Tolib’s lessons | English grammar @teachertolib Channel on Telegram

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar


🔝IELTS instructor in Merit school

You can find:

🔰 grammar lessons for free
🔰 useful tips on grammar
🔰 speaking model answers(8+)

Overall: 8.0 | Writing: 7| speaking: 8

Kurslar uchun: @Tolibs_admin1

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar (English)

Are you looking to enhance your English grammar skills? Look no further than 'Tolib’s lessons | English grammar' Telegram channel, managed by the renowned IELTS instructor and BA graduate from UWED, Tolib. In this channel, you will have access to a treasure trove of valuable resources to improve your English grammar. From free grammar lessons to handy tips on enhancing your grammar skills, this channel has everything you need to level up your language proficiency. One of the highlights of this channel is the speaking model answers provided by Tolib, which are rated at an impressive 8+. By following these model answers, you can improve your speaking skills and boost your confidence in English communication. Tolib's credentials speak for themselves, with an overall IELTS score of 8.0 and specific scores of 7 in Writing and 8 in Speaking. With his expertise and experience, you can trust that you are learning from a qualified professional who knows the ins and outs of English grammar and language proficiency. Whether you are a student looking to excel in your English studies or a professional aiming to enhance your language skills for career growth, 'Tolib’s lessons | English grammar' Telegram channel is the perfect resource for you. Join now and embark on a journey to master English grammar with the guidance of a seasoned expert. Join the channel now: @teachertolib

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

14 Feb, 11:43


Axrorbek, hayron qoldirdi meni kutilmaganda bunday natija bilan😅

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

14 Feb, 11:03


Bajarib, javoblarni commentsga tashab qo'ying. Tekshirib beramiz. 👇👇👇

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

14 Feb, 11:03

📌 Advanced grammar
✔️Lesson 3

❗️ Bu mavzuni yaxshilab o'rganmasdan IELTS yoki CEFR topshirib yurmang. Samimiy tavsiyam.

@TeacherTolib | Ingiliz tili grammatikasi

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

12 Feb, 08:27

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar pinned «Yakshanbi kungi dars mavzusini tanlang »

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

11 Feb, 05:37

Hamma fikrini bildirsin, shunga qarab sizga qanday darslardan o’tishni rejasini tuzetkandim 😅🧐

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

11 Feb, 05:23


Agar kanalimni 10 daqiqada o’chiraman desam, birinchi bo’lib qaysi malumotlarni saqlab qo’yardiz???

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

11 Feb, 03:54


Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

09 Feb, 16:37

Bugungi darsimizdan notelar.

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

09 Feb, 16:36

Live stream finished (1 hour)

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

09 Feb, 16:33

shu postni tagida qoldiring kelasi safar dars o'taylikmi yo'qmi???

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

09 Feb, 16:08

what is discourse marker?

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

09 Feb, 16:03


Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

09 Feb, 16:01

Failure - muvozffaqiyatsizlik

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

09 Feb, 15:49

APP => IELTS speaking assistant (app store / play market)

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

09 Feb, 15:38

What is your favorite subject at school?

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

09 Feb, 15:36

what do you like to do in your free time???

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

09 Feb, 15:17

what is coherence ???

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

09 Feb, 15:02

ekran va ovoz???

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

20 Jan, 15:08

Yopiq guruximizga tolov qilganlar diqaditiga bugun dars rejalari tuzilyabdi ertdan boshlanadi darslarimiz.

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

19 Jan, 14:01

Comfort kills

Issiqqina to’shakda o’ranib yotish mazza. Ayniqsa tashqarida yomg’ir shivirlab yog’ib turgan bo’lsa. Kim ham bunday rohatdan voz kechib, dars qilgisi keladi?! Shaxsan men “yana bir soat uhlasamda”, degan bo’lardim. Ahir bu comfort zone! Uni hammamiz yaxshi ko’ramiz.

Comfort zone - qisqa qilib aytkanda oson hayot tarzi. Pul bilan bog’liq muammo yo’q, chunki, uydagiladan keb turadi. Biz esa ertalab soat 7 yarim bazan 8-9 gacha uhlemiz. Yakshanbi kuni pik - abet 12da Eshmat hali ham uhlayapti.

