Welcome to PEOPLE POWER, the Telegram channel dedicated to 'The Movement for Global Economic Justice.' Here at thepeoplepower, we aim to bring together individuals from all walks of life who are passionate about creating a fair and equitable economic system for everyone. Our channel serves as a platform for like-minded individuals to connect, share ideas, and take action towards achieving economic justice on a global scale
Who is it? PEOPLE POWER is for anyone who believes in the power of collective action to create positive change in the world. Whether you are an activist, an economist, a student, or simply someone who cares about social justice, you are welcome to join our community
What is it? thepeoplepower is a channel that provides a space for discussions, debates, and information sharing on various topics related to global economic justice. From income inequality and labor rights to sustainable development and fair trade, we cover a wide range of issues that are central to building a more just and equitable world
Join us at PEOPLE POWER and be a part of the movement for global economic justice! Together, we can make a difference and create a more just and equitable world for all.