानिक = Illegitimate
Synonyms: Illegal, Unauthorized
Antonyms: Legal

9. VERNACULAR (Noun) : मातृभाषा = Colloquial Speech
Synonyms: Jargon, Dialect
Antonyms: Latin

10. DISHEARTENING (Adj) : बेहद निराशाजनक = Saddening
Synonyms: Disheartening, Dispiriting
Antonyms: Encouraging, Cheering

Black Book of English Vocabulary

21 Nov, 14:17

आपको किस Exam का Notes चाहिए?

Black Book of English Vocabulary

21 Nov, 01:31

One Word Substitution Related to Speech & Written Work

🟢One Word ➺ Omnibus
Meaning ➺ Book containing all the published work of an author

🟢One Word ➺ Telegraph
Meaning ➺ A written message from far off place

🟢One Word ➺ Colloquial
Meaning ➺ Informal, less grammatically rigid language

🟢One Word ➺ Circumlocution
Meaning ➺ Talking around, a method of talking indirectly

🟢One Word ➺ Magniloquent
Meaning ➺ Generous, forgiving talk

🟢One Word ➺ Eloquent
Meaning ➺ Expressive in the use of words

🟢One Word ➺ Grandiloquent
Meaning ➺ High sounding pompous speech or writing

🟢One Word ➺ Autograph
Meaning ➺ A signature of a celebrity (signature of oneself)

🟢One Word ➺ Preamble
Meaning ➺ Walk before-hand or an introductory statement

🟢One Word ➺ Biography
Meaning ➺ Writing of one's life story

🟢One Word ➺ Autobiography
Meaning ➺ Writing of one's own life story

🟢One Word ➺ Photograph
Meaning ➺ Written by light

🟢One Word ➺ Laconic
Meaning ➺ Few words packed with meaning, concise

🟢One Word ➺ Soliloquy
Meaning ➺ A speech to oneself, alone

Black Book of English Vocabulary

20 Nov, 03:30

One Word Substitution Related to Religion

🟢One Word ➺ Atheist
Meaning ➺ One who doesn't believe in the presence of God

🟢One Word ➺ Monotheist
Meaning ➺ One who believes in the theory of only one God

🟢One Word ➺ Theist
Meaning ➺ One who believes in the presence of God

🟢One Word ➺ Polytheist
Meaning ➺ One who believes in many Gods

🟢One Word ➺ Pantheist
Meaning ➺ One who believes that God is union of all forces of the universe

🟢One Word ➺ Theomania
Meaning ➺ Religious madness

🟢One Word ➺ Theomachy
Meaning ➺ Battle among the Gods

Black Book of English Vocabulary

20 Nov, 00:27

🔰Latest SSC Update⚡️:

Important Notice - Schedule of Examinations✔️✔️

Black Book of English Vocabulary

19 Nov, 01:31

One Word Substitution Related to People/Person

🟢One Word ➺ Eisoptrophile
Meaning ➺ A person who is addicted to seeing oneself in mirror

🟢One Word ➺ Gastronome
Meaning ➺ A person who loves food and finds pleasure in eating and drinking

🟢One Word ➺ Chrematophile
Meaning ➺ A person who loves money

🟢One Word ➺ Oneirophile
Meaning ➺ A person who loves dream

🟢One Word ➺ Anuptaphile
Meaning ➺ A person who loves staying single

🟢One Word ➺ Melophile
Meaning ➺ A person who loves music

Black Book of English Vocabulary

18 Nov, 00:30

One Word Substitution Related to Marriage

🟢One Word ➺ Matrimony
Meaning ➺ Related to marriage

🟢One Word ➺ Sologamy
Meaning ➺ Marriage with self

🟢One Word ➺ Monogamy
Meaning ➺ Practising only one marriage (having only one wife)

🟢One Word ➺ Bigamy
Meaning ➺ Practising two marriages (having two wives)

🟢One Word ➺ Polygamy
Meaning ➺ The practice of several marriages (having many wives)

