Welcome to 'The Great Awakening' Telegram channel, also known as '@qanon17_awakening'. Our channel is dedicated to spreading awareness and sharing information on various topics related to justice, truth, and awakening. The title itself reflects the idea of awakening to the realities of the world around us, and our channel aims to provide a platform for like-minded individuals to come together and engage in discussions on important issues. Who are we? We are a community of individuals who believe in seeking the truth, pursuing justice, and advocating for positive change in our society. Our channel serves as a space for sharing valuable insights, news articles, videos, and resources that can help shed light on important issues that are often overlooked or misrepresented in mainstream media. What do we do? Through 'The Great Awakening' Telegram channel, we aim to raise awareness about social injustices, government corruption, and other pressing issues that impact our daily lives. We strive to empower our members with knowledge and information that can inspire critical thinking and promote informed decision-making. Whether you are new to the concept of awakening or have been on this journey for some time, our channel welcomes individuals from all backgrounds who share a passion for truth and justice. Join us on this journey of awakening and discovery. Together, we can make a difference and contribute to a more just and enlightened society. Remember, sometimes there is justice, and sometimes there is just us. Let's stand together and be the change we wish to see in the world. Welcome to 'The Great Awakening'.