يا رب اشفِ ابنها و عافه و احفظ لأمه 🥹
Welcome to ✨•نبض🍒الحروف•✨, a Telegram channel that is dedicated to the beauty of words and the power of emotions. In this channel, you will find a collection of heartfelt messages and poetic expressions that will touch your soul. The title of the channel, which translates to 'The Pulse of Letters', perfectly captures the essence of what you can expect to find here. This channel is a sanctuary for those who appreciate the art of writing and the impact that words can have on our hearts. Whether you are looking for words of wisdom, love, or inspiration, ✨•نبض🍒الحروف•✨ has something for everyone. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and emotional enlightenment, where every letter carries a unique pulse that speaks to the depths of our being. Come, immerse yourself in the world of words and let the beauty of language guide you to a place of inner peace and reflection. Let your heart be moved by the rhythm of each letter and let the pulse of words awaken your senses. Join ✨•نبض🍒الحروف•✨ today and experience the transformative power of language like never before. Embrace the magic of words and let your soul be nourished by the poetry of the heart. Discover the true essence of communication and connect with others through the universal language of emotions. Subscribe now and embark on a journey of linguistic exploration and emotional discovery with ✨•نبض🍒الحروف•✨.
17 Jan, 21:38
16 Jan, 14:32
16 Jan, 14:24
08 Jan, 15:47
08 Jan, 15:45
08 Jan, 15:38
08 Jan, 15:36
08 Jan, 15:35
08 Jan, 15:29
08 Jan, 15:24
08 Jan, 07:56
03 Jan, 01:02
03 Jan, 00:59
03 Jan, 00:01
02 Jan, 23:59
02 Jan, 23:58
02 Jan, 23:51
02 Jan, 23:45
02 Jan, 23:41
05 Dec, 21:50
05 Dec, 21:34
05 Dec, 21:17
05 Dec, 21:12
05 Dec, 21:01
04 Dec, 21:57
04 Dec, 20:53
28 Nov, 07:13
28 Nov, 07:07
28 Nov, 07:03
28 Nov, 06:27
28 Nov, 06:05
28 Nov, 05:48
28 Nov, 03:43
28 Nov, 03:32
21 Nov, 16:58
22 Oct, 01:33
21 Oct, 06:35
21 Oct, 03:57
21 Oct, 03:54
21 Oct, 00:46
21 Oct, 00:40
20 Oct, 21:10