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thequranpath.eng (English)

Welcome to 'thequranpath.eng' Telegram channel, where you can embark on a journey through the beautiful and profound teachings of the Quran in English. As the title suggests, this channel is dedicated to guiding individuals on the path of understanding and enlightenment through the sacred words of the Quran. Who is it? 'thequranpath.eng' is a channel created for individuals who are seeking to deepen their knowledge and connection with the Quran. Whether you are a lifelong student of the Quran or someone who is interested in learning more about Islam, this channel is for you. What is it? This channel provides daily reflections, verses, and interpretations of the Quran in English. You will find valuable insights, spiritual guidance, and inspirational messages that will help you navigate through life's challenges with wisdom and clarity. Join 'thequranpath.eng' Telegram channel today and open your heart and mind to the timeless wisdom of the Quran. Let the words of Allah be a source of comfort, strength, and guidance in your journey towards spiritual growth and inner peace.


08 Feb, 14:11

"..there is a reward in this present world for those who do good.."

"..bagi orang yang berbuat baik di dunia ini mendapat (balasan) yang baik.."

(Surah An-Nahl [16]: 30)


08 Feb, 14:11

"and be patient! certainly Allah does not discount the reward of the good-doers."

"dan bersabarlah, karena sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyia-nyiakan pahala orang yang berbuat kebaikan."

Hud (11): 115


03 Feb, 06:54

"..and Allah will reward those who are grateful."

"..Allah akan memberi balasan kepada orang yang bersyukur."

(Ali 'Imran [3]: 144)


03 Feb, 06:54

"competition in [worldly] increase diverts you,"

"bermegah-megahan telah melalaikan kamu,"

(At-Takatsur [102]: 1)


28 Jan, 13:59

"..and be one of those who are grateful to Him."

"..dan hendaklah engkau termasuk orang yang bersyukur."

(Az-Zumar [39]: 66)


25 Jan, 13:54

"..and eat and drink, but be not excessive.."

"..makan dan minumlah, tetapi jangan berlebihan.."

(Al-A'raf [7]: 31)


20 Jan, 13:59

"..and man is ever hasty."

"..dan memang manusia bersifat tergesa-gesa."

Al-Isra [17]: 11


09 Jan, 05:51

"..for few of my servants are truly thankful."

"..dan sedikit sekali dari hamba-hamba-Ku yang bersyukur."

Saba [34]: 13


09 Jan, 05:51

"..good women are for good men and good men are for good women.."

"..perempuan-perempuan yang baik untuk laki-laki yang baik, dan laki-laki yang baik untuk perempuan-perempuan yang baik (pula).."

An-Nur [24]: 26


07 Jan, 13:57

"We do not burden any soul with more than it can bear.."

"Dan Kami tidak membebani seseorang melainkan menurut kesanggupannya.."

(Al-Mu'minun [23]: 62)


07 Jan, 13:57

"My Lord, increase me in knowledge."

"Ya Rabbku, tambahkanlah ilmu kepadaku."

Surah Ta-Ha [20]: 114


06 Jan, 06:18

"And remember the name of your Lord and devote yourself to Him with [complete] devotion."

"Dan sebutlah nama Rabbmu, dan beribadahlah kepada-Nya dengan sepenuh hati."

Al-Muzzammil [73]: 8


06 Jan, 06:18

"..O my son, do not associate [anything] with Allāh.."

"..Wahai anakku! Janganlah engkau menyekutukan Allah.."

Luqman [31]: 13


03 Jan, 06:19

"..Indeed, your Lord is vast in forgiveness.."

"..Sungguh, Tuhanmu Maha Luas ampunan-Nya.."

(An-Najm [53]: 32)


03 Jan, 06:19

"and his wealth will not help him as he falls."

"dan hartanya tidak bermanfaat baginya apabila dia telah binasa."

(Al-Layl [92] : 11)


31 Dec, 06:09

"And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought."

"Dan di antara tanda-tanda (kebesaran)-Nya ialah Dia menciptakan pasangan-pasangan untukmu dari jenismu sendiri, agar kamu cenderung dan merasa tenteram kepadanya, dan Dia menjadikan di antaramu rasa kasih dan sayang. Sungguh, pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda-tanda (kebesaran Allah) bagi kaum yang berpikir."

(Ar-Rum [30]: 21)


31 Dec, 06:09

"..And Allah knows, while you know not."

"..Allah mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui."

Al-Baqarah [2]: 216


24 Dec, 07:01

"..give good news to those who patiently endure,"

"..dan sampaikanlah kabar gembira kepada orang-orang yang sabar,"

Al-Baqarah : 155


24 Dec, 07:01

He said, "My Lord, indeed I have wronged myself, so forgive me," and He forgave him. Indeed, He is the Forgiving, the Merciful

"Dia (Musa) berdoa, "Ya Tuhanku, sesungguhnya aku telah menzalimi diriku sendiri, maka ampunilah aku." Maka Dia (Allah) mengampuninya. Sungguh, Allah, Dialah Yang Maha Pengampun, Maha Penyayang."

- Al-Qashash [28]: 16 -


24 Dec, 07:01

"O mankind, you are those in need of Allāh, while Allāh is the Free of need, the Praiseworthy."

"Wahai manusia! Kamulah yang memerlukan Allah; dan Allah Dialah Yang Maha Kaya (tidak memerlukan sesuatu), Maha Terpuji."

Surah Fatir [35]: 15


17 Dec, 13:53

"And if Allah should touch you with adversity, there is no remover of it except Him.."

