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Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor


⚡️ Qisqa muddatda CEFR C1 | IELTS 8.0
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Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor (Uzbek)

Salom, O'zbekistonning yangi IELTS instruktori Shohjahon Talipov kanaliga xush kelibsiz! Bu kanalda Sizga qisqa muddatda CEFR C1 sertifikatiga yetish uchun yordam berish uchun eng so'nggi darslar, maslahatlar va tajribalar mavjud. Shohjahon Talipov 5+ yillik tajriba bilan, 1000+ o'quvchilarga ingliz tilini o'rgatishda ko'p yillik amaliy tajribaga ega. Kanalda o'z blogida hayot va ingliz tili haqida ma'lumotlar, foydali maslahatlar va yangiliklar bilan sizni ta'minlaydi. Agar siz ham IELTS sertifikatini olish uchun tayyorgarlik qilmoqchi bo'lsangiz, Shohjahon Talipov kanaliga obuna bo'ling va o'z bilimlaringizni oshiring!

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

10 Feb, 16:01

🔹 5 Common Grammar Mistakes and How to Fix Them 🔹

1️⃣ Your vs. You’re
🚫 Your late for class.
You’re late for class. (You’re = You are)

2️⃣ Its vs. It’s
🚫 Its a beautiful day.
It’s a beautiful day. (It’s = It is)

3️⃣ There vs. Their vs. They’re
🚫 There going to the park.
They’re going to the park. (They’re = They are)

4️⃣ Affect vs. Effect
🚫 The new rule will effect the students.
The new rule will affect the students. (Affect = Verb, Effect = Noun)

5️⃣ Me vs. I
🚫 Me and my friend went to the mall.
My friend and I went to the mall.

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

06 Feb, 18:39

5 Advanced Speaking Mistakes That Make You Sound Less Fluent

1️⃣ Overusing “Very” Instead of Stronger Words
This movie is very good.
This movie is fantastic.
(Better alternatives: thrilled instead of very excited, exhausted instead of very tired.)

2️⃣ Using “Can” Instead of “Be Able To” in Complex Tenses
I can finish the project by tomorrow.
I will be able to finish the project by tomorrow.
(“Can” is mostly used in present or general ability.)

3️⃣ Incorrect Word Stress
“I want to REcord a video.” (wrong)
“I want to reCORD a video.” (correct)
(Stress changes the meaning: REcord (noun) vs. reCORD (verb).)

4️⃣ Not Using Advanced Linking Words
I like traveling because I learn about new cultures.
I like traveling, as it allows me to learn about new cultures.
(Use phrases like due to the fact that, given that, in light of for variety.)

5️⃣ Forgetting to Use Causative Verbs
I cut my hair yesterday. (Did you cut it yourself?)
I had my hair cut yesterday.
(Use have/get something done when someone does it for you.)

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

03 Feb, 19:33

🚨 5 Advanced Mistakes Even Good English Learners Make! 🚨

1️⃣ “I look forward to meet you.”
I look forward to meeting you.
🔹 (Look forward to is always followed by a gerund, not an infinitive.)

2️⃣ “Despite of the rain, we went outside.”
Despite the rain, we went outside.
🔹 (Despite is never followed by “of.” Use in spite of if you want to keep “of.”)

3️⃣ “He suggested me to study harder.”
He suggested that I study harder. / He suggested studying harder.
🔹 (Suggest is not followed by an object + infinitive. Use that + subject + base verb or a gerund.)

4️⃣ “She explained me the problem.”
She explained the problem to me.
🔹 (Explain doesn’t take a direct object pronoun like me, him, her. Use to + person instead.)

5️⃣ “It depends of the situation.”
It depends on the situation.
🔹 (Depend is always followed by on, not of.)

💡 Tip: These small details separate intermediate learners from advanced speakers. Master them!

