Beauty and The Base; ON DUTY! @thebeautybase Channel on Telegram

Beauty and The Base; ON DUTY!


Send your beautiful menfess about the beauty world right here, Beauties! <3

On Duty: @Thebeautybase6bot

KRITIK & SARAN: @.Ghiaabot
Partnership: @.TheBeautyBaseBot @TBBPS
Banned: @BannedTBB
Rants: @BeautyRants
Sub—Unit: @Kitchenfess

Beauty and The Base (English)

Are you a beauty enthusiast looking to connect with like-minded individuals and share your thoughts on the latest beauty trends? Look no further than 'Beauty and The Base' Telegram channel, also known as '@thebeautybase'. This channel is the perfect space for beauties to send their menfess about the beauty world, engage in discussions, and stay updated on all things related to beauty. Whether you're a makeup lover, skincare junkie, or simply someone who enjoys all things beauty, this channel is for you

The channel is on duty with closed sessions where members can freely express their opinions and share their experiences. For any criticisms, suggestions, or rants, users can contact @Ghiaabot for a personalized response. Additionally, the channel offers partnership opportunities with @TheBeautyBaseBot and @TBBPS, as well as a dedicated sub-unit @KitchenFess for those interested in culinary beauty

Joining 'Beauty and The Base' will not only connect you with a community of beauty enthusiasts but also provide you with a platform to learn, share, and grow in your beauty journey. So why wait? Join today and be a part of this vibrant beauty community!

Beauty and The Base; ON DUTY!

18 Feb, 08:36

#BeautyAsk ada yg pernah coba alchemist ngga? bau yg enak buat anak sekolah apa ya? fresh gitu? + deskripsiin baunya dong

Beauty and The Base; ON DUTY!

18 Feb, 08:36

#BeautyAsk ss nya avoskin bagus ga ya Beauties??

Beauty and The Base; ON DUTY!

18 Feb, 08:36

#beautyask muka aku belang bgt, kusam juga pake apa ya biar warnanya bisa kaya kulit yg aslii, saran produk dong yg bnr bnr ngaruh ya

Beauty and The Base; ON DUTY!

18 Feb, 08:36

#beautyask saran produk buat muka yg belang, kusam. yg bener bener ampuh ya

Beauty and The Base; ON DUTY!

18 Feb, 08:36

#beautyask beautiess, saranin skincare buat ngembaliin warna kulit dong? Capek banget bagian kaki, torso sama lenganku putihnya lebih daripada muka 💔

Beauty and The Base; ON DUTY!

18 Feb, 08:36

#beautyask beauties buat dry acne prone skin mending ambil ss wardah acne yang spf 35 atau 50?

Beauty and The Base; ON DUTY!

18 Feb, 08:32


#beautyask ini caranya mudarin atau hilangin gimana si beauties? huhu cape kali aku permasalahan kulit aku seringnya gini. skincare yang aku pake tuh

fw: hadalabo goku
cleansing oil: akita
moist: g2g ijo
ss: wardah acne

yang perlu di ganti apa ya? aku oily acne prone

Beauty and The Base; ON DUTY!

18 Feb, 08:32

#beautyask saranin parfum yang cocok buat sekolah dan bau nya seger manis tapi ga nyegrok dong

Beauty and The Base; ON DUTY!

18 Feb, 08:32

#beautyask. Tolong saranin liptint yang gak oksidasi dongg, makasih banyak!

Beauty and The Base; ON DUTY!

18 Feb, 08:32

#Beautyask saran primer dong buat st kombinasi (oily bagian idung aja) tia beautiess 🤓🫰

Beauty and The Base; ON DUTY!

18 Feb, 08:29

#beautyask beauties, kulit sender lg banyak close komedo, bruntusan & bekas jerawat. ngilanginnya pake product apa yaa yang aman buat pemula..? sebelumnya sender cm pake fw moist masker acnaway & skip ss. adakaah saran yang kantong pelajar beauties? 😭 (st aku oily). thank youu!

Beauty and The Base; ON DUTY!

18 Feb, 08:29

#beautyask cara ilangin komedo dan chicken skin di hidung pakai apa beauties? aku udah pake npure pad sama peeling serum viva kurang ada hasilnya.. kalau bisa yg under 100k ya. Tia 😉

Beauty and The Base; ON DUTY!

18 Feb, 08:29

#beautyAsk boleh ga sih pakai serum di badan trus di layer lagi sama body serum? aku mau pakai serum maydoza di layer body serum purbasari

Beauty and The Base; ON DUTY!

18 Feb, 08:27

#beautyask beauties, kulit kepala aku gatel tp ga ketombean dan rontokk ngatasinnya pakai apa yaa? 😔

Beauty and The Base; ON DUTY!

18 Feb, 08:27

#beautyask spill cleansing balm kesukaan kalian dan rating seberapa bagus buat hapus makeup?

Beauty and The Base; ON DUTY!

18 Feb, 08:24

#beautyask kaki aku berbulu banget niatnya aku mau coba waxing, kira² nanti bakal tumbuh lebih lebat ga ya bulu nya beauties?

Beauty and The Base; ON DUTY!

18 Feb, 08:24

#beautyask setting spray for oily skin under 80 ada rekomen ga ya beauties?

Beauty and The Base; ON DUTY!

18 Feb, 08:24

#beautyask beauties cara biar makeup kita ga medok tuh gimana ya? dan ga keliatan tuaa? aku warm undertone ya

Beauty and The Base; ON DUTY!

18 Feb, 08:24

#beautyask. ada ga sih beauties, sunscreen yg affordable tp bagus??

Beauty and The Base; ON DUTY!

18 Feb, 08:24

#beautyask beauties saranin mascara yang cetar membahana tapi masih oke dikantong dong 😊

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. ♥️

05 Feb, 12:57

#beautyask kalau aku maskeran, tapi habis itu gak pakai serum boleh gak? tapi aku ttp pakai moisturizer. soalnya serum aku udah habis, Tia.

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. ♥️

05 Feb, 12:57

#beautyask air mawarnya viva lebih baik jadi toner atau face mist ajaa?