"Dan jika Allah menimpakan suatu bencana kepadamu, maka tidak ada yang dapat menghilangkannya kecuali Dia.."

Surah Yunus [10]: 107


17 Dec, 13:53

"Your Lord is most knowing of what is within yourselves.."

"Rabb-mu lebih mengetahui apa yang ada dalam hatimu.."

Al-Isra, [17]: 25


12 Dec, 03:59

"and sent down, from the rain clouds, pouring water,"

"dan Kami turunkan dari awan, air hujan yang tercurah dengan hebatnya,"

Surah An-Naba' [78]: 14


12 Dec, 03:59

"And whatever you have of favor - it is from Allah.."

"Dan segala ni'mat yang ada padamu (datangnya) dari Allah.."

Surah An-Nahl [16]: 53


29 Nov, 14:24

"My Lord, I seek refuge in You from the incitements of the devils,"

"Ya Rabbku, aku berlindung kepada Engkau dari bisikan-bisikan setan,"

(Al-Mu'minun [23]: 97)


29 Nov, 14:24

"..And who forgives sins except Allah?.."

"..Dan siapa lagi yang dapat mengampuni dosa selain dari pada Allah?.."

-- Ali 'Imran [3]: 135


25 Nov, 13:27

"Death will overtake you no matter where you may be.."

"Di mana pun kamu berada, kematian akan mendapatkan kamu.."

(An-Nisa [4]: 78)


25 Nov, 13:26

Surah. Al-Muminoon 23 : 14
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala said:
ثُمَّ خَلَقْنَا النُّطْفَةَ عَلَقَةً فَخَلَقْنَا الْعَلَقَةَ مُضْغَةً فَخَلَقْنَا الْمُضْغَةَ عِظٰمًا فَكَسَوْنَا الْعِظٰمَ لَحْمًا ثُمَّ اَنْشَأْنٰهُ خَلْقًا اٰخَرَ ۗ فَتَبٰـرَكَ اللّٰهُ اَحْسَنُ الْخٰلِقِيْنَ 

"Then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, and We made the clot into a lump [of flesh], and We made [from] the lump, bones, and We covered the bones with flesh; then We developed him into another creation. So blessed is Allah, the best of creators."
📚 Tafsir Al-Muyassar / Kementerian Agama Saudi Arabia

Kemudian Kami menciptakan nuthfah itu menjadi alaqah, yaitu gumpalan darah merah. Lalu selepas empat puluh hari, Kami ciptakan alaqah itu menjadi mudhghah, yaitu gumpalan daging sebesar satu suapan yang dikunyah. Kemudian Kami menciptakan gumpalan daging yang lunak itu menjadi tulang-tulang, lalu Kami membungkus tulang-tulang itu dengan daging, dan setelah itu Kami ciptakan dia menjadi makhluk (dalam bentuk) yang berbeda dengan meniupkan ruh padanya. Mahaberkah Allah yang memperindah ciptaan untuk segala sesuatu.

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21 Nov, 13:49

"..He has truly been Most Gracious to me."

"..Sesungguhnya Dialah Allah sangat baik kepadaku."

(Surah Maryam [19]: 47)


11 Nov, 05:31

"..So do not claim yourselves to be pure.."

"..Maka janganlah kamu menganggap dirimu suci.."

(An-Najm [64] : 32)


10 Nov, 06:59

"..and ask forgiveness for your sins.."

"..dan mohonlah ampunan atas dosamu.."

- Muhammad [47]: 19


08 Nov, 13:32

"..and remember Allāh often.."

"..dan ingatlah Allah banyak-banyak.."

(Al-Jumu'ah [62]: 10)


06 Nov, 05:08

"Indeed, He is ever Accepting of Repentance."

"Sesungguhnya Dia adalah Maha Penerima taubat."

[Surah An-Nashr : 3]


06 Nov, 05:08

"And when I become sick, He heals me."

"Dan apabila aku sakit, Dialah Allah yang menyembuhkan aku,"

---- Asy-Syu'ara [26] : 80


31 Oct, 05:15

"And when I become sick, He heals me."

"Dan apabila aku sakit, Dialah Allah yang menyembuhkan aku,"

---- Asy-Syu'ara [26] : 80


30 Oct, 06:41

"Surely in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find comfort."

"Ingatlah, hanya dengan mengingat Allah hati menjadi tenteram."

(Ar-Ra'd [13] : 28)


30 Oct, 06:41

"Respond to evil with what is best.."

"Tolaklah perbuatan buruk mereka dengan (cara) yang lebih baik.."

(Al-Mu'minun [23]: 96)


28 Oct, 06:18

"Surely in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find comfort."

"Ingatlah, hanya dengan mengingat Allah hati menjadi tenteram."

(Ar-Ra'd [13] : 28)


25 Oct, 14:19

"Respond to evil with what is best.."

"Tolaklah perbuatan buruk mereka dengan (cara) yang lebih baik.."

(Al-Mu'minun [23]: 96)


23 Oct, 06:08

"..why do you not seek forgiveness of Allah that you may receive mercy?"

"..mengapa kamu tidak memohon ampunan kepada Allah, agar kamu mendapat rahmat?"

(Surah An-Naml [27]: 46)


23 Oct, 06:08

"Then which of the favors of your Lord do you doubt?"

"Maka terhadap ni'mat Rabb-mu yang manakah yang masih kamu ragukan?"

(An-Najm, [53]: 55)


21 Oct, 06:28

"Indeed, your Lord is in observation."

"Sungguh, Rabb-mu benar-benar mengawasi."

(Al-Fajr [89]: 14)