Are you someone who values stability but also finds themselves swinging in different directions due to the tenderness of your heart? If so, you may find solace and connection in the Telegram channel 'sw1ng'. This channel is a personal space where the creator, who describes themselves as a representation of stability but also acknowledges their inner swings caused by emotions, shares their thoughts and feelings. 'sw1ng' offers a unique perspective on navigating the complexities of emotions and the constant fluctuations of the heart. Whether you relate to the struggle of balancing stability and vulnerability or simply enjoy introspective musings, this channel provides a platform for self-reflection and understanding. Join 'sw1ng' to explore the depths of your own emotional journey and connect with others who share similar experiences.
21 Jan, 19:23
19 Jan, 21:00
11 Jan, 21:25
31 Dec, 21:54
31 Dec, 14:55
31 Dec, 05:03
06 Dec, 02:05
04 Dec, 22:22
30 Nov, 06:05
22 Nov, 22:46
15 Nov, 22:31
11 Nov, 06:38
22 Sep, 17:08
22 Sep, 17:07
22 Sep, 17:07
22 Sep, 17:07
22 Sep, 17:06
19 Sep, 18:07
08 Sep, 21:50
08 Sep, 20:24
04 Sep, 08:22