🟢One Word ➺ Autogamy
Meaning ➺ Self-fertilization especially in plants

🟢One Word ➺ Endogamy
Meaning ➺ Marriage within one's tribe

🟢One Word ➺ Exogamy
Meaning ➺ Marriage outside one's tribe

🟢One Word ➺ Polyandry
Meaning ➺ Having several husbands

Black Book of English Vocabulary

17 Nov, 00:30

One Word Substitution Related to Likes and Dislikes

🟢One Word ➺ Sycophant
Meaning ➺ One who is a boot licker, flatterer

🟢One Word ➺ Gourmet
Meaning ➺ One who has keen interest in food and drinks

🟢One Word ➺ Philanthropy
Meaning ➺ Love for mankind

🟢One Word ➺ Bibliophile
Meaning ➺ Someone who loves collecting books

🟢One Word ➺ Anglophile
Meaning ➺ One who loves and admires the British

🟢One Word ➺ Philanderer
Meaning ➺ One who loves without seriousness

🟢One Word ➺ Philogyny
Meaning ➺ Fondness towards women

🟢One Word ➺ Androphile
Meaning ➺ One who loves men

🟢One Word ➺ Philosopher
Meaning ➺ One who loves wisdom (hence pursues it)

🟢One Word ➺ Misandrist
Meaning ➺ One who hates men

🟢One Word ➺ Andromania
Meaning ➺ Madness or obsession with males

🟢One Word ➺ Misogynist
Meaning ➺ One who hates women

🟢One Word ➺ Misanthropist
Meaning ➺ One who hates mankind

🟢One Word ➺ Patriot
Meaning ➺ One who loves his country

🟢One Word ➺ Super patriotism
Meaning ➺ Excessive love for one's country

🟢One Word ➺ Misogamist
Meaning ➺ One who hates marriage

🟢One Word ➺ Loquacious
Meaning ➺ One who loves to speak

🟢One Word ➺ Antipathy
Meaning ➺ Strong, deep dislike

🟢One Word ➺ Sympathy
Meaning ➺ Simultaneously affected by similar feelings

🟢One Word ➺ Empathy
Meaning ➺ Mentally identifying oneself with other person or a thing

🟢One Word ➺ Pathetic
Meaning ➺ Something or someone makes you feel deep sadness or pity

Black Book of English Vocabulary

16 Nov, 15:25

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Black Book of English Vocabulary

16 Nov, 09:30

One Word Substitution Related to Government

🟢One Word ➺ Bureaucracy
Meaning ➺ Government by Officials

🟢One Word ➺ Autocracy
Meaning ➺ Government by one person with absolute power

🟢One Word ➺ Meritocracy
Meaning ➺ Government by the intelligentsia

🟢One Word ➺ Democracy
Meaning ➺ Government by elected representatives

🟢One Word ➺ Confederacy
Meaning ➺ The union of states, parties or persons

🟢One Word ➺ Plutocracy
Meaning ➺ Government by rich people

🟢One Word ➺ Aristocracy
Meaning ➺ Government by the nobles

🟢One Word ➺ Theocracy
Meaning ➺ Government by Divine Laws

🟢One Word ➺ Monarchy
Meaning ➺ Government by one person (royal)

🟢One Word ➺ Diarchy
Meaning ➺ Government by two agencies

🟢One Word ➺ Oligarchy
Meaning ➺ Government by a few powerful people

🟢One Word ➺ Stratocracy
Meaning ➺ Government by military class

🟢One Word ➺ Anarchy
Meaning ➺ Absence of Government

Black Book of English Vocabulary

16 Nov, 00:30

◾️12 Types of doctors:

