Beauty and The Base. @thebeautybase Channel on Telegram

Beauty and The Base.


Send your beautiful menfess about the beauty world right here, Beauties! <3

On Duty: Close.

Partnership: @.TheBeautyBaseBot @TBBPS
Banned: @BannedTBB
Rants: @BeautyRants
Subβ€”Unit: @Kitchenfess

Beauty and The Base (English)

Are you a beauty enthusiast looking to connect with like-minded individuals and share your thoughts on the latest beauty trends? Look no further than 'Beauty and The Base' Telegram channel, also known as '@thebeautybase'. This channel is the perfect space for beauties to send their menfess about the beauty world, engage in discussions, and stay updated on all things related to beauty. Whether you're a makeup lover, skincare junkie, or simply someone who enjoys all things beauty, this channel is for you. nnThe channel is on duty with closed sessions where members can freely express their opinions and share their experiences. For any criticisms, suggestions, or rants, users can contact @Ghiaabot for a personalized response. Additionally, the channel offers partnership opportunities with @TheBeautyBaseBot and @TBBPS, as well as a dedicated sub-unit @KitchenFess for those interested in culinary beauty. nnJoining 'Beauty and The Base' will not only connect you with a community of beauty enthusiasts but also provide you with a platform to learn, share, and grow in your beauty journey. So why wait? Join today and be a part of this vibrant beauty community!

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:42

"pada akhirnya tirai tertutup, pemeran harus menunduk."

Yaaah, udah waktunya Jadira selesai sama shiftnya nih, beauties huhu. D: Hari ini seruu bangeet sesinya, jadi gak mau untuk pisah sama beauties deh. Terima kasih aku ucapkan buat kalian yang sudah mau mematuhi rules dari TBB, yaa! Juga untuk kalian yang bantu jawab pertanyaan dari beauties lain, jawaban-jawaban kalian sangat berguna untuk para beauties!

Jangan lupa untuk subs @beautyrants untuk main sama para admin dan cek konten konten seru dan menarik dari @KinciWoy. Terakhir, selalu pantau @voiceofpalestina ya! Bis dann. Wir sprechen uns!

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:41

#beautyask beauties saran untuk pemula better pake peeling serum atau toner untuk exfo? kulit aku oily ada beruntusan merah di jidat, tolong saranin produk nya juga yaa, tysm!

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:41

#beautyask cushion under 100 k yg minim oksidasi apa yaa

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:41

#beautyask muka bisa cerah gasi anjay cape bgt, klo bisa cerah jg pling cpt dan pling lama brp bulan?

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:41

#beautyask buy toner dulu ataauu serum??

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:41

#beautystory beli aboveboard itu dimana, beauties?

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:41

#beautyask concealer yg ga bikin cakey atau crack gitu apa ya? maksudku bisa senyatu itu sama foundi

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:41

#beautyask saran tinted sunscreen tipkul combi donggg! yg bikin ga dempul & bakal dipake untuk panas panasan :3 mahal gapapa, kasih honest review yaaaw

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:41

#beautyask beauties beberapa bulan lalu kan aku beli moist dan ga ada reaksi apa apa, karena udah habis aku beli lagi di ofc store nya tapi pas ku pake rasanya kaya panas tapi dingin itu gapapa kah? aku pake moist yabg sama kokk

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:41

#BeautyAsk peeling serum ditambah ke basic skincare leh gaaa?

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:41

#beautyask saranin aku parfume yg bau nya itu seger dongg, jangan yang maniss banget? kayak wangi nya itu wangi alam gitu loh, ngerti gaaak 😭😭😭. kayak parfum nya miniso yg ijo

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:36

#beautyask set brightening skin1004 buat kulit close comedo, berminyak, cocok ga? atau lebih cocok pake yang set poremizing?

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:36

#beautyask beautieees aku pake hanasui peeling serum 2x ko skrh muncul merah merah yaa? efek purging kah atau breakout yaa kira kira t____t

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:36

#beautyask beauties, saranin toner hydrating buat combi to oily

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:36

#beautyask forebie moist serum, dorskin matcha, or somethinc calm down?? moist buat acne on off dan bekasnya, ada close comedo juga, atau skintific? klo iya yg apa moistnya?

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:36

#BeautyAsk saran liptint yang ringan, awet, ga bikin kering yang cocok buat daily dong beautiess

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:36

#BeautyAsk beauties, review jujur dong yang pake ourdaylee lip treatment, yg clear atau tinted terseraaahh. makasih yaa beauties!

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:36

#beautyask beauties, beruntusan di jidat aku ga hilang2 😞😞 aku harus pake apayaa? tolong kasi saran dong, st aku oily. tia <3

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:36

#beautyask saran kerudung segitiga dong, beauties!