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

01 Feb, 11:57

Commonly Confused Words: “Effect” vs. “Affect”

📌 Effect (noun) – natija, ta’sir
Definition: A result or outcome of an action.
📝 Examples:
• The new law had a positive effect on the economy. (Yangi qonun iqtisodga ijobiy ta’sir ko‘rsatdi.)
• Lack of sleep has a bad effect on health. (Uyqusizlik sog‘liqqa yomon ta’sir qiladi.)

📌 Affect (verb) – ta’sir qilmoq
Definition: To influence or change something.
📝 Examples:
• The weather affects my mood. (Ob-havo kayfiyatimga ta’sir qiladi.)
• Stress can affect your performance. (Stress natijalarga ta’sir qilishi mumkin.)

💡 Quick Trick:
Effect = Noun (natija)
Affect = Verb (ta’sir qilmoq)

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

31 Jan, 10:30

🔹 Mastering English Collocations

📌 Collocation: Take something for granted
🔹 Meaning: Nimanidir o‘z-o‘zidan bor deb hisoblash, qadrlamaslik
🔹 Example: Many people take clean water for granted until they experience a shortage.
🔹 Uzbek tarjima: Ko‘pchilik toza suvni qadrlamaydi, to suv tanqisligini boshdan kechirmaguncha.

Why learn collocations?
Using natural word combinations makes your English sound more fluent and native-like!

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

29 Jan, 18:27

🎯Conditionals Explained!

Conditionals are used to talk about possible or hypothetical situations. Let’s explore the four main types!

🔹 Zero Conditional (General truths, facts)
If you heat water to 100°C, it boils.
(Uniyersal haqiqat: Agar suvni 100°C gacha qizdirsangiz, u qaynaydi.)

🔹 First Conditional (Real and possible future)
If you study hard, you will pass the exam.
(Haqiqiy ehtimollik: Agar yaxshi o‘qisangiz, imtihondan o‘tasiz.)

🔹 Second Conditional (Hypothetical present/future)
If I were rich, I would travel the world.
(Hozirgi hayotda mumkin bo‘lmagan holat: Agar boy bo‘lsam, dunyo bo‘ylab sayohat qilardim.)

🔹 Third Conditional (Hypothetical past)
If she had studied harder, she would have passed the exam.
(O‘tgan voqeaga nisbatan afsus: Agar u ko‘proq o‘qiganida, imtihondan o‘tgan bo‘lardi.)

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

28 Jan, 08:42

Advanced Vocabulary

🌟 Word of the Day: “Eloquent” 🌟
🎯 Meaning: Fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.
💬 Example Sentence: The speaker’s eloquent words inspired the audience to take action.
📖 Synonyms: Articulate, expressive, persuasive
🚫 Antonyms: Inarticulate, awkward

💡 Fun Fact: Using eloquent in your essays or speeches can leave a strong impression!

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

27 Jan, 06:03

Kechagi darsdan fikrlar

Juda ko’p va yaxshi fikrlar keldi. Kimgadir foydali bo’lganidan juda xursandman ❤️‍🔥

Nasib bundanda foydali dars va ma’lumotlar bo’ladi kanalda 🤝❤️


Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

25 Jan, 10:29

Yana bir o’quvchimizdan ajoyib Natija 🚀

💥 Jalolov Fazliddin (B2)

Instagram | Telegram

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

25 Jan, 05:31

Yana bir o’quvchimizdan ajoyib Natija 🚀

💥 Davronova Iroda (B2)

Instagram | Telegram

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

25 Jan, 05:19

Yana bir o’quvchimizdan ajoyib Natija 🚀

💥 Muzaffarov Maxmudxon (B2)

Instagram | Telegram

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

24 Jan, 09:51

Assalomu alaykum, everyone)

