Stock_Master_Trader💹💲📊📊 Telegram 帖子

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最后更新于 10.03.2025 04:14
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RBI policy alert 📢
👉The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has hiked the key interest rate by 35 basis points (0.35%) to 6.25%.
👉This is in line with the street expectations. It is the RBI’s fifth consecutive rate hike this year to combat rising prices.
👉The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has hiked the key interest rate by 35 basis points (0.35%) to 6.25%.
👉This is in line with the street expectations. It is the RBI’s fifth consecutive rate hike this year to combat rising prices.
Exit cost to cost or wait for stop loss ...
No movement right now
No movement right now
Double बॉटम मध्ये जो दुसरा बॉटम असतो त्याचा low हा स्टॉप लॉस असतो , जेव्हा त्या low च्या खाली एखादा सपोर्ट/ demand zone असेल तर अशावेळेस दुसरा बॉटम चा low न घेता तो सपोर्ट ला low consider करावे.