1. Dermatologist yani skin specialist - त्वचा विशेषज्ञ

2. Cardiologist yani heart specialist - हृदय रोग विशेषज्ञ

3. Gynecologist yani female disease specialist - स्त्री रोग विशेषज्ञ

4. Dentist yani teeth & jaw bones specialist - दांत और जबड़े की हड्डियों के डॉक्टर

5. Ophthalmologist yani eye specialist - नेत्र-विशेषज्ञ

6. Orthopedist yani Muscle and bones specialist - मांसपेशियों और हड्डियों का विशेषज्ञ

7. Gastroenterologist is a doctor who treats diseases of the digestive system. - पेट का डॉक्टर

8. Neonatologist is a doctor who treats premature and ill newborns - नवजात शिशुओं का डॉक्टर

9. Neurologist - मस्तिष्क रोग विशेषज्ञ

10. Pediatrician treats children - बाल रोग चिकित्सक

11. Oncologist is a doctor who treats cancer - कैंसर का डॉक्टर

12. ENT specialist yani ear nose and throat specialist - कान, नाक, गले का डॉक्टर

Black Book of English Vocabulary

15 Nov, 06:00

One Word Substitution related to Killing & Manias

🟢One Word ➺ Mariticide
Meaning ➺  The killing of one's husband

🟢One Word ➺ Parricide 
Meaning ➺ The killing of parents

🟢One Word ➺ Genocide 
Meaning ➺ The killing of a whole race

🟢One Word ➺ Infanticide 
Meaning ➺ The killing of a newborn child

🟢One Word ➺ Regicide 
Meaning ➺ The killing of a king

🟢One Word ➺ Homicide 
Meaning ➺ The killing of a human being

🟢One Word ➺ Suicide 
Meaning ➺ The killing of oneself

🟢One Word ➺ Patricide 
Meaning ➺ The killing of a father

🟢One Word ➺ Matricide 
Meaning ➺ The killing of a mother

🟢One Word ➺ Fratricide 
Meaning ➺ The killing of one's brother

🟢One Word ➺ Sororicide 
Meaning ➺ The killing of one's sister

🟢One Word ➺ Uxoricide 
Meaning ➺ The killing of one's wife

🟢One Word ➺ Dipsomania 
Meaning ➺ Morbid compulsion to keep on consuming alcohol

🟢One Word ➺ Kleptomania 
Meaning ➺ Morbid compulsion to steal

🟢One Word ➺ Bibliokleptomania 
Meaning ➺ Morbid compulsion to steal books

🟢One Word ➺ Pyromania 
Meaning ➺ Morbid compulsion to start a fire

🟢One Word ➺ Megalomania 
Meaning ➺ Morbid delusion of power, importance or godliness

🟢One Word ➺ Nymphomania 
Meaning ➺ Morbid, uncontrollable desire on the part of a woman

🟢One Word ➺ Satyromania 
Meaning ➺ Morbid, uncontrollable desire on the part of a man

🟢One Word ➺ Monomania 
Meaning ➺ A person with a one-track mind

🟢One Word ➺ Mythomania 
Meaning ➺ The compulsion to tell lies

🟢One Word ➺ Mania       
Meaning ➺ Madness with an obsession with something

Black Book of English Vocabulary

14 Nov, 14:21

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Black Book of English Vocabulary

04 Nov, 11:52

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Black Book of English Vocabulary

02 Nov, 01:30

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Black Book of English Vocabulary

31 Oct, 00:32

Previous Year Vocabulary

1. FUTILE (Adj) : निष्फल = Fruitless
Synonyms: Vain, Pointless
Antonyms: Useful

2. CURB (Verb) : अंकुश लगाना = Restrain
Synonyms: Hold back, Keep back
Antonyms: Release

3. LONE (Adj) : एकाकी = Deserted
Synonyms: Uninhabited, Unfrequented
Antonyms: Populous

4. COMPLEX (Adj) : जटिल = Complicated
Synonyms: Involved, Intricate
Antonyms: Simple

5. OBSCURE (Adj) : अस्पष्ट = Obscure
Synonyms: Unclear, Dense
Antonyms: Limpid

6. ALARMING (Adj) : भयप्रद = Worrying
Synonyms: Disturbing, Frightening
Antonyms: Reassuring

7. DEFECTION (Noun) : परित्याग = Desertion
Synonyms: Absconding, Decamping
Antonyms: Joining

8. EMACIATION (Noun) : दुर्बलता = Thinness
Synonyms: Starvation, Underfeeding
Antonyms: Obesity

9. COMPREHENSIVE (Adj) : व्यापक = Inclusive
Synonyms: All-inclusive, Complete
Antonyms: Partial

10. PAINSTAKING (Adj) : श्रमसाध्य = Careful
Synonyms: Meticulous, Thorough
Antonyms: Careless

Black Book of English Vocabulary

30 Oct, 04:14

आपको किस Exam का Notes चाहिए?

