The illuminati show @theilluminatishow Channel on Telegram

The illuminati show


Health and Fitness
Discussions on Trending subjects

The illuminati show (English)

Welcome to 'The illuminati show', a Telegram channel dedicated to discussing topics such as Brahmacharya, Nofap, Health and Fitness, and Trending subjects. Whether you are looking to learn more about these subjects or engage in meaningful discussions with like-minded individuals, this channel is the perfect place for you. Join us to stay updated on the latest trends and tips for improving your overall well-being. Connect with others who share your interests and be a part of a supportive community that values self-improvement and knowledge sharing. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be a part of 'The illuminati show' - join us today!

The illuminati show

21 Nov, 18:14

ULTIMATUM DAY 325 & 326 :

• ब्रह्मचर्य में हर एक दिन अपनी ऊर्जा को उन सभी चीज़ों में लगा दें, जो आपको अपने लक्ष्य के पास ले जाएं। चाहे वो कार्य भले ही, छोटे-छोटे लगातार प्रयासों से ही क्यों न हो। ये सारे प्रयास मिलकर अंत में जिंदगी बदल देने वाले परिणाम आपको लाकर देंगे॥

• The most powerful weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another. Train your mind to see the good in everything. Positivity is a choice. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.

• Exercise may take sixty minutes, but your mood and energy will be boosted for the rest of the day. Morning sun may take thirty minutes, but it will help you sleep soundly every night. A gratitude practice may take five minutes, but your attitude will be improved for the next several hours. Meditation may take fifteen minutes, but your focus will be better for the rest of the day. Manifestation may take five minutes but could change the rest of your life. Small daily actions can lead to significant, long-lasting changes in your life 🔥


The illuminati show

19 Nov, 18:16

ULTIMATUM DAY 323 & 324 :

• पूरा ब्रह्मांड चाहता है कि आप सिर्फ खुद पर ध्यान दे। अपने विकास के लिए अपनी ऊर्जा का निवेश करना शुरू करें। हमेशा याद रखें, जब आपको हार मानने का मन करे, तो याद करे कि आपने शुरुआत क्यों की थी।

• Mitahara is moderation in food. One who practices Brahmacarya should be very careful about their night diet. They should never overload the stomach at night. Overloading is the direct cause for nightfall. If you want to control lust, if you want to observe the vow of Brahmacharya, the tongue must be controlled first. Then it will be easy to control the urges.

• Say this powerful affirmation in Brahmacharya everyday - I will remain focused on my goals. Even if I have a moment of difficulty, I will not give up. I know success comes with consistency. I know that I will make it. Things will get better. No problem or challenge will stop me. Everything I deserve is coming my way 🔥


The illuminati show

17 Nov, 18:11

ULTIMATUM DAY 321 & 322 :

• महर्षि रमण जी के अनुसार वास्तव में आत्मा से ध्यान हटाना ही सभी क्लेशों का मूल है और ब्रह्म में रहना ही ब्रह्मचर्य है, विवेक विकसित होने का जो माध्यम है वह है (स्वाध्याय, चिंतन, मनन और सत्संग) जो व्यक्ति निरंतर इन विषयों से जुड़ा रहता है निश्चित रूप से उसका विवेक विकसित होगा, जीवन में स्पष्टता आएगी और वह सदा आनंदित रहेगा l

• To become mentally strong, stop worrying about what has happened, focus on this moment. Make a habit to meditate daily. Don't expect too much from anyone. Speak only what is necessary. Don't be afraid of failing in any work in the first attempt. Never curse and compare yourself with anyone in life. Never waste your energy. Put deliberate pressure on yourself to achieve all the short term goals on time.

• Controlling urges is essential for keeping the mindset clear and staying on your path. When men let their desires dictate their actions, it leads to decisions that pull them off course. Discipline isn't about denying yourself, but about mastering when and where to channel this powerful energy effectively 🔥


The illuminati show

15 Nov, 18:14

ULTIMATUM DAY 319 & 320 :

• पहले अनजाने मे ब्रह्मचर्य नष्ट हुआ हो, कोई बात नहीं I इसमें आपका कोई दोष नहीं है I कभी निराश मत होना, कोशिश करते रहे, परमात्मा से प्रार्थना करें I वो दिन दूर नहीं जब लोग आपकी कामयाबी की बातें करेंगे I

• Ideal Brahmacharya Foods (also known as sattvic diet in yoga): milk, cheese, butter, curd, ghee, fruits, vegetables, cereals like wheat, rice, barley, peas, gram, ginger, lemon and honey.

