сегодня открылся новый канал @kangtae_rus мы были бы очень рады видеть вас с нами вновь!
и уже скоро канал @straykids_rus войдёт в новое русло и мы начнём нашу работу! будем очень рады если вы останетесь с нами!
Welcome to StrayKids • Gallery, a Telegram channel dedicated to all things related to the popular K-pop group Stray Kids. If you're a fan of this talented group and want to stay updated on all their latest news, music, and photos, then this is the perfect channel for you. With regular updates and exclusive content, you'll never miss a beat when it comes to Stray Kids. Connect with other fans, share your favorite moments, and immerse yourself in the world of Stray Kids. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to be part of a vibrant and active community of Stray Kids enthusiasts. Join us today and experience the magic of Stray Kids like never before! Connect with us at @skz_infovp for more information and updates.
15 Aug, 10:06
26 Jun, 18:55
26 Jun, 15:04
26 Jun, 12:09
26 Jun, 09:06
26 Jun, 06:05
25 Jun, 15:06
25 Jun, 12:06
25 Jun, 09:05