There is only one Tom Hougaard, and that is me. My direct Telegram contact handle is @TomHougaard.
I have just managed to convince Telegram administration that the channel above (See screenshot) was in fact not mine, and it was operated by a crime syndicate, which were using my name and my image to scam people into investing into crypto schemes, which promised outrageous returns - only to have the money stolen outright.
I run 3 genuine channels. There is this one here, which I call my "Swing Channel". I also have a "Resource" channel, which is where I post all my free content. And finally there is my "Day Trading" channel, where I trade live intra-day.
You are welcome to join these two other channels, but you need to contact me for access. Like everything I do, the channels are "not for profit", meaning they are free.
Contact me on @TomHougaard for access.
I wish you all a happy New Year. May 2025 be the year where your will to act is stronger than your fear of failure.
Tom Hougaard