• While practicing Brahmacharya also remember that your diet is not only what you eat. It's what you watch, what you listen to, what you read, the people you hang around, so be mindful of the things you put into your body emotionally, spiritually, and physically because it all contributes to your growth 🔥


The illuminati show

13 Nov, 18:09

ULTIMATUM DAY 317 & 318 :

• ऐसे जगह समय देना ही नही है जो समय जीवन और जीव को नष्ट करे। ऐसी चीज़ों के पीछे जाना है जो ठोस हो जो सच में तृप्ति दे सके। आत्मज्ञान के लिए अहम के भाव, विचार और कर्म की (गति, बदलाव) को समझो। आत्मज्ञान के लिए ये समझो हम कौन है और हमे चहिए क्या? ब्रह्मचर्य इसलिए है की जिस हालत में अभी हो उसके प्रति एक विद्रोह आ जाये और आप बदलो।

• Work on yourself everyday to create a self image of a man who is powerful, focused and unstoppable. The nearer a man comes to Brahmacharya, the closer he is to strength.

• Hydrate your body well not only with water but also with fruits and salads. Workout 1 hour in the morning and evening. Read any self improvement book 4 pages. Journal your progress. No junk food only desi food. Use mobile only for knowledge and important things. Make a goal and set a deadline to achieve it. Learn a new skill to make your life more interesting. Stop all bad habits. Take proper sleep so that you can start the next day with full of energy 🔥


The illuminati show

11 Nov, 18:18

ULTIMATUM DAY 315 & 316 :

• स्वामी मुक्तानन्द जी कहते है "वीर्य प्रतिधारण स्वास्थ्य, दीर्घायु और धीरज का स्रोत है। हालांकि मैं एक बूढ़ा व्यक्ति हूं, इस महत्वपूर्ण शक्ति के रक्षा के कारण, मैं अंदर से बहुत युवा महसूस करता हूं। वीर्य आपकी चमक, आपकी शक्ति, और आपका तेज है।"

• How to win in life? Eat natural food and health problems disappear. Get morning sunlight and anxiety disappears. Start exercising and muscles reappear. Sleep well and energy reappears. Remove negative people and positivity reappears. Make sure that the bad disappears and the good reappears.

• Uncontrolled lust often leads to poor decisions and vulnerability. A man who overcomes lust maintains clarity, self-control, and integrity, making him resistant to manipulation and defeat, but through the practice of Brahmacharya, vital energy sublimates and recirculates within your body, nourishing your power centres, including the brain cells. This helps to strengthen your spiritual aura, revitalize your internal body functions and energize ur physical body 🔥


The illuminati show

09 Nov, 18:20

ULTIMATUM DAY 313 & 314 :

• ब्रह्मचारी को प्रतिदिन प्रातःकाल यह संकल्प लेना चाहिए कि मैं सारा दिन अत्यंत व्यस्त रहूंगा, अत्यंत पुरुषार्थ करूंगा। एक क्षण को भी व्यर्थ नहीं खोऊंगा। आपके लिए सबसे ज़रूरी काम जो है, उन सबकी एक सूची बना लें और तुरंत उन कार्यों में लग जायें। सुबह आपके पास सबसे ज्यादा ऊर्जा होगी तो इसका पूरा फ़ायदा लें।

• To recover from the side effects of Masturb*tion like weak digestion, memory loss, low sperm count and less power, we have published this new long video - "3 Magical Foods For Brahmacharya Strength" only on "Brahmacharya Army Youtube Channel." Do watch this video once for complete recovery.

• Legacy is built on discipline. When you look back, what do you want to see? A life of wasted nights or one of achievements and respect? Discipline defines legacy. Build something lasting-a career, a fit mind and body, a reputation by keeping your focus. Discipline is the foundation of success. Master your desires, elevate your life, and keep your eyes on the ultimate prize 🔥


The illuminati show

07 Nov, 18:19

ULTIMATUM DAY 311 & 312 :

• उत्तम ग्रंथों के अध्ययन से ब्रह्मचर्य के पालन में सहायता मिलती है। जो ऋषियों के लिखे ग्रंथ हैं, और जिनमें ब्रह्मचर्य का वर्णन है उनका अध्ययन करने से व्यक्ति के मन में ब्रह्मचर्य के प्रति श्रद्धा उत्पन्न होती है और उसके विचार ब्रह्मचर्य का पालन करने वाले महापुरुष जैसे महान बन जाते हैं।