Intagram, telegram yoki tik-tokka kirib kunning ma’lum bir qismni sarflab qo’yish odatiy hol. Kech bo’ldi, ozgina dars qilish kerak va bitta kino ko’rib yana issiq ko’rpa. Ertalab esa huddi shu ketma ketlik.

Ingilizlada bir aqilli sitata bor: “Comfort kills”. Ya’ni , yuqoridagidek hayot tarzi sizni muvofaqiyatsizlikka uchratmasdan qo’ymaydi. Chunki, u oson va oson narsani hamma qiloladi.

— Kim ham ertalab 4:00 da turib dars qiloladi?!

— Kim ham erta turib yugurishga chiqoladi?!

— Kim ham muzday suvda dush qabul qiloladi?!

— Kim ham bir kunda 10 soatlab ilm o’rganoladi?!

Albatta, hamma hammas!

Aynan shu uchun hamma ham boy bo’lavermaydi. Aynan mana shu sabab hamma ham muvoffaqiyatga erishavermaydi.

Lekin, biror sohada zo’r natijaga erishmoqchimisiz, hamma ham qilmaydigan ishni qiling.

— Ertaroq turing, vohli uhlang.

— Yaxshi ustoz toping va qattiq etagidan tutib, ohirigacha ilm oling.

— Sizni rohatlantirayotgan ishlarni qilmang, chunki, zo’r natija rohatmas, qiyinchilik talab qiladi.

— Xullas, comfort zonadan chiqing.

Azizlarim, bular hammasi o’zimga va o’quvchilarimga eslatma. Barchamizda bunday muammo bor deb o’ylayman. Chunki, nafs muammosi hammada bor. Nafsimizni boshqaraylik va o’zimiz hohlagan marralarga chiqaylik!



Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

19 Jan, 13:18

Bugun bir aqilli gaplardan suhbatlashamizmi?

Faqatgina oddiy post holatida tasheman.

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

18 Jan, 17:20

Live stream finished (1 hour)

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

18 Jan, 17:17

mana shunday tekshiriladi homework

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

18 Jan, 17:15

“General English Booster” kursimiz

Kurs kimlar uchun:

🎚 Beginner
🎚 Elementary
🎚 Pre-intermediate
🎚 Intermediate


CEFR dan 47 dan past olganlar
IELTS & CEFR kurslariga darajasi pastlik qilayotganlar
Elementary ni tugatganlar
1-2 yil avval B2 olib hozir Ingliz tili esidan chiqqanlar
Speaking va Writing da juda qiynaladiganlar
Umuman olganda B1+/B2 darajaga chiqishni istaganlar

🚩Kursda nimalar o'rgatiladi:

🟢Grammar & Vocabulary
🟢Speaking & Writing
🟢Reading & Listening

🚩Kurs tartibi:

🚀Haftada 6 kun jonli dars (20:00)
🚀Support teacher 3 kun speakingdan dars o’tadi va uyga vazifa tekshiradi
🚀Har kuni video-darslar beriladi
🚀15 kishilik Homework guruhga qo'shilasiz
🚀Uy ishi ustidan nazorat qilinadi
🚀Haftada 3 martta alohida mini guruhlarda(3 kishilik) Speaking qilinadi

🔥Kurs yakunida Hindiston va Erondan Guest speakerlar sizlarga speakingdan dars o’tishadi.

📌Teacher: Tolibjon (IELTS 8)

🗓Kurs 20-Yanvardan keyin boshlanadi va 40 kun (28ta dars) davom etadi.

💰Kurs narxi: 289.000 UZS

Shunaqa 🙂🙂🙂

Kurslarga yozlish uchun
✈️ @Tolibs_admin2
☎️ +998770520952
🔗 Web site: Klick | Klick | Klick

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

18 Jan, 17:08

Bugun nimadur o'rgandizmi?

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

18 Jan, 16:52

Remember to verb 1
Remember verbing

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

18 Jan, 16:40

I don’t want to be told what to do

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

18 Jan, 16:38

Susan hoped to be invited to Terry’s party.

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

18 Jan, 16:32

To + verbing qachon keladi???