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. ♥️

05 Feb, 12:57

#BeautyAsk honest review elixir spray studio tropik dongg

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. ♥️

05 Feb, 12:57

#beautyask × #beautystory kmrin baru beli body lotion, trus tadi aku taro jok motor tiba tiba jadi cair gt, kayanya kena panasnya mesin deh jadi cair' gmn gituu, solusi nya gmn yaaa beautiesss, mau aku taro freezer tapi emg gapapa kah 😔😔

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. ♥️

05 Feb, 12:57

#Beautyask beauties primer instaperfect bagus buat nutupin pori² sama bopeng tipis ga? atau ada saran primer lain?

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. ♥️

05 Feb, 12:57

#beautyask kalo gabole double cleans pake cleansing oil tiap hari sedangkan kita pake suncreen tiap hari itu konsep nya gimana? masa pake mw disaat gapake cleansing oil?

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. ♥️

05 Feb, 12:57

#Beautyask cara ngehilangin closed komedo gimana sih? cape banget sama closed komedo

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. ♥️

05 Feb, 12:57

#beautyask beauties, exfo itu wajib ngga? Makasuh

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. ♥️

05 Feb, 12:57

#Beautyask saranin aku ss yg harga nya affordable dong, tipkul ku combi to dry, acne prone

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. ♥️

05 Feb, 12:57

#beautyask lagi banyak jerawat, kemerahan jg. Saran moisturizer yg bagus dong, makasi

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. ♥️

05 Feb, 12:57

#Beautyask ada yangg punyaa recommendation buatt liptintt yangg glossy and tahan lamaa gaa yaaa?? selainn bnbb, pengenn cobaa liptintt baruu tp bingungg mau yangg manaa 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. ♥️

05 Feb, 12:57

#BeautyAsk beauties 140k kata kalian mending cushion skintific biru atau foundcealer studio tropik? for daily ya dan oily skin, btw aku jg udah terbiasa pakai foundi buat daily

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. ♥️

05 Feb, 12:52

#beautyask cushion bnb lama shade 01 light petal kalo wardah color fit pake yg mana yaa?

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. ♥️

05 Feb, 12:52

#beautyask saranin toner untuk csm dong, st oily acne skin

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. ♥️

05 Feb, 12:52

#beautyask beauties, yang bener itu fw sebelum pake clay mask, atau sesudah pake clay mask??

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. ♥️

05 Feb, 12:52

#beautyask menurut kalian skincare aku ini udah pas blm ya? gaada yg bertabrakan kan? untuk st oily acne skin

mw: wardah seaweed
fw: hada labo goku
toner: npure
serum: hanasui power bright
moist: prettywell ceramon
sunscreen: azarine cma
exfo: hanasui exfoliating serum

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. ♥️

05 Feb, 12:52

#beautyask #beautystory aku biasa liat orang meksipun kulit nya ga mulus, ga bersih tapi shinny glowing seolah olah glass skin, itu gimana sih caranya?

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. ♥️

05 Feb, 12:52

#beautyask buat rambut rontok mending hair tonic rudy hadisuwarno atau mustika ratu?

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. ♥️

05 Feb, 12:52

#Beautyask lipbalm emina oh so kissable buy or bye?

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. ♥️

05 Feb, 12:52

#BeautyAsk saran hair tonic untuk rambut rontok, rambutku tebal tapi rontok trs hwhw

Beauty and The Base

22 Jan, 17:00

u i i a i u i i a i u u i a i. That's all for tonight, thankyou for accompanying us at @TheBeautyBase, Beauties! Milady Cezaline and Milord Shade will wrap this thing up. Any question or critism, please contact one of us or contact @Ghiaabot. Beauties, don't forget to check our rants. And check our partner if you're looking for something new, @SabusFess and @Rentalovee. Last but not least, new updates about Palestine, please check @VoiceOfPalestina. Ciao! ⭐️⭐️

Beauty and The Base

22 Jan, 17:00

Channel name was changed to «Beauty and The Base»

Beauty and The Base

22 Jan, 17:00

We love you, Beautiess!

Beauty and The Base

22 Jan, 17:00

#beautyask moist glowsophy bisa dilayer sama serum odl raspberry??

Beauty and The Base

22 Jan, 17:00

#beautyask ada yang udah nyobain mask nya azrina? review dongg

Beauty and The Base

22 Jan, 16:55

#BeautyAsk spill brand lipcare andalan kalian dongg

Beauty and The Base

22 Jan, 16:54

#beautyask fw apa yg gentle & minim ingredients? mksd nya yg ingredients nya gak macam-macam

Beauty and The Base

22 Jan, 16:52

#beautyask ini oke nggak beauties? st combi-oily dan lg ada bruntusan ya.
mw: g2g pink
fw: innisfree bija
moist: benton aloe gel
ss: amaterasun serum

Beauty and The Base

22 Jan, 16:50

#beautyask yang pernah pakai cushion glowsophy boleh reviewnyaa nggaa? kalau sm goute bagusan mana ya beautiess

Beauty and The Base

22 Jan, 16:50

#beautyask beauties, ak mw ganti moist dr glowsophy ijo ke emina water gel calming. Yes or no?

Beauty and The Base

22 Jan, 16:50

#beautyask saran twc atau compact powder, sama loose powder untuk st combi-oily. Yg matte & oil controlnya bagus yaa. Prefer yg affordable (under 100k)

Beauty and The Base

22 Jan, 16:49

#beautyask kalau baju warna abu tua, bawahannya cocok warna apa ya beauties?

Beauty and The Base

22 Jan, 16:46


#beautyask beauties, aku long torso tb 150an dan agak berisi dikit. cocok pakai baju yg oversize atau pas aja di aku ya?

Beauty and The Base

22 Jan, 16:46

#beautyask kalau kerudung pashmina dusty pink, atasannya cocok warna apa ya? terus, bawahannya mending rok atau celana?

Beauty and The Base

22 Jan, 16:44

#beautyask beauties skintint rad oksidasi nya parah ga?

Beauty and The Base

22 Jan, 16:44

#beautyask context concealer, luxcrime atau true to skin yaa?

Beauty and The Base

22 Jan, 16:44

#beautyask concealer luxcrime bagus gaak?

Beauty and The Base

22 Jan, 16:43

#beautyask tinted sunscreen kalo dipakein setting spray tetep bisa luntur atau ngga?