Bu POST esingizdami? Sizga “🥩”li jonli dars o'tib bermoqchi edim

2 kun qoldi

Qatnashmoqchi bo'lsangiz Reaction* qoldiring ❤️‍🔥

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

23 Jan, 15:19

📖 Sizlar uchun maxsus fayl

‼️ Ingliz tilida kerak bo'ladigan top 5 mavzular

📁Keyinroq barcha mavzulari yanada chuqurroq qilib tushuntirib beraman ❤️

- Saved Message'da chang bosib yotmasin-a? 😅


Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

22 Jan, 14:36

🎙 💡 Speaking Tips for Learners 💬

1️⃣ Expand Your Vocabulary
📚 Learn advanced words and expressions, but focus on using them in real-life situations.
👉 For example:
• Instead of “very tired” 💤, say “exhausted”.
• Instead of “very good” 👍, say “excellent”.

2️⃣ Practice Paraphrasing
🔄 Learn how to say the same thing in different ways. This helps when you forget a specific word!
💬 Example: If you forget “delicious”, say “really tasty”.

3️⃣ Join English-Speaking Groups
👥 Practice with others! Find online forums or language exchange platforms to improve together.

4️⃣ Use Idioms and Phrasal Verbs
Sound more natural like a native speaker!
• “Break the ice” 🧊 (start a conversation)
• “Run out of” 🏃‍♂️ (use something completely)

5️⃣ Record Yourself
🎤 Choose a topic, speak for 1-2 minutes, and listen to your recording. Focus on improving pronunciation and fluency!

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

22 Jan, 08:04

Assalomu alaykum)

- Aslida kanalga reklama olmayman. Lekin yaqin do’stim hammaga manfaatli bo’ladigan konkurs boshlabdi.

🏆 Mukofotlar:
🥇 1-o‘rin500 ming so‘m 💸
🥈 2-o‘rin250 ming so‘m 💸
🥉 3-o‘rin100 ming so‘m 💸

🔗 Botga kirish va qatnashish uchun: @levelup_konkurs_bot

Hammaga Omad) ❤️‍🔥

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

21 Jan, 14:02

Assalomu alaykum, everyone)

Hammani yozganini o’qidim) Hammada har xil muammo. Hammasi bo’yicha live lesson qilamiz ❤️‍🔥

Lekin Yakshanba kuni 20:00 da sizlarga Wiriting Task 2 bo’yicha bitta “🥩”li jonli dars o’tib beraman)

- Faqat siz aktiv bo’lib qo’llab quvvatlab turishingiz kerak, Kelishdikmi? 🤝

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

20 Jan, 14:51

Ingliz tilida qanaqa muammoingiz bor? Qaysi mavzuda live* dars o’tib beray?

Tortinmasdan bemalol yozavering, hamma yozganingizni o’qiyman) 😅👇

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

18 Jan, 11:37

“Burn the midnight oil”

📖 Meaning: To work late into the night, especially to complete something important.

💬 Context:
This idiom is commonly used for situations involving intense focus, such as meeting deadlines or preparing for major events.

🔑 Example:
• “The team burned the midnight oil to finalize the project before the deadline.”

“Bite the bullet”

📖 Meaning: To face a difficult or unpleasant situation with courage and determination.

💬 Context:
This phrase often applies to moments where there’s no easy way out, and you must confront challenges head-on.

🔑 Examples:
• “He didn’t want to undergo surgery, but he had to bite the bullet for his health.”
• “I finally bit the bullet and asked for a raise after months of hesitation.”

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

17 Jan, 14:53

💡 What are Cleft Sentences?
Cleft sentences are used to emphasize specific parts of a sentence. They break a sentence into two clauses, drawing attention to the most important information.

Types of Cleft Sentences:

1️⃣ It-Clefts:
Focus on the subject, object, or adverb.
It was John who broke the vase.
(Emphasizing John, not someone else.)
It is today that we need to finish the project.

2️⃣ What-Clefts:
Focus on actions or situations.
What I need is more time to study.
What makes her happy is spending time with family.

3️⃣ All-Clefts:
Used to emphasize all of something.
All I want is a peaceful life.
All they did was complain about the weather.