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

18 Jan, 16:26

Test qiziq manimcha???

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

18 Jan, 16:24

1. Abduazim
2. Rufat
3. Mushtariy


Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

18 Jan, 16:21

G'oliblar, shu yerda yozing!

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

18 Jan, 16:14

Kira olmaganlar qoshilib olsalariz boladi test oyin davom etayveradi.

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

18 Jan, 16:13

8725937 oyin kodi

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

18 Jan, 16:13

Yaxshi ketyapsla😅

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

18 Jan, 16:09

shu link orqali kiringlar!

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

18 Jan, 16:09

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

18 Jan, 16:08

Hamma tayyromi?

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

18 Jan, 16:05


Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

18 Jan, 16:02


Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

18 Jan, 15:59

Live stream started

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

09 Jan, 16:31

Shunaqa limitlar taza egovlayaptida😁

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

09 Jan, 05:54

Topic #8: Talk about a public garden you once visited

The script is in the comments



Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

08 Jan, 05:03

Yana 19ta qopti.

Ochig’i bu like shunchaki sizga shu dars qanchalik muhimligini bilish. Qani aktivlashamiz, guys.

Aytgancha, ustozni darajalari IELTS 8, Hindistonni o’zini ta’lim tizimida ham ishlaganlar. Tajriba beton xullas(😅)

Ayni paytda Sodiq school va boshqa nufuzli xususiy maktablarda ham faoliyat olib boradilar.

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

07 Jan, 09:34

Aytgancha, Hindistonlik 10 yillik tajribaga ega ustozni kanalda guest speaker sifatida chaqirsak, darsda qatnashasizmi?

Dars mavzusi "What holds you back from getting really high score in speaking?" bo'ladi.

Shu post 60 ta like yig'sa, aniq bir kunni reja qilamiz.


Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

07 Jan, 08:21


Tepadagi tekin darslar qismidan barcha kerakli darslarni topishiz mumkin👆👆👆

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

07 Jan, 08:18

Topic #7: Talk about a family member you would like to work with or be a business partner.



Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

07 Jan, 08:18

One family member I would love to work with is my older sister, Layla. Layla is an extremely organized and creative person with great problem-solving skills, which I believe are essential for running a successful business. She has a background in marketing and communication, which complements my interests and skills in management and operations.

The type of business I would like to start with Layla is a small café that serves healthy snacks and beverages. Both of us are passionate about promoting a healthier lifestyle, and we often exchange recipes and ideas related to nutritious eating. Our goal would be to offer a cozy space where customers can enjoy delicious yet wholesome food and beverages.

There are a few reasons why I believe Layla would be an ideal business partner. Firstly, she has excellent communication skills and can connect well with people, which would be beneficial for building customer relationships and promoting our business. Secondly, her creativity would bring unique and appealing ideas to our menu and marketing strategies, making us stand out in a competitive market. Moreover, she is trustworthy and reliable; I know I could depend on her even during challenging times.

Working with Layla would be both rewarding and enjoyable. I imagine there would be a lot of brainstorming sessions filled with laughter and excitement as we develop our business ideas together. Of course, challenges are inevitable, but our mutual respect and complementary skills would help us overcome any obstacles. Overall, I believe working with Layla would strengthen our bond and lead to a successful and fulfilling business venture.

📝 Words and phrases

1. Organized: Having one's affairs, tasks, or surroundings arranged in a systematic way.
Example: She always kept an organized schedule to balance her work and family life.

2. Creative: Having the ability to make or think of new things, often in an imaginative or original way.
Example: His creative approach to problem-solving made him an asset to the team.

3. Problem-solving skills: The ability to find solutions to difficult or complex issues.
Example: The company valued her problem-solving skills during crises.

4. Complement(s): To enhance or improve something by providing a good match or a balancing effect.
Example: Her calm demeanor complements his high energy perfectly.

5. Management and operations:
Activities involved in running and controlling a business, organization, or team effectively.
Example: She handled management and operations while her partner focused on creative work.

6. Promoting a healthier lifestyle: Encouraging or supporting activities, habits, and choices that lead to better health and well-being.
Example: The campaign was focused on promoting a healthier lifestyle among children.