• You need to understand this today that 'your words have a powerful frequency behind them. The carry an energy that can alter your reality.' If you are serious to change your life, take this challenge of not speaking anything negative for 24 hours. This will make you more conscious about the words you use about yourself and your life. And when a negative thought comes in your mind say, 'I am going to speak what I want to manifest'

• Disappear for 2 hours a day. Morning or night. When most people are asleep. When the world is quiet and you start getting ideas. Fully focus on building a meaningful project. Think about your ideal life. Don't miss the power of solitude. This is the time when dreams are built 🔥


The illuminati show

05 Nov, 18:13

ULTIMATUM DAY 309 & 310 :

• ब्रह्मचर्य में परम मंगल करने वाले साधन इस प्रकार हैं - स्वाध्याय, चिंतन, साधना, योग, ध्यान, मंत्र, सेवा, संकल्प, समर्पण, सत्संग, विनम्रता, और महापुरुषों को आदर्श बना कर उनके आचरण का अनुसरण करना | यदि इन साधनों का उचित प्रयोग किया जाए तो निश्चित रूप से मन की कुमार्गगामी वृत्तियों पर नियंत्रण कर के मन को अपना हितेषी बनाया जा सकता है |

• Friedrich Nietzsche - The reabsorption of semen by the blood is the strongest nourishment and, perhaps more than any other factor, it prompts the stimulus of power, the unrest of all forces toward the overcoming of resistances, the thirst for contradiction and resistance. The feeling of power has so far mounted highest in abstinent priests and hermits (for example, among the Brahmacharis)

• Tomorrow is a new day, which means, actually, practically, and realistically a new opportunity to re-engage, strategize, and chase your goals. After waking up ask yourself what are the things you can do that will make you proud 🔥


The illuminati show

03 Nov, 18:16

ULTIMATUM DAY 307 & 308 :

• ब्रह्मचर्य रक्षा के लिए जरूरी नियम - सात्विक भोजन लें जैसे अनाज, फल और सब्जियां, फलों का जूस, दूध, मक्खन। 20 मिनट रोज प्राणायाम करें। दिन में कुछ समय मौन रहें। रोज खुद को बेहतर बनाने की कोशिश करे। जो भी काम करे उसको होशपूर्ण करें। दैनिक जीवन का कुछ समय प्रकृति में बिताये। गलत लोगो की संगति से दूर रहे। परमात्मा पर पूरा भरोसा रखें।

• One of the students of Maharishi Dhanvantari Ji approached his teacher and asked: "O Bhagavan, kindly let me know the secret of health now." Maharishi Dhanvantari Ji replied: "The secret of health lies in preservation of this vital Brahmacharya force. He who wastes this vital and precious energy cannot have physical, mental, moral and spiritual development." Virya is the essence of life, intelligence and consciousness. A new video on "The illuminati show Youtube channel" has been published regarding the Secrets To Master Brahmacharya. Do watch the video for complete guidance.

• 60 days of Brahmacharya, consistent work, exercising, meditating, eating healthy, and learning new skills, will take you to a completely different place mentally, physically and spiritually 🔥


The illuminati show

01 Nov, 10:18

ULTIMATUM DAY 305 & 306 :

• ब्रह्मचर्य का अभ्यास एक आध्यात्मिक व्यक्ति के लिए सबसे महत्वपूर्ण योग्यता है, चाहे उसका चुना हुआ मार्ग कोई भी हो - कर्म योग, उपासना, राज योग, हठयोग या वेदांत। सभी साधकों से पूर्ण संयम के अनुशासन की मांग की जाती है। केवल एक सच्चा ब्रह्मचारी ही भक्ति कर सकता है और आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान प्राप्त कर सकता है।

• To boost testosterone increase your healthy fats and protein intake. Get Vitamin D, Boron & Zinc. Have Ashwagandha with warm milk or water. Focus on lifting weights or do bodyweight workout at home like Hanuman dand, pullups and squats. Build habit to sleep well and on time. Meditate everyday to reduce your stress level. Stay away from bad habits and practice Brahmacharya. For more information, watch our new video on The illuminati show youtube channel.

