Welcome to Strictly Local, a Telegram channel dedicated to supporting and promoting local businesses, events, and initiatives in our community. Our goal is to celebrate the unique culture and offerings of our local area, connecting residents with the best that our neighborhood has to offer. From cozy cafes to exciting events, we strive to showcase the hidden gems that make our community special. Who is Strictly Local? We are a group of passionate locals who believe in the importance of supporting small businesses and building a strong sense of community. What is Strictly Local? It is a platform where you can discover new shops, restaurants, and events right in your backyard. Join us in celebrating all things local and help us make our community thrive. Follow us on Telegram at @strictlylocal767 and stay updated on the latest news, events, and promotions from your favorite local spots. Let's come together to support and appreciate the beauty of our neighborhood. Join Strictly Local today!