Black Book of English Vocabulary

30 Oct, 01:28

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary

1. APPARENT [ Adj ] = स्पष्ट = clearly visible or understood; obvious.

2. DEFINITIVE [ Adj ] = निर्णायक = (of a conclusion or agreement) done or reached decisively and with authority.

3. INFLECTION [ N ] = मोड़

4. HEGEMON [ N ] = a supreme leader.

5. ENDORSEMENT [ N ] = समर्थन = an act of giving one's public approval or support to someone or something.

6. IMPRINT [ V ] = छाप = impress or stamp (a mark or outline) on a surface or body.

7. FOLLY [ N ] = मूर्खता = lack of good sense; foolishness.

8. OUTLIVE [ V ] = जीवित रहना = (of a person) live longer than (another person).

9. FOREBEARS [ N ] = पूर्वजों = an ancestor.

10. RECESS [ N ] = अवकाश = a period of time when the proceedings of a parliament, committee, court of law, or other official body are temporarily suspended.

11. TEMPER [ N ] = स्वभाव = a person's state of mind seen in terms of their being angry or calm.

12. DERISION [ N ] = उपहास = contemptuous ridicule or mockery.

13. PROPONENT [ N ] = समर्थक = a person who advocates a theory, proposal, or project.

14. VERDICT [ N ] = निर्णय = a decision on a disputed issue in a civil or criminal case or an inquest.

15. DISMANTLE [ V ] = take (a machine or structure) to pieces.

16. ELITE [ N ] = a select part of a group that is superior to the rest in terms of ability or qualities

17. SCEPTICISM [ N ] = संदेहवाद = doubt as to the truth of something.

18. GOBBLE [ V ] = हडप जाना = eat (something) hurriedly and noisily.

19. UPEND [ V ] = समाप्त कर देना = set or turn (something) on its end or upside down.

20. USURP [ V ] = हड़पना = take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force.

21. FIEFDOMS [ N ] = जागीर

22. SWEAR [ V ] = सौगंध खाना = make a solemn statement or promise undertaking to do something or affirming that something is the case.

23. UNANIMOUS [ Adj ] = एकमत = (of two or more people) fully in agreement.

Black Book of English Vocabulary

28 Oct, 06:17

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Black Book of English Vocabulary

27 Oct, 02:32

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Black Book of English Vocabulary

25 Oct, 06:27

जो भी Students ज्वाइन नहीं कर रहे हैं उनको फ्री PDF नहीं दिये जायेंगे

Black Book of English Vocabulary

25 Oct, 06:27

🔴Important Idioms and Phrases starting with letter "A"