• To stop laziness, remove all the distractions from your work place and set all useful things. Organized environment promotes productivity. If you don't want to work or workout, just tell yourself to do it for just 1 minute and then you will notice that the brain starts cooperating you. Write three important task and do it in next 24 hours. Challenge yourself and see how quickly you will grow 🔥


The illuminati show

30 Oct, 18:19

ULTIMATUM DAY 303 & 304 :

• सुबह उठने के बाद अपने दिन की शुरुआत गुनगुना पानी पी कर करे। और पूरे दिन में कम से कम 3-4 लीटर पानी जरूर पीए। हमारे शरीर में 70% जल है, और इसकी कमी से शरीर और चेहरे पर बुरा प्रभाव पड़ता है। Face Glow Ke Liye "Brahmacharya Army" Youtube Channel par step by step guidance hai long video format mein. Video title - Magical Rules For 10X Brahmacharya Face Glow. Ye video search karke dekhein.

• You'll be amazed at how powerful you become when you decide to create something. The moment you choose to bring your ideas to life, the world starts to respond. All it takes is the decision to start, and The Universe will follow your lead.

• If you pay attention to the habits you've built, you'll see they are the cause of your current reality. By consciously shifting your actions, you can create new wave that align with your highest vision 🔥


The illuminati show

28 Oct, 18:14

ULTIMATUM DAY 301 & 302 :

• ब्रह्मचर्य आपके 'अधोगामी' ऊर्जा प्रवाह या काम शक्ति को 'उर्ध्वगामी' बना देता है। नीचे 'क्षणिक सुख' (मूलाधार चक्र) है, ऊपर 'अनंत सुख' (सहस्रार चक्र) है! इसी तरह नीचे 'यौन' है; ऊपर 'योग' है। ब्रह्मचर्य की साधना 'यौन' के तमस से निकालकर आपको 'योग' के ज्योतिर्मय पथ की ओर ले जाती है।

• The goal is to grow so strong on the inside that there's not a single thing on the outside that could affect your inner peace and happiness without your permission. You become really powerful, once you learn how to control what you react to.

• How big would you dream, if you knew you couldn't fail? The only thing stopping us is ourselves. Take one step in the right direction, and you're halfway there to making your dreams come true 🔥


The illuminati show

26 Oct, 18:10

ULTIMATUM DAY 299 & 300 :

• जैसे जैसे शरीर की पुरानी आदत छुट जाएगी और आप संयम अनुशासन रखेंगे तो स्वप्नदोष धीरे धीरे बंद हो जाएगा, बस अपनी इन्दियों को नियंत्रण करें, क्या देखना है, क्या खाना है, क्या बोलना है, क्या सोचना है, इस पर थोड़ा संयम बरतें, कुछ ही समय में इसका सकारात्मक परिणाम आपको देखने मिल जाएगा।

• Seek pain in a greater way than you seek comfort. Most men, when they wake up they are already thinking of ways to be comfortable. Don't do this. Rather, when you wake up, think of ways you are going to challenge yourself. 50 push ups, 50 squats, meditation, journaling, reading etc. Seek pain and you won't relapse. Combine this with prayer and remembrance of the divine and you'll be unstoppable. Reminder - Recently we have published a new video about 30 days benefits of Ashwagandha in Brahmacharya routine. Watch this life changing video only on "Brahmacharya Army" YouTube Channel.

• If the mind is focused into higher things, then brahmacharya comes naturally to you. You can succeed in brahmacharya if the mind is totally taken up by something so wonderful, so big, that it completely elevates your way of living 🔥


The illuminati show

24 Oct, 18:18

ULTIMATUM DAY 297 & 298 :

• अपनी ऊर्जा को पहचानो और ये सोचो आप इस वासना की दुनिया तक ही सीमित नहीं हो आपका जन्म कुछ विशेष कार्य के लिए हुआ है। देखना कोई वासना तक तो क्या, बड़ी से बड़ी चट्टान आपको नहीं गिरा सकती।

• Align goals with core values. Start by identifying the values that are important to you such as freedom, growth, healthy lifestyle and ensure that your goals align with these values. If your goals don't resonate with your core beliefs, you're less likely to stay committed to them.

• To Find Your Why: Ask yourself, "Why do I want this?" and keep digging deeper. For example, if your goal is to start a business, your initial answer might be "to make money." But why? To provide for your family? To have freedom? The deeper you go, the more meaningful your "why" becomes. Just take the next step, focus on the work and let the Divine carry you. Then you will see your life getting better and better each day 🔥


The illuminati show

22 Oct, 18:11

ULTIMATUM DAY 295 & 296 :

• जहाँ तक हो सके सदाचारी, ईश्वर भक्त, शुभ कार्य करने वाले तथा उत्तम विचार वाले पुरुषों का सत्संग करना चाहिये। बुरे लोगों की संगति में कदापि न रहें।

• Brahmacharya + High quality sleep + No fast food + Hydration + Daily Workout + Sattvic diet + Morning sunlight exposure + Solid purpose + No wrong content + Meditation = The closest you'll be to superhuman experience.