Beauty and The Base

22 Jan, 16:43

#Beautyask saranin aku body care buat ilangin bekas luka cacar di badan dong huhu, cape banget

Beauty and The Base.

12 Jan, 05:04

❥. ᭄ Aight Beauties, it's time for me to wrap things up and call it a day. Thanks for being such wonderful company during my shift! I've had a blast chatting with you all. *kith ₍ᐢ.ˬ.⑅ᐢ₎

Speaking of sharing, don't forget to subscribe to our sub-units @kitchenfess, and @beautyrants for some fun and engaging content. We've got a whole world of deliciousness and beauty waiting for you there! And make sure to check out our partnership at @UsnFees. But before I go, let's send our best wishes to Palestine. You can find more details on what's happening there at @voiceofpalestina. “See you on my next shift!” 🗝️

Beauty and The Base.

12 Jan, 05:01

#beautyask saranin sunscreen tipkul berminyak buat dana pelajar, thank u

Beauty and The Base.

12 Jan, 05:01

#beautyask saranin aku serum yang bisa ngurangin kemerahan aku dong (pie) st oily

Beauty and The Base.

12 Jan, 05:01


#beautyask beauties cara atasi jerawat di pinggir mulut pake apa ya?

Beauty and The Base.

12 Jan, 05:01

#beautyask kalo udah pake deodorant malem malem besok paginya tetep pake ga?

Beauty and The Base.

12 Jan, 05:01

#beautyask kira kira ini undertone aku apa ya beauties? 🥹

Beauty and The Base.

12 Jan, 05:01

#BeautyAsk sebutkan per-lippies-an kalian yang paling oke itu beauties, aku mau beli, sekalian minta honest reviewnya dong 😚🫰

Beauty and The Base.

12 Jan, 05:01

#beautyask beauties saranin aku ss buat st dry acne prone skin dong, yang harga pelajar yhh

Beauty and The Base.

12 Jan, 05:01

#beautyask rekomendasiin aku setting spray yang bisa dijadiin primer juga dongg, yang gak ovp ya hehehehe :p thanks beforee!

Beauty and The Base.

12 Jan, 05:01

#BeautyAsk peeling serum elformula bisa bikin purging gasi?

Beauty and The Base.

12 Jan, 05:01

#beautyask aku ada sedikit jewarat like 3-5 gitu tapi udah membekas, better pakai skincare khusus acne atau yg biasa biasa aja? takutnya kalo pakai acne malah makin jerawatan:(

Beauty and The Base.

12 Jan, 05:01

#beautyask kalian lebih suka lipblam biasa atau tinted lipblam beauties?

Beauty and The Base.

12 Jan, 05:01

#beautyask beautiess tolong honest review barier revive cream labore dongg , ngaruh bgt gk ya ?

Beauty and The Base.

12 Jan, 05:01

#beautyask gamis warna army gitu cocoknya jilbab warna apa ya?

Beauty and The Base.

12 Jan, 05:01

#beautyask rekomendasiin day cream dong beauties!! mau jadiin base makeup untuk daily soalnyaa

Beauty and The Base.

12 Jan, 05:01

#beautyask kalian lebih pilih lip tint raecca, reveline, jiera?

Beauty and The Base.

12 Jan, 05:01

#beautyask saran varian parfum scarlett dong

Beauty and The Base.

12 Jan, 05:01

#beautyask kulit ku berminyak, tp hidung aku kering bangetttt. ada saran moist ga ya?

Beauty and The Base.

12 Jan, 05:01

#beautyask kalo misal basic skincare belum konsisten pakai, apa boleh pakai whitening viva cream itu? terus kan moist aku azarine biru, boleh ga abis itu pakai whitening viva ini?

Beauty and The Base.

09 Jan, 15:00

It's time for me to end the open session, thanks to beauties who have obeyed the rules, and thanks also to those who have helped answer menfes, your comments are very helpful. Don't forget to join our sub-units @kitchenfess and @beautyrants for interaction with admins, also don't forget to subscribe to our partnership @Jockeyfess. One more thing, please keep us updated about Palestine through @VoiceofPalestina See you next shift, and have a pleasant night.

─── Avec amour, Imani.

Beauty and The Base.

09 Jan, 14:59

Channel name was changed to «Beauty and The Base.»

Beauty and The Base.

09 Jan, 14:59

#BeautyAsk saranin warna rambut dong, apa warnain merah lagi ya? 🤔

Beauty and The Base.

09 Jan, 14:59

#Beautyask guyss shade liptintnya raecca yang cocok buat neutral undertone yang mana ya?

Beauty and The Base.

09 Jan, 14:59

#beautyask ceramide itu ga semua orang bakal cocok ya? aku pake skincare yang ada kandungan ceramide nya jadi kemerahan banget, muncul jerawat & bruntusan ringan gitu 😞, st dry sensitive

Beauty and The Base.

09 Jan, 14:59


#beautyask ini kenapa ya?.. sebelumnya muka ku udah mulus lagi tapi tibatiba muncul kek begini :(
aku juga make skincare kayak biasanya gaada nyoba produk baru

Beauty and The Base.

09 Jan, 14:59

#beautyask rekomendasiin concealer dong beauties, harga pelajar kalau bisaa

Beauty and The Base.

09 Jan, 14:59

#beautyask beauties maaf, tolong up yaa, aku ga ngerti maksud react lumba lumba 😭

Beauty and The Base.

09 Jan, 14:59

#beautyask beauties saran hair protection untuk rambut yang suka di blow dryer dong, rambutku bergelombang rada curly btw

Beauty and The Base.

09 Jan, 14:55

#beautyask Kondisi kulit aku lagi close comedo, pokoknya skinbarier lagi kacau, kira kira produk di bawah udah ada yang perlu di ganti gak anw st aku combi to oily.

Face wash cetaphil, micellar water sea makeup, moist??? sunscreen amaterasun, serum hanasui advance exfo. Ada yang perlu di ganti? Anw saran moist terimakasih sebelumnya

Beauty and The Base.

09 Jan, 14:55

#Beautyask ada yang tau ga warna lippies kaya gini apa?? kalo bisa brand nya juga, ga terlalu mirip gapapa

Beauty and The Base.

