-محمود درویش
ماهِ شبِ تار is a Telegram channel with the username @thegalaxy11. This channel is dedicated to the art of storytelling and is managed by a talented writer. The username itself, thegalaxy11, hints at a mysterious and intriguing theme that the channel offers. The description of the channel indicates that the writer is someone who believes that their story has not been written yet. They express a desire to leave this planet one day, hinting at a longing for adventure and exploration. The channel seems to be a platform for the writer to share their thoughts, stories, and perhaps even interact with their audience through the mentioned link. If you are a fan of creative writing, fantasy, and thought-provoking narratives, make sure to join ماهِ شبِ تار. on Telegram to immerse yourself in a world of imagination and mystery.
18 Jan, 21:16
18 Jan, 14:20
18 Jan, 14:17
17 Jan, 20:39
16 Jan, 22:36
11 Jan, 18:35
04 Jan, 14:43
04 Jan, 12:33
29 Dec, 16:58
29 Dec, 16:49
27 Dec, 21:15
26 Dec, 13:31
25 Dec, 09:34
05 Dec, 14:32
05 Dec, 14:32
03 Dec, 20:20
18 Nov, 22:37
18 Nov, 20:09
18 Nov, 20:01
18 Nov, 13:34
15 Nov, 13:52
14 Nov, 14:54
11 Oct, 14:10
11 Oct, 14:09
08 Oct, 16:05
07 Oct, 16:40
07 Oct, 16:40
30 Sep, 21:12
30 Sep, 21:06
22 Sep, 15:53
20 Sep, 18:35