Он меня встретил,провели день вместе. Было очень атмосферно ✨🥹
Welcome to the 'with love “D”' Telegram channel, managed by the username @tdanell. This channel is dedicated to spreading love, positivity, and inspiration to its members. 'with love “D”' is a place where you can find daily doses of motivation, uplifting quotes, and heartwarming stories to brighten your day. Whether you're looking for a pick-me-up or simply want to connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for spreading love, this channel is the perfect place for you. Join us on this journey of spreading kindness and positivity with every message shared. Let's create a community where love is the language we all speak. Subscribe to 'with love “D”' today and let's spread love together!
03 Feb, 10:06
30 Jan, 21:32
28 Jan, 15:39
18 Jan, 19:58
17 Jan, 21:52
17 Jan, 12:11
17 Jan, 09:40
11 Jan, 08:07
10 Jan, 18:00
10 Jan, 17:52
27 Dec, 10:33
17 Dec, 20:55
15 Dec, 18:19
13 Nov, 08:57
04 Nov, 13:20
03 Nov, 18:03
01 Nov, 12:09
01 Nov, 12:07
26 Oct, 19:42
24 Oct, 17:30
24 Oct, 16:12
22 Oct, 18:59
17 Oct, 18:15