09 Jan, 14:55

#beautyask beauties kan aku ada cushion instaperfect nah dia tu masi banyak di dalamnya cm kalau di tap udah aga kering dan cm ada dikit, boleh gasih di balik si sponge nya? 😭😭

Beauty and The Base.

09 Jan, 14:55

#beautyask itu aku lihat info the elf masuk daftar list ilegal/no bpom. Sebenernya itu mana yg benenernya ya? Lanjut atau jgn? Pdhl bagus banyak yg rekomen

Beauty and The Base.

09 Jan, 14:55

#beautyask tolong jawab yaa, aku mlm ini exfo peeling besok pagi boleh pakai vit c?

Beauty and The Base.

09 Jan, 14:55

#beautyask normal ga si habis coba sunscreen baru mukanya jadi gatal?

Beauty and The Base.

09 Jan, 14:50

#beautyask kalian sebelum pake tinted ss, pake yang pure ss juga? atau gaperlu?

Beauty and The Base.

09 Jan, 14:50

#beautyask beauties, ada yg pernah nyoba obat totol jerawat bnb ga? aku mau nanya nanya hehe

Beauty and The Base.

09 Jan, 14:50

#beautyask csm ngaruh ga ya buat ngilangin bruntusan sama close komedo?

Beauty and The Base.

09 Jan, 14:50

#Beautyask buat fw mending senka / hadalabo?

Beauty and The Base.

07 Jan, 18:01

▸ 𔓕 That's upstairs furthermore wrap amidst, Beauties. It's time for Zacnorth to say goodbye aka close shift. Thanks a bunch for accompanying Zacnorth's shift and enjoying it by feeling comfortable, don't forget to stop beyond and peek at @Beautyrants, @kitchenfess as our sub unit, @Muntual as a relative here, and don't forget to keep your eyes ini @voiceofpalestina. For those whose menfess is not sent, maybe there obtain an misapprehension in the menfess, hopefully it can be corrected by reading the rules again to send to the next shift.

If you want to make relation or ask questions about the world of beauty, you can chat with me, by tapping my chat room on @nanamiL. May the days you live be better and your day can be a joy in every lovely moment, see you again on another shift, Beauties.

Beauty and The Base.

07 Jan, 18:00

#beautyask saranin aku merk hijab yang bagus buat sekolah pleaseee, yang tegak paripurna dan engga nerawang

Beauty and The Base.

07 Jan, 17:52

#Beautyask rate topping balm plusnya the body culture dong beautiesss ampuh ga?

Beauty and The Base.

07 Jan, 17:47

#beautyask saranin bodycare yang bisa mudarin bekas luka (korengan) gitu dong beauties..

Beauty and The Base.

07 Jan, 17:43


#beautyask beauties jidat aku lagi kaya gini, better aku maskeran pake claystick mugwort atau volcano atau peeling exfo aja ?

Beauty and The Base.

07 Jan, 17:38

#beautyask beautiess rekomendasi toner, serum & moist brightening dong sekalian reviewnya, makasii

Beauty and The Base.

07 Jan, 17:37

#beautyask saran maskara yg bener² lentik nya awet dong kec somethinc dan bnb yaaa

Beauty and The Base.

07 Jan, 17:35

[1/7, 13:24] D: emg kalo skincare mencair kena hawa panas tuh efek skincare ny jg bakal memudar kh
[1/7, 13:24] D: ini ss sama body lotion gw jd cair hello.
[1/7, 13:36] : Iya
[1/7, 13:37] D: cius?
[1/7, 13:59] : Iya

ini beneran beauties? solusinya gimana biar balik ke tekstur awal ya?:')

Beauty and The Base.

07 Jan, 17:34

#beautystory ayoo spill ke aku body care lengkap gitu pake apa aja, sama urutin juga ya:3

Beauty and The Base.

07 Jan, 17:34

gaperlu pake sunscreen ya berarti? cara tau pori pori besar atau gak nya gimanaa?

Beauty and The Base.

07 Jan, 17:34

#beautyask beauties, boleh minta tolong vote? yang ampuh buat bibir mengelupas dan kering bgtbgtbgt
1. buttered (😍)
2. hansaplast (🤗)

cr. shopee

Beauty and The Base.

07 Jan, 17:34

#beautyask step step make up an buat pemula tuh apa aja yaa beauties? yang bener bener dari pertama gitu stepnya

Beauty and The Base.

07 Jan, 17:34

#beautyask beauties, tolong saranin acne patch yg ampuh bgt donggg

Beauty and The Base.

07 Jan, 17:34

#beautyask mau pake salicylic acid, mending dalam bentukan apa yaa? serum kah apakah? sekalian saran merk nya dong

Beauty and The Base.

07 Jan, 17:33

#beautyask saranin hand cream yg menurut kalian ngelembapin + wanginya enak dong beauties

Beauty and The Base.

07 Jan, 17:33


#beautyask beautiess minta sarannya dong! aku kan udah selesai breakout, terus tinggal sisa bekas jerawatnya doang. boleh gak kalau udah begitu pakai produk yang mengandung niacinn? atau tetap lanjutin yang fokus ke acne aja? karena aku selama breakout pakai yang fokus ke acne. tiaaa beauties~

Beauty and The Base.

07 Jan, 17:33

#beautyask tolong kasi tau aku cara biar outfit kaya gini bisa jadi hijab friendly dong 😢 harus di apain atau pake apa ya beauties?

Beauty and The Base.

07 Jan, 17:29

#BeautyAsk toner pratista itu bagus ga buat kulit oily acne?

Beauty and The Base.

07 Jan, 17:29

#beautyask buat kaum begadang ky kalian, eye cream yg ngaruh apa? atau buat kalianilangin mata panda kalian

Beauty and The Base.

04 Jan, 17:00

It's time for me to end the open session, thanks to beauties who have obeyed the rules, and thanks also to those who have helped answer menfes, your comments are very helpful. Don't forget to join our sub-units @kitchenfess and @beautyrants for interaction with admins, also don't forget to subscribe to our partnership @RentaLovee. One more thing, please keep us updated about Palestine through @VoiceofPalestina. See you next shift, and have a pleasant night.

