"In the wake of these cycles, and against the backdrop of a long transition from US hegemony to multipolar, systemic turbulence, Myanmar’s insurrectionary sequence stands out. Rebels have managed to extend and generalize an insurrectionary rupture beyond the initial occupation of urban centers, which the military reclaimed through deadly force. Rather than dissipating into party vehicles—not possible after the coup—or destruction by warfare between rivals, as in Libya and (until recently) Syria, the insurrection in Myanmar has achieved a transition from occupied squares to armed struggle. In so doing, the rebels have fused together the signature forms of this century’s insurrections with last century’s national liberation struggles, including the lexicon of people’s war (in Myanmar today: a “people’s defensive war”). This fusion is incredibly fragile, however. It is vulnerable in particular to a contradiction between insurgency and autonomy in this ongoing sequence of revolt—from Nawnghkio looking forward."