Sachin Trades is a Telegram channel run by the username @thesachintrades. The channel is managed by a small town boy who has dedicated his time and effort to understanding the complexities of the stock market. Through hard work and perseverance, he has honed his skills in data-based trading, making it his edge in the market.
It is important to note that Sachin Trades is not SEBI registered, but the information and insights shared on the channel come from personal experience and research.
For those looking to delve into the world of trading, Sachin Trades offers a platform to learn from someone who has been through the ups and downs of the market. The channel provides valuable insights, tips, and strategies to help individuals navigate the stock market effectively.
To stay updated with Sachin Trades and connect with like-minded individuals, you can visit their profile at Additionally, for video content and tutorials, you can check out their YouTube channel at
Join Sachin Trades today to embark on a journey towards enhancing your trading knowledge and making informed decisions in the stock market.
19 Feb, 05:04
17 Feb, 17:29
16 Feb, 16:27
16 Feb, 05:37
15 Feb, 12:31
12 Feb, 16:47
06 Feb, 06:21
28 Jan, 08:18
27 Jan, 05:03
27 Jan, 04:06
26 Jan, 14:33
26 Jan, 08:29
26 Jan, 05:51
25 Jan, 17:49
25 Jan, 17:46
25 Jan, 13:14
24 Jan, 15:30
23 Jan, 18:24
19 Jan, 19:20
19 Jan, 16:20
19 Jan, 05:39
15 Jan, 16:18
15 Jan, 16:15
15 Jan, 16:14
15 Jan, 16:13
15 Jan, 16:12
15 Jan, 16:08
14 Jan, 04:41
13 Jan, 19:42
13 Jan, 18:03
13 Jan, 18:00
13 Jan, 09:26
26 Dec, 09:36
26 Dec, 09:33
26 Dec, 04:48
25 Dec, 16:22
25 Dec, 16:21
25 Dec, 07:19
15 Dec, 06:44
25 Nov, 14:09
23 Nov, 05:48
20 Nov, 16:13
20 Nov, 16:13
19 Nov, 11:18
19 Nov, 08:31
19 Nov, 04:43
18 Nov, 11:31
18 Nov, 05:59
18 Nov, 05:21
17 Nov, 15:09
17 Nov, 15:06
12 Nov, 18:57
12 Nov, 10:51
11 Nov, 17:22
11 Nov, 08:20
10 Nov, 16:53
09 Nov, 05:45
09 Nov, 05:34
07 Nov, 15:22
04 Nov, 17:14
04 Nov, 16:27
04 Nov, 07:45
03 Nov, 06:47
30 Oct, 12:07
29 Oct, 05:27
28 Oct, 07:51
28 Oct, 05:37
27 Oct, 14:21
26 Oct, 15:02
26 Oct, 07:15
25 Oct, 13:20
25 Oct, 11:27
24 Oct, 08:21
23 Oct, 14:02
20 Oct, 16:07
18 Oct, 04:25
17 Oct, 07:06
17 Oct, 07:04
17 Oct, 07:02