─── Avec amour, Imani.

Beauty and The Base.

04 Jan, 17:00

I love you beauties❤️

Beauty and The Base.

04 Jan, 16:59

#beautyask hai! Rekomendasiin moist buat combi skin dong, tia!

Beauty and The Base.

04 Jan, 16:59

#beautyask saran serum buat bekas jerawat sama close komedo dong (dikit close komedonya) yang under 100k

Beauty and The Base.

04 Jan, 16:59

#beautyask saranin body lotion sekaligus ada spf nya dong beauties! yang harganya ramah dikantong pelajar yaa

Beauty and The Base.

04 Jan, 16:59

#beautyask pake produk apaa biar ga banyak bgt bulu-bulu di tangan sm kaki

Beauty and The Base.

04 Jan, 16:55

#beautyAsk. mau up ini 😢❤️ thank you

Beauty and The Base.

04 Jan, 16:55

#beautyask recommend basic skincare yang bagus untuk oily face dong.... kulitku benerbener oily beauties. abis cuci muka biasanya 15 menit kemudian udah oily lagi 😮‍💨😮‍💨 ga nyamaannn

Beauty and The Base.

04 Jan, 16:55

#beautyask liquid blush esqa or sea makeup

Beauty and The Base.

04 Jan, 16:55


mw : facetology sa
fw : skin1004 pomerizing
toner : ffy
serum : ourdaylee pink
moist : ffy
ss : skin1004 tutup coklat
exfo : somethinc glowmaker

udah oke belum beauties, buat st combi, permasalahan kulit kusam dan ada bekas jerawat hitam?

Beauty and The Base.

04 Jan, 16:55

#beautyask better skintint mana buat combi to oil? MAD/guele? atau ada saran lain? yg ga terlalu pricey ya

Beauty and The Base.

04 Jan, 16:50

#beautyask aku baru mau nyoba pake exfoliating tonernya somethinc, itu tuh afternya harus tetep pake hydrating toner gaa apa moisturizer aja udah cukup?

Beauty and The Base.

04 Jan, 16:50

up dongg, rekomen retinolnyaa

Beauty and The Base.

04 Jan, 16:50

#beautyask saran lipcream yang shadenya mirip banget sama implora shade 12 dong

Beauty and The Base.

04 Jan, 16:50

#beautyask rekomen body wash yang bisa mencerahkan kulit dong beautiess, kalo bisa yang cair ya hehe

Beauty and The Base.

04 Jan, 16:50

#BeautyAsk safron itu di semprot nya sebelum skincarean apa abis skincarean? apa bebas mau kapan aja?

Beauty and The Base.

04 Jan, 16:50


#beautyask beauties, aku tuh bb 39,5kg tb 161,5cm tuh agak kurang kannn tapi pipi aku gede banget.. cara biar tirus gimana sih mbek tanpa diet segala macem 😭 nanti kl diet aku makin kurus kerempeng dong

Beauty and The Base.

04 Jan, 16:50

#beautyask ada gk bodycare yg ngikutin warna kulit asli? Kek kulit kita belang tuh kan nah yg gelap ni ngikut ke yg agak cerah, ngeratain lah gt gk perlu mutihin. Badan ku kek kuning Langsat tp tangan sawo matang

Beauty and The Base.

04 Jan, 16:50

#beautyask saran masker yang ampuh banget buat ngangkat komedo (putih) dongg, pricey gapapa butuh banget soalnya

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. 🪷

03 Dec, 13:33

#beautyask rekomendasi skincare whitening remaja

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. 🪷

03 Dec, 13:33

#beautyask. kayanya semenjak pake cleansing oil Akita muka aku jd jerawat on off trs bibir jg kyk nanahan gt... mending ganti ke micellar facetology atau gmn ya beauties?? trs pakenya yg mana? thanks!

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. 🪷

03 Dec, 13:33

#beautyask saran loose powder translucent yg bener bener bisa ngontrol minyak dong beauties, selain sea makeup pleasee

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. 🪷

03 Dec, 13:33

#BeautyAsk beli cleansing oil+ serum glycolic acid oke ga sih buat closed comedo?

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. 🪷

03 Dec, 13:33

#beautyask beautiesss up ini tolong ❤️

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. 🪷

03 Dec, 13:30

#beautyask saran ss buat muka sensitif dan oily..

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. 🪷

03 Dec, 13:30

#beautyask kalian yg neutral to cool undertone pada pake eyeshadow apaa beauties??

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. 🪷

03 Dec, 13:30

#BeautyAsk rekomendasiin lippies buat base ombre dong beauties, yang pucet gituu dan nutupin bibir gelap

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. 🪷

03 Dec, 13:30

#BeautyAsk beautiess tolong saranin donggg better aku ganti ss apaa, st aku oily to normal, awalnya make facetology tapi lama" ngebikin close comedo :((, mending ganti pake apa yaa? thank youu 🫰🏻

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. 🪷

03 Dec, 13:30

#beautyask review maskara pinkflash dong, ada saran maskara lain yang budget pelajaran selain pf ga?

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. 🪷

03 Dec, 13:28

#beautyask buat yg kulitnya sawo matang atau deep gitu. saranin ombre lips yg gak kayak org tipes. lebih ke brownish dan maroon gitu dong gitu dong

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. 🪷

03 Dec, 13:28

#beautyask beauties, ss boj ku kok jadi agak berbau yaa? atau emg ada baunya?

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. 🪷

03 Dec, 13:28

#beautyask better skintific or skin1004 buat ngilangin dark spot ?

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. 🪷

03 Dec, 13:28


#beautyask aku punya pie di pipi kanan kiri, udah ga ada jerawat on dan tinggal bekasnya. kira kira aku sudah boleh exfo belum ya? untuk exfonya pake peeling serumnya implora. tia!

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. 🪷

03 Dec, 13:28

#beautyask ada yg pernah coba cushion skintific biruu? tolong review dong beauties, thank youu!

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. 🪷

03 Dec, 13:26

#BeautyAsk kalian pake body scrub berapa menit nge scrub nya?

