أحدث المنشورات من Book of Generations (@thebookofgenerations) على Telegram

منشورات Book of Generations على Telegram

Book of Generations
We look at the world through the lens of scripture. From Genesis to Revelation Every Generation.
3,387 مشترك
82 صورة
165 فيديو
آخر تحديث 01.03.2025 05:04

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أحدث المحتوى الذي تم مشاركته بواسطة Book of Generations على Telegram

Its all in your head

Time after time


Problem solver

The one thing that keeps me going is the love for GOD. The source of that love, is the reality that my entire existence is dependent on HIM.

You are no mistake

Transforming complaints to praise

When you are firmly fixed on THE HOLY ONE, you have little time to worry about what people think about you.

For you know, to love HIM is to love your neighbour as yourself. How they feel about that, well, that between them and THE HOLY ONE. Blessed be HE

The measurement of success, till death

Keep pushing, the better you is waiting