🔥 Why Use Cleft Sentences?
• To make your speech and writing more engaging.
• To highlight the key message you want others to remember.

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

16 Jan, 09:55

Part 2🎯

Describe a person who inspires you.

I’d like to talk about Elon Musk, who is a well-known entrepreneur and innovator. He is the CEO of companies like Tesla and SpaceX, and he has been instrumental in advancing technology and renewable energy.

I first learned about him several years ago through articles and interviews. His ambitious goals, such as colonizing Mars and making electric vehicles mainstream, immediately caught my attention. What I admire most about him is his relentless drive to solve global challenges, such as climate change and space exploration.

One of his qualities that stands out is his resilience. Despite facing multiple failures, like SpaceX rockets crashing in the early days, he didn’t give up. Instead, he used those experiences to improve and eventually succeed.

Elon Musk inspires me because he thinks beyond the ordinary and isn’t afraid to take risks. His vision and determination motivate me to dream big and work hard to achieve my goals, no matter how challenging they may seem.

Leave more reactions and I will persist…

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

14 Jan, 05:30

📖 Modal Verbs

Video darslik (high quality)

- Endi Modal Verbs muammo bo’lmaydi.

Ushbu darslik kanalda uzoq vaqt qolmasligi mumkin. Siz buni keyinroq ko’raman deb, umuman ko'ra olmay qolishingiz mumkin!

🤝 Videoni ko'rganingizdan so'ng ushbu video ostida o'z fikringizni qoldirishni unutmang. Bunday darsliklarni sizlarga foydasi tegganini ko'rsak ko’proq darslik chiqarishda davom etamiz!

📱 Darslikni YouTubeda Ko’rish

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

13 Jan, 12:13

🎯 IELTS Writing Task 1: Must-Know Phrases! ✍️

🔥 1. Perfect Introductions

The graph illustrates trends in…
The table compares [X] in terms of [Y] over a specific time period.
The diagram outlines the process of…

💡 Tip: Paraphrase the question to show off your vocabulary!

🔑 2. Powerful Overviews

🚀 Overall, it is clear that…
🚀 The most noticeable trend is…
🚀 A significant feature of the data is…

💡 Tip: Keep it short but highlight the key trends for a strong impression!

📊 3. Describing Data Like a Pro

📈 [X] increased sharply from 10% to 50% over the period.
📉 [Y] experienced a gradual decline, dropping from 40% to 20%.
📊 There was a dramatic rise in…

💡 Tip: Use varied vocabulary to describe changes—avoid repeating words like “increase” or “decrease.”

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

12 Jan, 13:03

🚀 Why Are Complex Sentences Important?

They showcase grammatical range and accuracy.
They make your writing and speaking sound natural and advanced.
They’re a must-have for Band 7+ in Task Achievement and Coherence & Cohesion!

4 Easy Ways to Build Complex Sentences

1️⃣ Use Subordinating Conjunctions:
These words help you explain reasons, contrasts, or conditions:
Because: “I work hard because I want to succeed.”
Although: “Although it was raining, we continued playing.”
If: “If you practice daily, your score will improve.”

2️⃣ Add Relative Clauses:
Make your sentences richer with details using who, which, that, where, when:
• “The teacher who taught me last year was very kind.”
• “This is the book that everyone is talking about.”

3️⃣ Try Conditional Sentences:
Talk about possibilities or imaginary situations:
• “If I were the examiner, I would focus on fluency.”
• “You can’t improve unless you practice every day.”

4️⃣ Use Noun Clauses:
Start with what, why, how, that to add depth to your ideas:
• “What you learn today will help you tomorrow.”
• “It’s important that you review your mistakes regularly.”

💡 Pro Tip for a Band 7+:
Don’t overuse one type of complex sentence—mix it up!
Use linking words naturally (avoid forcing them into sentences).
Practice writing paragraphs with a mix of simple, compound, and complex sentences.