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. 🪷

03 Dec, 13:26

#beautyask saran cushion yang aman tanpa di set powder dong beauties! yang masih affordable yaa

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. 🪷

03 Dec, 13:26

#Beautyask beautiess, aku masih f16 dan baru baru ini mau mulai memperbaiki skin barrier, aku gak berminyak tapi bruntusan dan lumayan sering jerawatan. Niatnya beli set g2g yang ijo itu karna budget pas pasan, kira kira worth ga ya? atau ada rekomendasi lain????

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. 🪷

03 Dec, 13:26

#beautyask sender mau foto yb jam 2 siang - 5 sore, tahannn yang mana ya beautiess? 😞😞

Beauty and The Base ON DUTY. 🪷

03 Dec, 13:26

#Beautyask beauties, ss yang gak bikin kusam dan cocok buat oily skin apa ya? yang non comedogenic

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:42

"pada akhirnya tirai tertutup, pemeran harus menunduk."

Yaaah, udah waktunya Jadira selesai sama shiftnya nih, beauties huhu. D: Hari ini seruu bangeet sesinya, jadi gak mau untuk pisah sama beauties deh. Terima kasih aku ucapkan buat kalian yang sudah mau mematuhi rules dari TBB, yaa! Juga untuk kalian yang bantu jawab pertanyaan dari beauties lain, jawaban-jawaban kalian sangat berguna untuk para beauties!

Jangan lupa untuk subs @beautyrants untuk main sama para admin dan cek konten konten seru dan menarik dari @KinciWoy. Terakhir, selalu pantau @voiceofpalestina ya! Bis dann. Wir sprechen uns!

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:41

#beautyask buy toner dulu ataauu serum??

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:41

#beautyask muka bisa cerah gasi anjay cape bgt, klo bisa cerah jg pling cpt dan pling lama brp bulan?

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:41

#beautyask cushion under 100 k yg minim oksidasi apa yaa

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:41

#beautyask beauties saran untuk pemula better pake peeling serum atau toner untuk exfo? kulit aku oily ada beruntusan merah di jidat, tolong saranin produk nya juga yaa, tysm!

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:41

#beautyask saranin aku parfume yg bau nya itu seger dongg, jangan yang maniss banget? kayak wangi nya itu wangi alam gitu loh, ngerti gaaak 😭😭😭. kayak parfum nya miniso yg ijo

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:41

#BeautyAsk peeling serum ditambah ke basic skincare leh gaaa?

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:41

#beautyask beauties beberapa bulan lalu kan aku beli moist dan ga ada reaksi apa apa, karena udah habis aku beli lagi di ofc store nya tapi pas ku pake rasanya kaya panas tapi dingin itu gapapa kah? aku pake moist yabg sama kokk

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:41

#beautyask saran tinted sunscreen tipkul combi donggg! yg bikin ga dempul & bakal dipake untuk panas panasan :3 mahal gapapa, kasih honest review yaaaw

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:41

#beautyask concealer yg ga bikin cakey atau crack gitu apa ya? maksudku bisa senyatu itu sama foundi

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:41

#beautystory beli aboveboard itu dimana, beauties?

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:36

#beautyask beauties, saranin toner hydrating buat combi to oily

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:36

#beautyask beautieees aku pake hanasui peeling serum 2x ko skrh muncul merah merah yaa? efek purging kah atau breakout yaa kira kira t____t

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:36

#beautyask set brightening skin1004 buat kulit close comedo, berminyak, cocok ga? atau lebih cocok pake yang set poremizing?

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:36

#beautyask saran kerudung segitiga dong, beauties!

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:36

#beautyask beauties, beruntusan di jidat aku ga hilang2 😞😞 aku harus pake apayaa? tolong kasi saran dong, st aku oily. tia <3

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:36

#BeautyAsk beauties, review jujur dong yang pake ourdaylee lip treatment, yg clear atau tinted terseraaahh. makasih yaa beauties!

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:36

#BeautyAsk saran liptint yang ringan, awet, ga bikin kering yang cocok buat daily dong beautiess

Beauty and The Base.

23 Nov, 13:36

#beautyask forebie moist serum, dorskin matcha, or somethinc calm down?? moist buat acne on off dan bekasnya, ada close comedo juga, atau skintific? klo iya yg apa moistnya?

Beauty and The Base.

12 Nov, 03:45

It's time for me to end the open session, thanks to beauties who have obeyed the rules, and thanks also to those who have helped answer menfes, your comments are very helpful. Don't forget to join our sub-units @kitchenfess and @beautyrants for interaction with admins, also don't forget to subscribe to our partnership @Lacifess, one more thing, please keep us updated about Palestine through @VoiceofPalestina. See you next shift, and don't forget to drink water.

─── Avec amour, Imani.

Beauty and The Base.

12 Nov, 03:44

Channel name was changed to «Beauty and The Base.»

Beauty and The Base.

12 Nov, 03:44

#beautyask saranin compact powder yang bagus untuk kulit berminyak dan berjerawat dungss beauties

Beauty and The Base.

12 Nov, 03:44

#BeautyAsk saranin micellar water yg bagus buat acne on off dong beauties😉

Beauty and The Base.

12 Nov, 03:44

#beautyask moist skin barrier yg bagus buat kulit oily apa ya?

Beauty and The Base.

12 Nov, 03:44

#Beautyask katanya shampoo kuda bagus buat manjangin rambut, tapi itu shampoo kudanya yang mana ya?, aku liat di shoppe dan google banyak banget, beda²

Beauty and The Base.

12 Nov, 03:43

#BeautyAsk menurut kalian bagusan yang manaa kalau buat outfit ke bromo? Bingungg, nanti aku pake hoodie warna hitam 😢😢😢

Beauty and The Base.

12 Nov, 03:43

#beautyask ada yang tau ngga lip yang warna nya persis kaya gini?

Beauty and The Base.

12 Nov, 03:43

#beautyask beauties boleh tolong saranin aku sunscreen yang gak ada kandungan AHA BHA, retinol, sama salicilic acid nya gakk… yang aman dipake buat kulit sensitif 😭 terimakasih sebelumnya

Beauty and The Base.

12 Nov, 03:41

#BeautyAsk shade apaa buat neutral to warm?

Beauty and The Base.