7. Cozy space: A comfortable, warm, and inviting place that creates a feeling of comfort.
Example: The café’s cozy space made it a popular spot to relax.

8. Wholesome food: Food that is healthy, nutritious, and beneficial for one's health.
Example: They offered wholesome food options to appeal to health-conscious customers.

9. Beneficial: Having a good or favorable effect; helpful or advantageous.
Example: Regular exercise is beneficial to both physical and mental health.

10. Building customer relationships:
Developing and nurturing a strong connection with customers through good service, communication, and positive experiences.
Example: She focused on building customer relationships to ensure repeat business.

11. Stand out: To be noticeably different, better, or more attractive than the rest.
Example: Her unique ideas made her stand out from the rest of the team.

12. Competitive market: A market in which multiple businesses are striving to gain an advantage and attract customers.
Example: Success in a competitive market requires creativity and strong branding.

13. Trustworthy: Reliable and able to be counted on to do the right thing.
Example: She is known to be trustworthy and always keeps her promises.

🚀Join: @TeacherTolib

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

07 Jan, 08:17

Assalomu alaykum o'quvchilarim!

Bugundan boshlab yana speaking topiclar tashab boramiz. Ohirgi marta Upper intretmediate levelda qolgan ekanmiz.

Enjoy 😊

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

07 Jan, 08:16


Beginner kursimizni 13-darsidan boshlab, shu topiclar orqali speakingizni rivojlantirishni boshlasangiz bo’ladi.

Beginner speaking

Topic #1: Myself
Topic #2: My family
Topic #3: My hometown
Topic #4: My hobby
Topic #5: My school
Topic #6: My favourite car
Topic #7: My future job
Topic #8: My favourite movie
Topic #9: My favourite meal
Topic #10: My favourite city
Topic #11: My favourite book
Topic #12: My favourite season


Elementary speaking

Topic #1: My daily routine
Topic #2: Ideal person
Topic #3: A place to relax
Topic #4: My favourite sport
Topic #5: My favourite holiday
Topic #6: English
Topic #7: A historical period
Topic #8: My habits
Topic #9: A healthy activity
Topic #10: Reading books
Topic #11: Ramadan
Topic #12: Important decision


Pre-intermediate speaking

Topic #1: A positive change
Topic #2: Winter
Topic #3: New skill
Topic #4: My favourite video game
Topic #5: Money
Topic #6: When I was ill
Topic #7: Study better
Topic #8: A difficult job
Topic #9: My best friend
Topic #10: My first day at school
Topic #11: My country
Topic #12: My future plans


Intermediate speaking

Topic #1: Money as a gift
Topic #2: A garden at home
Topic #3: My daily routine
Topic #4: My neighbor
Topic #5: My favourite place at home
Topic #6: Advertisement you didn't like
Topic #7: Talk about a website that you like
Topic #8: Talk about a noisy place
Topic #9: Talk about your family member you'd like to work with.
Topic #10: Talk about a time when you had to teach a child.
Topic #11: Talk about a city you visited and liked
Topic #12: Talk about an occasion when you had to work with a group of people


Upper intermediate speaking

Topic #1: Subject you’d like to learn
Topic #2: Noisy place
Topic #3: Talk about an old person you really admire
Topic #4: Talk about a person who reads a lot
Topic #5: Describe someone when someone gave you advice
Topic #6: Talk about a time when you lost something

©️ Compiled by teacher Tolibjon (Speaking 8)

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

06 Jan, 16:41


Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

06 Jan, 16:38


Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

06 Jan, 14:59

Javoblar 1 soatdan keyin jo'natiladi.

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

06 Jan, 14:22

Bugun ham bir listening ishlimizmi?

Of course - 😢

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

06 Jan, 12:35

Shu turishimda 90 km yo’l bosishim kerak🥲

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

05 Jan, 14:05


Buni albatta eshiting. Saved massagesda qolib ketmasin. 6 daqiqa vaqtingiz ketadi.

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

05 Jan, 14:05


🟡 Yellow - correct answers
🟠 Orange - distractors
🔵 Blue - notes

Savollaringizni comments da qoldiring👇🏼

Tolib’s lessons | English grammar

05 Jan, 12:49

Listening section 1