👉 Stay tuned for more IELTS tips to help you reach your dream score!
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Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

11 Jan, 14:26

Uzbekistan, even , is not in the list🫤

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

10 Jan, 11:49

🗣️ IELTS Speaking Part 2 Cue Card Example

🎯 Cue Card Topic:
Describe a place you visited that left a lasting impression on you.
You should say:
• where it is
• why you went there
• what you did there
and explain why it left a lasting impression on you.

🌟 Band 8-9 Sample Answer:

One place that left a lasting impression on me is Samarkand, one of the most historic cities in Uzbekistan. I visited it last summer with my family as part of a short vacation to explore more of our country’s rich heritage.

Samarkand is famous for its stunning architecture and historical significance, especially the Registan Square, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. During our visit, we spent most of our time walking around this majestic square, marveling at the intricate tilework of the madrassas. I also had the chance to visit the Shah-i-Zinda necropolis, which is a collection of beautifully decorated mausoleums.

What truly made this trip unforgettable was the sense of history and culture that seemed to come alive as I stood in these ancient sites. I was amazed by how well these structures have been preserved, and it gave me a deep appreciation for the craftsmanship and dedication of the people who built them centuries ago.

Moreover, the locals were incredibly welcoming, and I enjoyed trying traditional dishes like plov and somsa, which added to the overall experience.

Samarkand left a lasting impression on me because it made me feel proud of my heritage and inspired me to learn more about the history of Uzbekistan. It’s a place I’d highly recommend to anyone who loves history and architecture.

📝 Useful Vocabulary for Band 8-9:
• Intricate tilework
• UNESCO World Heritage Site
• Majestic square
• Sense of history and culture
• Deep appreciation

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

09 Jan, 10:48

🎯 IELTS Writing Task 2 uchun 5 ta murakkab so‘z
📚 Ushbu so‘zlar insholaringizni yanada boyitishga yordam beradi:

1️⃣ Mitigate – kamaytirish, yumshatish
📝 Example: Governments should take measures to mitigate climate change.

2️⃣ Exacerbate – yanada yomonlashtirish
📝 Example: Traffic congestion can exacerbate air pollution in urban areas.

3️⃣ Alleviate – yengillashtirish, bartaraf etish
📝 Example: International aid can alleviate poverty in developing countries.

4️⃣ Plausible – ishonchli, mantiqli
📝 Example: It is a plausible argument that education reduces crime rates.

5️⃣ Detrimental – zararli, salbiy
📝 Example: Excessive screen time can have a detrimental effect on children.

🎓 Eslatma: Ushbu so‘zlarni kontekstda ishlatish muhim.

🎉 IELTS balingizni oshirishni xohlaysizmi? Kanalni kuzatishda davom eting!

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

08 Jan, 13:32

🔥 Mastering Complex Sentences in Writing

1️⃣ Start with a Subordinating Conjunction:
Words like although, since, while, because, if can help you connect ideas.
👉 Example:
“Although the task was challenging, she managed to complete it on time.”

2️⃣ Add a Dependent Clause:
This clause cannot stand alone and needs a main clause.
👉 Example:
“Because he had studied extensively, he performed exceptionally well.”

3️⃣ Combine Ideas Naturally:
Avoid short, choppy sentences. Combine them for flow.
👉 Example:
“Many people avoid exercise, even though they know it’s beneficial for their health.”
Instagram 📲 | Telegram ✈️

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

07 Jan, 15:50

Writing Task 2 Samples 📝

✍️ Haqiqiy expertlar tomonidan yozilgan Band 7, 8, 9 Essay Sample’lari)

❤️‍🔥 Sizga foydali bo’ladi degan umiddaman. Reaksiya qoldirishni unutmang

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

06 Jan, 08:11

🥲 Ko’p o’quvchilarda uchraydigan va o’zimda ham bo’lgan muammolar haqida instagramga video joylandi)

🔗 Video ko’rish: Eng Katta Xato

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

05 Jan, 11:40

IELTS o’rganayotganlarga savol!?