12 Nov, 03:41

#beautyask cara nyamarin bekas jerawat yg item gitu pake apa? boleh spill? makasii

Beauty and The Base.

12 Nov, 03:41

#beautyask serum buat bikin alis tebel gitu yang work beneran make apa yaa?

Beauty and The Base.

12 Nov, 03:39

#beautyask review dongg gimana baunya saff n co yang sotb & cascavel, tahan berapa lama & cocok dipake buat sekolah apa gaa?

Beauty and The Base.

12 Nov, 03:39

#beautyask beautiess, serum sa itu bisa menyamarkan pori pori atau tidaa?? sekalian saran dong serum sa selain avo yaa

Beauty and The Base.

12 Nov, 03:39

#beautyask better beli twc atau cushion? saranin produk yg full coverage donk, yg gk gampang luntur

Beauty and The Base.

12 Nov, 03:39

#beautyask beauties, mending beli bundling yang mana ya? yang wanginya seger, kecuali yang aku tutup stiker

Beauty and The Base.

12 Nov, 03:37

#beautyask buat tipkul normal cenderung kombinasi (kadang suka kering dikit) mending beli hydrating toner aubree/dojako?

Beauty and The Base.

12 Nov, 03:37

#beautyask beauties, kalau ada jerawat mendem, beruntusan gitu boleh pake peeling serum dari viva ngga? Kalau boleh, dipake nya kapan yaa? tia

Beauty and The Base.

12 Nov, 03:37

#beautyask ampoule skin 1004 yang centella hyalu cica itu buat apa ya beauties?

Beauty and The Base.

10 Nov, 16:10

📖 Milady Lia's shift was over, beauties! Terima kasih yaa sudah menyempatkan waktu untuk menemani aku di sini. Thank you all for cheering up and helping all beauties here, may all be helped and happy! Don't forget to check our rants @beautyrants, we can interact with friends and admins indefinitely! Jangan lupa juga untuk subs dan mangkal di partnership terkasih kami @kitchenfess dan @Bubblegumadm. Please keep an update of @VoiceOfPalestina to continue to offer our best prayers and support for them! Thank you and see you, beauties! 💗

Beauty and The Base.

10 Nov, 16:09

#beautyask bedanya kalau kita ga cocok sm belum kuat aja kulitnya pake exfo gimana ya? aku pake avoskin mrt bingung antara ga cocok sm belum kuat, tiaa!

Beauty and The Base.

10 Nov, 16:09

#beautyask beauties, better eyeshadow pinkflash arau saniye??

Beauty and The Base.

10 Nov, 16:09

#beautyask. ampoule putihnya skin1004 bagus ga buat ngilangin pih? aku mau beli maju mundur nih

Beauty and The Base.

10 Nov, 16:08

#beautyask undertone sama skintone bedanya apa beauties, aku blm paham

Beauty and The Base.

10 Nov, 16:08


Beauty and The Base.

10 Nov, 16:08

#beautyask beautiesss better beli yang mana ya... yang atas bostanten, bawah merche 😿😿😿 bingung bgtttt

Beauty and The Base.

10 Nov, 16:08

#BeautyAsk buat pelajar. mending loose powder nya azzura atau focallure?

Beauty and The Base.

10 Nov, 16:08

#beautyask saran cushion buat foto bts plss, yang cocok buat oily acne prone skin, dan yang minim oksidasii

Beauty and The Base.

10 Nov, 16:07

#beautyask beauties bingung bgt antara 2 ini, buat skintone kuning langsat prefer 3 or 4

Beauty and The Base.

10 Nov, 16:07

#beautyask sisir yang cocok untuk rambut kering dan ngembang apa ya?

Beauty and The Base.

10 Nov, 16:07

#BeautyStory ya Allah capekk, kepilih jadi perwakilan tari buat P5 otomatis harus make up, akuu belum boleh make up sendiri jadinyaa pakai jasa MUA, malesnyaa tuh tiap abis make up selalu bruntusan

Beauty and The Base.

10 Nov, 16:07

#beautyask beauties spill parfum Mykonos yang travel size yang wanginya paling enak

Beauty and The Base.

10 Nov, 16:06

#beautyask acne spot bole buat close komedo & bruntusan tak?

Beauty and The Base.

10 Nov, 16:06

#beautyask kalo shade cushion somethinc aku (C01,5) butter, di g2g bagusnya buttercream (01) atau praline (02) yaa??

Beauty and The Base.

10 Nov, 16:05

#beautyask moist ffy beneran bagus buat mencerahkan gaaa? pgn beli tp masi maju mundur hehehehe

Beauty and The Base.

10 Nov, 16:05

#beautyask. beauties, tipkul aku comby to oily, bruntusan, & komedo (kadang mendem). saran basic skincare dong, kalau bisa masi dikantong pelajar. anyways aku still 14 to 15. thanks beautiess! ♥️

Beauty and The Base.

10 Nov, 16:05

#beautyask beauties please saranin produk exfo yang nampol bgt buat ngilangin closed comedoo, thanks!

Beauty and The Base, ON DUTY 🐆

03 Nov, 02:29

#beautyask ini yang dipakai di dada dia namanya apaaa ya? 😭😭😭😭😭

Beauty and The Base, ON DUTY 🐆

03 Nov, 02:29

#beautyask beautiesss, adakah saran untuk baju tema cottage coree? sender bingung bangeeett. btww ini untuk foto yb yaaa ^___^

Beauty and The Base, ON DUTY 🐆

03 Nov, 02:29

#beautyask beauties urutan skincare gimana sii??
fw, moist, toner, ss
fw, mw, moist, toner

Beauty and The Base, ON DUTY 🐆

03 Nov, 02:28

#beautyask cara nutup bruntusan sama mata panda waktu make up pakein apa yhh?

Beauty and The Base, ON DUTY 🐆

03 Nov, 02:28

#beautyask review bfree sunscreen dong, mungkin yang adeknya make atau yang masih kecik kecik... mau beli buat adek ku

Beauty and The Base, ON DUTY 🐆

03 Nov, 02:28

#beautyask beauties, saran face palette yang cocok untuk medium (warm) undertone

Beauty and The Base, ON DUTY 🐆

03 Nov, 02:28

#beautyask saranin fw sama acne spot buat oily acne prone

Beauty and The Base, ON DUTY 🐆

03 Nov, 02:28

#beautyask concealer tu penting ga beauties?

