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SSB game of personality🧑🏻‍✈️ のテレグラム投稿

SSB game of personality🧑🏻‍✈️
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最終更新日 09.03.2025 02:51


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SSB game of personality🧑🏻‍✈️

11 Nov, 14:53


Who agrees?
SSB game of personality🧑🏻‍✈️

10 Nov, 13:50


तूफानों की ओर घुमा दो नाविक निज पतवार

आज सिन्धु ने विष उगला है
लहरों का यौवन मचला है
आज हृदय में और सिन्धु में
साथ उठा है ज्वार

तूफानों की ओर घुमा दो नाविक निज पतवार

लहरों के स्वर में कुछ बोलो
इस अंधड़ में साहस तोलो
कभी-कभी मिलता जीवन में
तूफानों का प्यार

तूफानों की ओर घुमा दो नाविक निज पतवार

यह असीम, निज सीमा जाने
सागर भी तो यह पहचाने
मिट्टी के पुतले मानव ने
कभी न मानी हार

तूफानों की ओर घुमा दो नाविक निज पतवार

सागर की अपनी क्षमता है
पर माँझी भी कब थकता है
जब तक साँसों में स्पन्दन है
उसका हाथ नहीं रुकता है
इसके ही बल पर कर डाले
सातों सागर पार

तूफानों की ओर घुमा दो नाविक निज पतवार

I've been reading शिवमंगल सिंह ‘सुमन’ for so long and his "वीर रस की कविताएँ" Is something that sparks देशभक्ति in my heart everytime I read

I recommend y'all to read n share his poetry, youth of india must have such मातृप्रेम
SSB game of personality🧑🏻‍✈️

10 Nov, 02:34


I really like their body!
SSB game of personality🧑🏻‍✈️

03 Nov, 01:51



Don't just see this post and jump onto another channel to see more

This is the right time to get rid of brain rot a mental disease that unknowingly you might have developed

Watch this video n write down your thoughts/ problems/distractions/or anything that you learnt
Comment here!
SSB game of personality🧑🏻‍✈️

03 Nov, 01:51

SSB game of personality🧑🏻‍✈️

28 Oct, 08:20


You get distracted by every lil thing when you're not committed to the one big aim of your life

You may find plenty of excuses for getting distracted ,
Find just one reason to work on yourself

Every motivational quote will be of no effect if you just read, understand n forget

Connect yourself with whatever you read, understand, analyse n improve
SSB game of personality🧑🏻‍✈️

23 Oct, 01:19


With muscles rippling, and sinews taut,
The warrior stands, in battle wrought,
His strength is legend, his might renowned,
And foes tremble, at the mere sound

For he is a warrior, strong and true,
His body honed, for what he must do,
He lifts his sword, with power and grace,
And charges forth, to meet his fate

Through miles of trekking, and battles fought,
His endurance, never once is caught,
For he is a warrior, built to last,
His strength and stamina, unsurpassed

And when the day is done, and the night is near,
The warrior rests, without any fear,
For he knows, that with each passing day,
His strength grows stronger, in every way

So let us honor, the warrior’s might,
His physical strength, a wondrous sight,
For in his body, we see the power,
Of a warrior, whose strength will never cower
SSB game of personality🧑🏻‍✈️

24 Jul, 07:44


Death will approach everyone sooner or later
But i wish that to come wrapped in Tricolour
SSB game of personality🧑🏻‍✈️

24 Jul, 04:09


Trust on Armed Forces (IPSOS)

🇮🇳India: 64%
🇸🇪Sweden: 56%
🇺🇸United States: 56%
🇫🇷France: 52%
🇬🇧United Kingdom: 51%
🇦🇺Australia: 50%
🇨🇦Canada: 50%
🇪🇸Spain: 47%
🇲🇾Malaysia: 46%
🇳🇱Netherlands: 44%
🇩🇰Denmark: 41%
🇹🇷Turkey: 39%
🇭🇺Hungary: 38%
🇲🇽Mexico: 38%
🇮🇹Italy: 37%
🇦🇷Argentina: 36%
🇩🇪Germany: 36%
🇵🇪Peru: 34%
🇯🇵Japan: 33%
🇧🇪Belgium: 33%
🇨🇱Chile: 31%
🇵🇱Poland: 30%
🇧🇷Brazil: 30%
🇨🇴Colombia: 29%
🇿🇦South Africa: 28%
🇰🇷South Korea: 25%
SSB game of personality🧑🏻‍✈️

18 Jun, 01:16


Discipline isn't about shouting affirmations or building 100-step morning routines

It's about respecting yourself enough to sacrifice short term comfort for the pursuit of the best version of you.

It's understanding that the work doesn't care about how you feel or if the universe is against you, all it cares about is that it gets done.

It's knowing that if you want to lay your head down on that pillow feeling satisfied and proud of yourself each night, then you have no choice but to do the damn work.

Discipline isn't about stealing pleasure from your current self, it's about respecting yourself enough to do what you know is right