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The Pulse
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Last Updated 06.03.2025 21:53

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The Pulse

22 Feb, 20:21


Our Facebook page is reviving a little bit now that censorship has weakened! We hope you can join us there as well! We are posting a lot there.
The Pulse

22 Feb, 01:20


The CDC was ordered to stop running certain vaccine promotion campaigns, including the "Wild to Mild" flu vaccine campaign, following a directive from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). According to sources, HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. requested that vaccine advertisements instead emphasize "informed consent," a principle requiring disclosure of both risks and benefits of medical interventions.

This type of action could continue to take place over the course of time as RFK Jr looks to reduce Pharma adverts and use government health services in a way that is more transparent and honest.
The Pulse

20 Feb, 11:41


There was a time when this was considered a conspiracy theory. In 2021, China announced that it was planning a rapid expansion to its weather modification program. Most people probably didn’t know that China even had a weather modification program. The changes include modifying the climate in an area that is more than one and a half times the size of India, covering an area of over 5.5 million square kilometers (2.1 million square miles).

Their plan is to revitalize rural regions, restoring ecosystems and minimize losses from natural disasters and combat climate change.
This kind of thing has been contemplated by multiple countries. For example, in 1996 a report by top military personnel in the U.S. titled: “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025” describes their intention to "own the weather" by 2025 for warfare purposes.

Link to source in comments.
The Pulse

20 Feb, 01:43


Precognition? Our Body Can React To Events Up To 10 Seconds Before They Happen This article examines a number of experiments regarding precognition that were conducted by several different laboratories.
The Pulse

15 Feb, 15:11


“There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power or our will". -Epictetus

This is one of my favorite reminders to reduce stress. But it brings up the inevitable question – what is within the power of my will?

Our conditioning in the current culture tries to convince us that we can and should try to control everything. Our devices seem to allow us to completely do almost anything with a click or a swipe.

But then a great macro event, like the pandemic or a natural disaster, can suddenly take place, and we are in awe of an environment in which we exist that is obviously far beyond our control.

Yes, we can also control our reactions to an event but Epictetus’ advice is more specific – speaks of having the will to control certain things but not others.
The Pulse

15 Feb, 01:51


Flashback to this film we dropped in 2020. The science and differing perspectives behind CO2's link to climate change can be dizzying. Beyond that, there is a story that is not being told about our environment, and it's leading to proposing solutions that will likely cause even further damage to our environment. Regenerate reveals this hidden story, and encourages humanity to reconnect with nature.
The Pulse

12 Feb, 10:35


From Plato all the way to today, many scholars in the field have contemplated the existence of this highly technologically advanced ancient civilization and the reason for its downfall.
The Pulse

08 Feb, 02:27


Are aluminum adjuvants necessary for some vaccines to work? Is there another way? This article explores concerns with aluminum containing vaccines and why such an extremely toxic substance is used, and the difference between injection and ingestion!
The Pulse

07 Feb, 00:56


"Such phenomena and paranormal abilities of the human body are unimaginable for ordinary people. Nevertheless they are really true." - Chinese Institute of Atomic Energy, 1991.

Parapsychological writing includes a number of complex parapsychological phenomenon including moving the writing instrument, breaking through spatial barriers and thought directed writing. These paranormal phenomenon cannot be explained using modern scientific knowledge. However, the recording of paranormal phenomena, especially of the accumulation of data on experiments conducted using strict scientific methods must eventually approach and disclose the truth about this unknown realm.

In these experiments, a girl name "Little Ji" used her thoughts to "write" or "draw" on the piece of paper located inside of a film canister with a black ink fountain pen.

More details here:
The Pulse

31 Jan, 22:13


In November 1977, a news broadcast airing in multiple parts of England was "hacked" and interrupted with a message from a supposed extraterrestrial. How this was done and by who remains a mystery.