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The Enigmatic World of Tartaria in Brazil: Unveiling the Forgotten History

The concept of Tartaria is one that has emerged from the shadows of historical discourse, often veiled in mystery and controversy. Initially referenced in antiquated cartography and documents, Tartaria is theorized to represent a once-thriving civilization that spanned a significant portion of the Earth's surface, particularly central Asia and parts of Europe. However, the narrative takes on a unique twist in Brazil, where enthusiasts of alternative history suggest that remnants of Tartarian influence can still be observed in architecture, culture, and societal structures. The notion that this world has been, in some sense, 'erased by the System' introduces a layer of intrigue and a quest for deeper understanding of the forces that shape our historical records. This exploration not only seeks to uncover the truth behind the myths of Tartaria but also to challenge the mainstream narratives that have dominated our understanding of history. As we delve into this topic, we will answer some of the most pressing questions surrounding this enigmatic subject, providing clarity and context to the ongoing discussions about Tartaria's implications in both historical and contemporary settings.

What is Tartaria and why is it significant?

Tartaria is often depicted as a vast, technologically advanced civilization that supposedly existed in various regions, particularly in the 17th and 18th centuries. Its significance lies in the idea that it represents a form of historical amnesia; a narrative that contradicts the commonly accepted views of world history. Tartaria challenges scholars and historians to reconsider what constitutes a civilization and how history can sometimes be manipulated or forgotten. The belief that such a civilization has been systematically erased leads to discussions about cultural identity and the legacy of past societies.

The fascination with Tartaria also stems from the numerous anomalies noted in historical architecture and urban planning, particularly in cities like São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Proponents of Tartaria theory suggest that certain buildings and structures reflect architectural styles and technologies that were too advanced for their purported time. This notion invites further investigation into the periods of colonization and settlement in Brazil, emphasizing the importance of recognizing the influences and interactions between indigenous cultures and European settlers.

How does the Tartaria theory relate to conspiracy theories?

The Tartaria theory has become intertwined with various conspiracy theories, particularly those questioning the legitimacy of historical narratives and the motivations behind them. Many proponents argue that mainstream history is a construct designed to promote specific ideological agendas, often centered around control and power. The idea that a vast civilization like Tartaria could have existed and been erased serves as a powerful symbol of resistance against conformity and skepticism towards established truths.

Moreover, conspiracy theories regarding Tartaria often touch on themes of lost knowledge and technology. Believers claim that advanced technologies were suppressed in the interest of maintaining societal status quo. This suspicion of authoritative narratives fosters a community of individuals who seek alternative explanations for historical events, further perpetuating the fascination with unearthing 'hidden truths' about human civilization.

What evidence supports the existence of Tartaria in Brazil?

Supporters of the Tartaria narrative in Brazil often cite architectural styles, unexplained historical artifacts, and local folklore as evidence of Tartarian influence. They argue that certain structures, particularly those built in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, exhibit characteristics atypical for the time, potentially indicating advanced construction techniques. Furthermore, the presence of unique carvings and symbols attributed to Tartarian culture is sometimes cited as additional support for their existence in Brazil.

Additionally, some suggest that the integration of indigenous mythologies with European colonial narratives points toward a deeper, more interconnected history that mainstream historical accounts overlook. This blending of cultures and stories may have allowed remnants of Tartarian history to persist, albeit obscured under layers of colonial influence and erasure.

How do historians view the Tartaria theories?

Historians generally approach the Tartaria theories with skepticism, viewing them as part of a broader trend of alternative history that lacks substantial empirical evidence. Most mainstream historians rely on documented archaeological finds, primary sources, and corroborated historical methods to form their narratives. Consequently, the absence of concrete evidence supporting the existence of Tartaria as a cohesive civilization leads to its dismissal as a fantasy or a myth rather than a legitimate historical account.

Furthermore, historians caution against conflating speculative ideas with established historical facts. They emphasize the importance of critical thinking in examining claims about lost civilizations, urging individuals to seek facts rather than subscribe to sensationalism. This perspective contributes to the larger conversation about how history is recorded, taught, and understood, underscoring the need for rigorous academic scrutiny.

What impact do Tartaria theories have on cultural identity?

The allure of Tartaria often resonates within communities seeking to reclaim their heritage or assert their identity in light of historical injustices. For some, exploring the narrative of a lost civilization provides a sense of belonging and connection to a grander story that transcends contemporary societal divisions. The idea of forgotten peoples who once thrived can inspire movements focused on preserving cultural narratives that have been overlooked or marginalized.

On the other hand, critics argue that the promotion of Tartaria as a significant historical entity can overshadow the rich histories of indigenous populations and lead to cultural appropriation. They caution that while exploration of alternate histories can be enlightening, it is essential to honor and uplift the voices and stories of those whose histories have been systematically erased, rather than replace them with speculative narratives.

