Welcome to the official page of Q Storm, also known as @thestorm_q on Telegram. This channel is dedicated to spreading awareness and information about the QAnon movement, with the motto 'Trust The Plan.' For those unfamiliar with QAnon, it is a conspiracy theory that alleges a secret plot against President Trump by a 'deep state' of government officials and celebrities. The movement is known for its cryptic messages and predictions, believed to be coming from a high-ranking government official known as 'Q.' Join us on this channel to stay updated on the latest QAnon theories, discussions, and developments. Whether you are a believer or simply curious about the movement, Q Storm is the place for you. Trust the plan and follow along as we delve into the world of QAnon together.
14 Jul, 00:55
06 Jun, 02:52
04 Jun, 02:17
03 Jun, 02:37
01 Jun, 14:25
01 Jun, 00:21
15 May, 15:33
30 Apr, 12:29
29 Apr, 15:25
29 Apr, 00:01
27 Apr, 19:10
27 Apr, 16:21
27 Apr, 12:01
26 Apr, 18:44
25 Apr, 01:53