• Avoid bad company and wrong conversations. Overcome laziness and always keep the body and mind engaged in some useful work. Keeping the mind constantly engaged is one of the great secrets of brahmacharya. Never forget that you are a warrior on a great mission, getting better everyday🔥


The illuminati show

20 Oct, 18:18

ULTIMATUM DAY 293 & 294 :

• जितनी कम उम्र में ब्रह्मचर्य की शुरुआत होगी उतना आपके पास सुनहरा मौका होगा दिमाग की शक्ति को बढ़ाने के लिए, अब देखो उम्र 25 से ज्यादा है और उनसे पहले गलती हुई है और वह शुरुआत कर रहे हैं ब्रह्मचर्य की तो फायदा उन्हें भी है लेकिन वैसे नहीं जैसे 12-25 वर्ष वाले ब्रह्मचर्य से मिलता है, इस उम्र के बाद भी आप नई जिंदगी शुरुआत करते हो तो आप उन सभी से 100 गुना बेहतर हो जाओगे जो 12-25 में खोखले मजे के पीछे भाग रहे हैं।

• If you are facing nightfall problem in Brahmacharya and want to get rid of it, then do check our recent video on the illuminati show youtube channel.

• When you start to see your life as a journey and have faith in your strength, you will see that there is purpose behind all the difficulties you are facing right now. They will test your patience and your courage to continue. They will test how much belief you have in yourself. But you will grow stronger through them. You will find out that if you don't give up on yourself even when the times are hard, life will reward you with things only the bravest ones deserve 🔥


The illuminati show

18 Oct, 18:19

ULTIMATUM DAY 291 & 292 :

• 2 मिनट के खोखले मजे के पीछे अपनी 40-50 दिन की मेहनत भला कौन नष्ट करना चाहेगा, आप समझदार हो इसलिए सही मार्ग पर चलते रहना |

• In just three months, life will look different in the best way. You'll be in a better place physically, mentally, spiritually and even financially. Imagine the peace, growth, and joy that are waiting for you. Claim it now because you're working for it and deserve it.

• When you practice discipline, you learn to push through challenges instead of giving up. This means waking up on time to work on your dreams, sticking to a budget when you want to splurge, or putting in extra hours to finish a project. It's not always easy, but each time you face a struggle and keep going, you build your strength and character. Over time, this mindset helps you to grow, achieve more, and become the person you want to be. Remember, every time you choose discipline over comfort, you are one step closer to your goals 🔥


The illuminati show

16 Oct, 17:42

ULTIMATUM DAY 289 & 290 :

• हर रोज इतना व्यायाम, सपाटे, दंड लगाओ की पसीने से तर-बतर हो जाओ। तब ही आप ब्रह्मचर्य को पचा पाएंगे, वर्कआउट से confidence बढ़ता है और यही आत्मविश्वास चैलेंज को पूरा करने मे बहुत ज़्यादा मदद करेगा। पहले physically मजबूत बनो फिर Mentally अपने आप माइंड को कंट्रोल कर लेंगे।

• When you believe in yourself, your energy changes. You stand taller, walk with purpose, and carry yourself in a way that shows you don't need anyone's approval to feel good about who you are. You start to realize that true confidence isn't about getting compliments or trying to fit into someone else's expectations. It's about accepting yourself, flaws and all, and being proud of the person you've become. And that's the kind of glow that no one can take away from you.

• When you've worked hard, faced challenges, and pushed through difficult times, every good thing that comes your way feels more meaningful. It's like you can truly appreciate the peace, success, or happiness because you know how much effort and strength it took to get there. The journey makes the reward even more special, and when blessings come, they remind you of how far you've come and how strong you've become 🔥


The illuminati show

14 Oct, 18:00

ULTIMATUM DAY 287 & 288 :

• सोच को ऊंचा उठाए बिना आप संसाधनों को प्रयोग नहीं कर सकते संसाधन आपका प्रयोग करते हैं, मन के विपरीत जा कर कार्य करना अनुशासन है मन को कार्य के अनुकूल कर लेना जीवन जीने की कला है |

• Forgive your younger self, believe in your present self, create your future self. The journey of growth begins when you choose to embrace change and believe in yourself. Big goals start with small actions every day. Notice the small wins they keep you going.

• Surround yourself with good people. Choose people who lift you up. Don't be afraid to imagine a bright future. Your growth starts with these choices. Believe in yourself and take action today 🔥