1. A Bee in one's bonnet
◾️किसी चीज़ के बारे में लगातार बात करते रहना

2. A bolt from the blue
◾️अचानक और अप्रत्याशित घटना

3. A close shave
◾️बाल - बाल बचना

4. A Cat and Dog life
◾️हमेशा झगड़ते रहने वाला जीवन

5. A chicken-hearted Person
◾️कायर व्यक्ति

6. A Dark Horse
◾️अप्रत्याशित विजेता

7. A cold shoulder
◾️उदासीनता का प्रदर्शन

8. A cog in the Machine
◾️कार्य के लिए आवश्यक लेकिन कम महत्व का

9. A close-fisted man
◾️पैसे देने या ख़र्च करने के लिए बहुत ही अनिच्छुक रहना

10. A chink in someone's armour
◾️किसी की कमजोरी

11. A hot potato
◾️एक विवादास्पद मुद्दा जो निपटने में कठिन है और बहुत ही असहमतियो से युक्त है

12. A good turn
◾️एक ऐसा कार्य जो किसी अन्य व्यक्ति से किसी तरह से लाभकारी है

13. A going concern
◾️लाभ कमाता हुआ व्यवसाय

14. A go-getter
◾️एक बेहद प्रेरित और महत्वाकांक्षी व्यक्ति

15. A fool's paradize
◾️हवाई महल

16. A feather in one's cap
◾️गर्व करने लायक उपलब्धि

17. A dime a dozen
◾️बहुत आम

18. A stone's throw of
◾️बहुत पास में

19. A sight for sore eyes
◾️आँख की ठण्डक

20. A red rag to a bull
◾️साँड़ को लाल कपड़ा दिकाने के समान

21. A queer fish
◾️सनकी व्यक्ति

22. A left-handed compliment
◾️प्रशंसा की आड़ में एक अपमान

23. A leap in the dark
◾️साहसिक कार्य

24. A jack of all trades
◾️कई अलग अलग क्षेत्रों में कुशल व्यक्ति

25. At the end of one's tether
◾️और ज्यादा कष्ट सहने में असमर्थ

26. A wild goose chase
◾️निरर्थक खोज

27. A taste of your own medicine
◾️जैसे को तैसा

28. A storm in a tea-cup
◾️बात का बतंगड़

29. A chip on your shoulder
◾️हर समय गुस्सा आना क्योंकि आपको लगता है कि आपके साथ गलत तरीके से व्यवहार किया गया है या आपको लगता है कि आप अन्य लोगों के समान उतना ही अच्छे नहीं हैं

30. A man of spirit
◾️साहसिक व्यक्ति

31. A man of straw
◾️एक कमजोर व्यक्ति

32. A man of parts
◾️कई अलग-अलग क्षेत्रों में महारथ वाला

33. A man of mettle
◾️दृढ़-संकल्प का व्यक्ति

34. A man of means
◾️अमीर आदमी

35. A man of letters
◾️साहित्यिक व्यक्ति

36. Aman of his words
◾️अपनी बात का पक्का

37. A man in a million
◾️लाखो में एक

Black Book of English Vocabulary

22 Oct, 12:31

𝗜𝗔𝗦 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝘀...........𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗲

𝗦𝗦𝗖 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝘀...........𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗲

𝗦𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝘀...........𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗲

𝗗𝗲𝗳𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝘀...........𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗲

𝗥𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴..............𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗲

𝗠𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗰𝘀............𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗲

𝗘𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗵 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿...... 𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗲

𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗦𝗰𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲.........𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗲

𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝘂𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗤𝘂𝗶𝘇............𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗲

𝗖𝘂𝗿𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗔𝗳𝗳𝗮𝗶𝗿𝘀...........𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗲

𝗚𝗞 𝗚𝗦 𝗤𝘂𝗶𝘇..............𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗲

𝗚𝗞 𝗢𝗻𝗲 𝗟𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗿.............𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗲

𝗦𝗦𝗖 𝗖𝗚𝗟,𝗚𝗗.............𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗲

𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗲......

Black Book of English Vocabulary

20 Oct, 04:16

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary

1. HUDDLE (Verb) : भीड़ लगाना = crowd
Synonyms: gather, throng
Antonyms: disperse

2. SPLENDOUR (Noun) : वैभव = magnificence
Synonyms: grandeur, opulence
Antonyms: modesty

3. INDICT (Verb) : अभियोग लगाना = charge with
Synonyms: summon, cite
Antonyms: acquit

4. INSURGENT (Noun) : विद्रोही = rebel
Synonyms: revolutionary, mutineer
Antonyms: loyalist

5. CONSENSUS (Noun) : आम सहमति = agreement
Synonyms: harmony, concord
Antonyms: disagreement

6. AMBITIOUS (Adj) : महत्वाकांक्षी = aspiring
Synonyms: determined, forceful
Antonyms: unambitious

7. COMBAT (Verb) : सामना करना = fight
Synonyms: tackle, attack
Antonyms: give in to

8. ULTIMATE (Adj) : अंतिम = eventual
Synonyms: last, final
Antonyms: immediate

9. UNDERMINE (Verb) : दुर्बल करना = subvert
Synonyms: sabotage, threaten
Antonyms: enhance

10. UNFETTERED (Adj) : निरंकुश = unrestrained
Synonyms: unrestricted, unconstrained
Antonyms: restrained