🥲 Natijaga chiqa olmayabsiz, qancha practice qilsangiz ham o’xshamayabdi)

🤔 Qayerda xato qilyabman deb o’ylaysiz?

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

03 Jan, 16:05

“Yozishni o‘rganish nega qiyin?”
Ko‘pchilik yozish ko‘nikmasini rivojlantirishda quyidagi qiyinchiliklarga duch keladi:
1. 📚 So‘z boyligi kamligi – fikrlarni aniq ifodalash qiyin.
2. Xatodan qo‘rqish – harakat qilishga to‘sqinlik qiladi.
3. Vaqt yetishmasligi – yozuv amaliyoti uchun vaqt ajratilmaydi.
4. 💡 Ijodiy fikr yo‘qligi – nima yozishni bilmaslik.
5. 🎯 Motivatsiya yo‘qligi – yozishga qiziqish pasayadi.

🎯 Qanday yechimlar bor?
Ko‘proq kitob o‘qing – so‘z boyligingiz oshadi.
Xatolardan qo‘rqmang – bu o‘rganishning bir qismi.
Kundalik yozuv amaliyotini boshlang – vaqt ajrating.
Yozishdan zavq oling – ijod qilishni unutmang!

Foydali bo'lgan bo'lsa reaksiya qoldirishni unutmang) ❤️‍🔥

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

03 Jan, 16:05

Nega Writing yoza olmasligingizni bilasizmi?

💭 Keyingi Postda o’qing 👇

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

01 Jan, 15:06

Sizlarga va’da qilingan video mana😎

Like bosib♥️
Do’stlaringizga jo’natishni unutmang✈️

Video linki:

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

01 Jan, 14:20

📚 IELTS Reading uchun foydali materiallar qiziqmi? 📖
IELTS Reading bo‘limini yaxshilash uchun eng yaxshi kitoblar, strategiyalar, va onlayn resurslar haqida bilishni xohlaysizmi? 🎯

Siz uchun ushbu materiallar haqida video taxlaganman😎.
Ko’rishni xoxlasangiz ko’proq reaksiya qoldiring🔥.

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

01 Jan, 11:06

Just for fun😄

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

30 Dec, 10:44

🌟 Speak Like a Pro: Talking About Future Plans

When discussing future plans in English, advanced learners should aim to use a variety of tenses and structures. Let’s level up your skills!

🔑 Advanced Grammar for Future Plans:
1️⃣ Future Perfect:
By this time next year, I will have completed my English course.
2️⃣ Future Continuous:
This time tomorrow, I’ll be presenting my project to the team.
3️⃣ Phrases for Uncertainty:
I might end up traveling abroad for work.
There’s a chance I’ll start a new job soon.

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

28 Dec, 15:39

Eng Ko’p Ishlatiladigan Common Tenses 🚀

📚 Sizga kecha va’da bergan faylim)

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

27 Dec, 18:30

Ertaga sizlar uchun maxsus tayyorlangan yangi video va faylni taqdim etamiz! 🎥📄
Ingliz tilidagi barcha zamonlarni sodda va tushunarli usulda o’rganish imkoniyati!

🔑 Nimalarni o’rganasiz?
• Har bir zamonning qoidalari va ishlatilishi
• Oson tushunish uchun misollar

Ertaga, kutilgan vaqt keladi!
📌 Kanalimizda qoling va o’qishdan zavq oling😉

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

27 Dec, 08:58

Sizda zamonlar bilan muammolar bor!?

- Zamonlarni chalkashtirib yuborish
- To’g’ri shaklni tanlay olmaslik
- Zamonlarni juda ko’pligi

Aniq bilaman sizda shulardan biri bor, to’grimi?

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

26 Dec, 07:52

📝 Grammar Tip: How to Use “Since” and “For” Correctly

Do you ever get confused between “since” and “for”? Let’s make it simple!