Телеграм-канал TARTARIA BRAZIL

Bem-vindo ao canal 'TARTARIA BRAZIL'! Aqui você encontrará um espaço dedicado à exploração de um mundo que foi apagado pelo Sistema. A Tartária é uma civilização pouco conhecida, mas cheia de mistérios e história fascinante. Neste canal, vamos mergulhar nesse universo esquecido e descobrir segredos há muito perdidos

Quem são os Tartários? O que é a Tartária? Essas são perguntas que serão respondidas ao longo de nossas publicações. Através de análises, teorias e pesquisas, vamos desvendar os segredos dessa cultura antiga e entender como ela está conectada ao Brasil

Se você é curioso, gosta de explorar o desconhecido e tem interesse em história alternativa, este é o lugar certo para você. Junte-se a nós nesta jornada de descobertas e mistérios! Siga nosso canal 'TARTARIA BRAZIL' e venha fazer parte dessa comunidade de exploradores do passado.

TARTARIA BRAZIL Последние сообщения

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🇬🇧 They were giant animals, not dinosaurs

To this day, nobody has ever excavated a complete dinosaur skeleton. Hence, the various species of dinosaurs are all artist renditions.

Before the 1800s, nobody had ever heard of a "dinosaur". Nor had anyone anywhere throughout the ages discovered a single "dinosaur fossil". This includes every single culture from around the world, from the native Americans to the ancient Egyptians.

The prehistoric monsters seen in museum exhibits are all plaster casts; "real" dinosaur bones are only allowed to be seen by a special group of government appointed paleontologists.

The whole dinosaur industry is propaganda to hide that before all beings were giants, including humans.

That's why whenever a giant bone is found, the Smithsonian Institute goes running, requisitions it and keeps it for itself, lest people realize that they are from giant animals.

This is why a complete dinosaur skeleton has never been discovered. There simply is not and has not been. The museums would be full of them otherwise.

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@Los Videos de HISPANICA 🎥


21 Feb, 02:34
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🇺🇸"The descent of plasma after the end of a cycle is not just a celestial phenomenon, but a sign that reality is about to be rewritten. Official science wants us to believe that the petrifications of people are just cases of pareidolia, an optical illusion that makes us see patterns where they don't exist. However, the hidden reality shows us that these events are actually a result of the transition between cycles, a reminder that our reality is more fragile than we think."

🇮🇹"La discesa del plasma dopo la fine di un ciclo non è solo un fenomeno celeste, ma un segno che la realtà sta per essere riscritta. La scienza ufficiale vuole farci credere che le pietrificazioni delle persone sono solo casi di pareidolia, un'illusione ottica che ci fa vedere schemi dove non esistono. Tuttavia, la realtà nascosta ci mostra che questi eventi sono in realtà un risultato della transizione tra cicli, un promemoria che la nostra realtà è più fragile di quanto pensiamo."

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Tartaria Brazil

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21 Feb, 01:01
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🇬🇧 The pyramid of Giza concentrates electromagnetic energy through its chambers

Scientists from ITMO University (Russia) and the Laser Zentrum Hannover (Germany) have discovered that the pyramid of Giza, in Egypt, centralizes electromagnetic energy in the chambers inside and concentrates it in its lower part, underground.

Since the interior was not known in its entirety, they decided to take as a hypothesis that it is a structure that disperses radio waves like a resonance chamber and obtained interesting results.

They applied various types of electromagnetic radiation to the pyramid and found that the construction interacts with them.

The pyramid behaves like a cavity resonator that oscillates at certain frequencies with a larger amplitude than at others, and that attracts and amplifies radio waves.

The researchers observed the distribution of electromagnetic fields inside the pyramid and studied the interactions between the waves in a length range ranging from 650 to 1970 ft.

However, given the lack of complete information about the structure of the pyramid, the team had to proceed by hypothesis assuming that there were no unknown spaces inside and that in the building material (limestone blocks) was evenly distributed inside and outside the pyramid.

They discovered that the pyramid concentrates electromagnetic energy in its hidden rooms, accumulating its energy inside the pharaoh's tomb and then directs it to a point just below its base, where the third of the four chambers discovered so far is located.

The discovery seems to add more certainty to the hypothesis about the true function of the Great Pyramid as a machine for storing, concentrating or channeling some kind of energy.

Tesla was totally convinced that the Egyptian pyramids had a totally different purpose from being mere monuments and dedicated much of his life to studying them.

Image 1
Distributions of the magnitudes of the electric (a)-(d) and magnetic (e)-(h) fields in the x-z plane of the pyramid.

Image 2
Distributions of the magnitude of the electric (a)-(e) and magnetic (f)-(j) field in the x-z plane of the pyramid.


👉🏻versión en español 🇪🇸 e italiano 🇮🇹 aquí👈🏻

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@Los Videos de HISPANICA 🎥


21 Feb, 00:59
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Уверен что, еще парочка зрителей, которые не верят что Земля Плоская, осталась, поэтому давайте проведем эксперимент.
Согласно шароверской 🌍 теории, скорость вращения поверхности Земли, составляет 1670 км/ч.
Так как же? по их мнению, космонавты возвращаются, на этот чертов атракцион?


21 Feb, 00:24