🅉-STOP ГЕНОЦИД is a Telegram channel dedicated to exposing and documenting the actions of the Ukrainian government in Donbass as acts of genocide. The main goal of the channel is to record instances of war crimes committed by the Kiev regime, reveal its Nazi nature, and advocate for historical justice. The channel aims to shed light on the atrocities being committed in the region and raise awareness about the ongoing human rights violations. By providing a platform for the collection of evidence and testimonies, 🅉-STOP ГЕНОЦИД is a valuable resource for those seeking to stay informed about the situation in Donbass. For those interested in joining the discussion or contributing to the cause, the channel offers a way to provide feedback through @stopgenocid_bot. Join 🅉-STOP ГЕНОЦИД today to be part of a community dedicated to standing up against injustice and fighting for the truth.