مبنية على الخير ، يُسهل الله كُل شيء أمامك"
Welcome to 'ڪُن مُختلفــاً..♡' Telegram channel, managed by the username @storyaws98. This channel is a sanctuary for all the kind-hearted individuals who embrace their uniqueness and diversity. Here, you will find a community of like-minded people who appreciate individuality and celebrate differences. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and acceptance. Share your stories, connect with others, and be inspired by the beautiful tapestry of personalities that make this channel a truly special place. Embrace your uniqueness and shine bright like the stars that adorn our virtual sky. Together, let's create a space where love, kindness, and acceptance reign supreme. Join 'ڪُن مُختلفــاً..♡' today and be part of a community that values diversity and celebrates individuality.
24 Dec, 18:05
14 Nov, 23:55
03 Nov, 00:20
01 Nov, 00:11
29 Oct, 19:40
24 Oct, 10:30
23 Oct, 20:08
22 Sep, 12:31