📌 “Since” = Starting Point

Use “since” to show when something started. It points to a specific moment in time.
Translation: dan beri
I have been learning English since 2022.
She has lived in Qarshi since she was 10 years old.

📌 “For” = Duration

Use “for” to talk about how long something has been happening.
Translation: davomida
I have been studying English for 2 years.
He has worked at this company for 6 months.

🔑 How to Remember the Difference:

• If you’re answering “Since when?” ➡️ Use “since”.
• If you’re answering “How long?” ➡️ Use “for”.

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

25 Dec, 09:36

⚡️ 2025-yilda bo‘lib o‘tadigan IELTS imtihonlari sanalari chiqdi

Chet tilini bilish darajasini aniqlash test sinovlari har oyda o‘tkaziladi.

✍️ Imtihonga EXAMS.UZ sayti orqali ro'yxatdan o'ting!

Instagram | Telegram

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

24 Dec, 14:37

⚡️ 2024-yilning 2-yarmida bo‘lib o‘tadigan chet tili imtihonlari sanalari chiqdi

Chet tilini bilish darajasini aniqlash test sinovlari sentabr, oktabr, noyabr va dekabr oylarida o‘tkaziladi.

👨🏻‍💻 Test sinovi uchun talabgorlar sayti orqali onlayn tarzda ro‘yxatga olinadi.

📍 Ro‘yxatdan o‘tishda talabgorlar o‘zlariga qulay bo‘lgan hududni tanlagan holda mazkur hududda test sinovlarida ishtirok etishlari mumkin.

📆 Test sinovlari qaysi tillardan o‘tkazilishi, ro‘yxatga olish muddatlari va test sinovi o‘tkaziladigan sanalar yuqoridagi rasmda keltirilgan.

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Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

24 Dec, 02:28

🎯 Word of the Day: Resilient
🔹 [rɪˈzɪl.i.ənt]bardoshlilik, qiyinchiliklarga chidamlilik

📚 Meaning:

English: Able to recover quickly from difficulties or tough situations.
Uzbek: Qiyin sharoitlardan tezda o‘zini tiklay oladigan.

✏️ Example Sentences:

1. English: After failing his first IELTS test, he remained resilient and passed on his second try.
Uzbek: IELTS imtihonidan birinchi marta yiqilganidan so‘ng, u bardoshli bo‘lib, ikkinchi urinishda muvaffaqiyatga erishdi.
2. English: Resilient people never give up, even when things get tough.
Uzbek: Bardoshli odamlar qiyinchiliklarga duch kelganda ham taslim bo‘lmaydilar.

Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

23 Dec, 15:00

📖 Sizlar uchun maxsus fayl

‼️ Speakingda 8+ olishingizga yordam beradi

📁 Bu faylda esa Speakingda ishlatsa bo’ladigan frazalarning Mavzulashtirilgan jamlanmasi bor.

❤️‍🔥 Reaksiya bosishni unutmang)

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Shohjahon Talipov | IELTS instructor

23 Dec, 09:28

🚀 Bugun soat 20:00! Speakingni rivojlantiramiz!

🎯 Siz ham ingliz tilida ravon va ishonchli gapirishni o’rganishni xohlaysizmi?
Bugungi postimiz aynan speaking ko’nikmalarini oshirish uchun tayyorlandi! 🗣
💡 Nima olasiz?
📝 Oddiy va samarali idioma va frazalar
🔑 So’z boyligizni oshirishga yordam beradigan fayl
🎙 Savollarga ehtimoliy javoblar
Post vaqti: Bugun soat 20:00
🌟 Rivojlanishni boshlash uchun imkoniyatni qo’ldan boy bermang!

📌 Kutyapsizmi? Unda ko’proq reaksiya qoldiring!

🎉 Bugungi post sizni keyingi bosqichga olib chiqadi! 🚀