Beauty and The Base, ON DUTY 🐆

03 Nov, 02:28

#beautyask saranin toner buat bantu ilangin jerawat sm bruntusan dong, yg kantong pelajar yaaa

Beauty and The Base, ON DUTY 🐆

03 Nov, 02:28

#beautyask beauties pie ama bruntusan itu beda ga sii? gimn bedain nya

Beauty and The Base, ON DUTY 🐆

03 Nov, 02:28

#beautyask honest review glow tint bnb dong beautiess <3

Beauty and The Base, ON DUTY 🐆

03 Nov, 02:28


#beautyask jerawat kecil kecil gini tuh diapain dan karna apa yaa beautiess? ganggu banget huhu soalnya ga cuma satu tapi beberapa T_T

Beauty and The Base, ON DUTY 🐆

03 Nov, 02:28

#beautyask sender baru mau beli makeup, enaknya beli apa aja ya?

Beauty and The Base, ON DUTY 🐆

03 Nov, 02:28

#beautyask tolong saranin acne spot buat milia dong

Beauty and The Base, ON DUTY 🐆

03 Nov, 02:25

#beautyask disekitar hidung aku bertekstur gitu, boleh rekomenin toner ga?

Beauty and The Base, ON DUTY 🐆

03 Nov, 02:25

#beautyask kalian yg punya pie pakein apa?

Beauty and The Base, ON DUTY 🐆

03 Nov, 02:25


#beautyask beauties ini aku kenapa, dan gimana cara ngatasin nya🥲🥲??

Beauty and The Base, ON DUTY 🐆

03 Nov, 02:25


#beautyask beauties, caranya ngilangin ini gimana yaa? (rekomen produknya sekalian dong) sma kalau lg gini boleh pake serumnya skin1004 ga😔😔

Beauty and The Base, ON DUTY 🐆

03 Nov, 02:25

#beautyask better tinted lipbalm seamakeup or somethinc??

Beauty and The Base, ON DUTY 🐆

03 Nov, 02:25

#beautyask rekomenin toner yg cerahin dong

Beauty and The Base.

26 Oct, 15:20

It's time for me to end the open session, thanks to beauties who have obeyed the rules, and thanks also to those who have helped answer menfes, your comments are very helpful. Don't forget to join our sub-units @kitchenfess and @beautyrants for interaction with admins, also don't forget to subscribe to our partnership @Rentalgram, one more thing, please keep us updated about Palestine through @VoiceofPalestina. See you next shift, and Have a pleasant night.

─── Avec amour, Imani.

Beauty and The Base.

26 Oct, 15:19

Channel name was changed to «Beauty and The Base.»

Beauty and The Base.

26 Oct, 15:18

#beautyask beauties pls kasih aku saran dong, muka aku udah belang bgt level max + chicken skin + kantong mata, gimanaa cara ngilanginnyaaaa iniii, mau pake sembarangan tapi takut muka ku malah makin rusaakk t___t pls help. Ooiiyyaa, im 15 and st ku normal to dry, thank uu

Beauty and The Base.

26 Oct, 15:18

#beautyask saranin cushion bagus untuk normal to dry skin dong, kalo bisa yg harga nya under 100k

Beauty and The Base.

26 Oct, 15:18

#beautyask setelah exfo somethinc glow maker bagusnya pake apa?

Beauty and The Base.

26 Oct, 15:18

#BeautyAsk saranin produk yang bener bener worth it buat ratain warna kulit pls, tangan aku udah belang 3

Beauty and The Base.

26 Oct, 15:18

#beautyask kalau scrubin badan itu bagusnya sebelum atau sesudah mandi yaa beauties? kalau sebelum mandi, ada step yg plg pertama ga sebelum scruban? kalau sesudah, abis bilas itu sabunan lagi ga? terus, beauties ada saran produk gaa? kira-kira scrub grace and glow yg ungu bagus ya yaa? thankies beauties 🤍

Beauty and The Base.

26 Oct, 15:18

#beautyask aku bukan pemula exfo, boleh saranin exfo yang bagus ga? Dan exfo tuh bagusan toner atau serum?

Beauty and The Base.

26 Oct, 15:18

#beautyask lippies yg mlbb di kulit kuning langsat neutral undertone apa yaa beauties? spill dong🤔😙

Beauty and The Base.

26 Oct, 15:18

#BeautyAsk beauties, exfo buat keti harus dalam bentuk toner kah?

Beauty and The Base.

26 Oct, 15:18

#beautyask beautiess, ini cocok ga yaa buat kulit kombinasii??

Beauty and The Base.

26 Oct, 15:18

#beautyask cara ngilangin bekas kemerahan gimana yaa beauties? saranin produknya juga dongg

Beauty and The Base.

26 Oct, 15:18

#beautyask. beauties, kalo misalnya baru pake skincare. perlu serum sama toner gak? atau mw, fw, moist sama ss dulu aja?

Beauty and The Base.

26 Oct, 15:18

#beautyask Honest reviewnya dong beautiesss
Coverage & oksidasi nya gimana ya?

Beauty and The Base.

26 Oct, 15:16

#Beautyask spill bodycare untuk kulit kering dong, yang ngelembabinnya lama, kalo bisa yang sekalian memusnahkan kulit kering ini 😭 aku pake bodycream the body shop gagitu lama lembabinnya.

Beauty and The Base.

26 Oct, 15:16

#BeautyAsk rekomendasi claymask or masker selain sheetmask yang cocok untuk naikkin tone kulit dong, btw st ku normal to dry lagi fokus buat mencerahkan soalnyaa banyak kegiatan di outdoor jadinya kusam ://

Beauty and The Base.

26 Oct, 15:16

#beautyask saranin hair removal dong beauties

Beauty and The Base.

26 Oct, 15:16

#beautyask exfo yang somethinc glow maker itu apa bisa untuk kondisi kulit bruntusan/sedikit gradakan?? + st combi to oily.

Beauty and The Base.

26 Oct, 15:16

#beautyask saran toner yg ramah dikantong pelajar, aku mau move dari npure tipkul aku normal to dry