My Spanish Notes टेलीग्राम पोस्ट

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अंतिम अपडेट 06.03.2025 19:17
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My Spanish Notes द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री
Feliz Navidad
Michael Bubl - Mis Deseos
╰─🎧 @Spanish4me
Michael Bubl - Mis Deseos
╰─🎧 @Spanish4me
Hola a tod@s
Today we have an important topic
Let's analyze 2 verbs RECORDAR - ACORDARSE
Both verbs with the vowel O are at the root, which means that when conjugated they will break up into the diphthong -ue-
Recordar - recUErdo - recUErdas - recUErda
Acordarse is a reflexive verb, so in addition to the fact that it will break up into a diphthong, we also add pronouns
Me acUErdo - te acUErdas - se acUErda
And now let's talk about where we use these verbs, as they are often confused, not used correctly, although they are synonymous.
Te acuerdas de Elena - when controlling a verb, we use the preposition DE
Recuerdas a Elena - when controlling a verb, we use the preposition A
Today we have an important topic
Let's analyze 2 verbs RECORDAR - ACORDARSE
Both verbs with the vowel O are at the root, which means that when conjugated they will break up into the diphthong -ue-
Recordar - recUErdo - recUErdas - recUErda
Acordarse is a reflexive verb, so in addition to the fact that it will break up into a diphthong, we also add pronouns
Me acUErdo - te acUErdas - se acUErda
And now let's talk about where we use these verbs, as they are often confused, not used correctly, although they are synonymous.
Te acuerdas de Elena - when controlling a verb, we use the preposition DE
Recuerdas a Elena - when controlling a verb, we use the preposition A
Hola chic@s!
Hoy vamos a ver los verbos irregulares en presente!
Hoy vamos a ver los verbos irregulares en presente!
╰─🎧 @Spanish4me
🌍 TOP-20 countries where Spanish is spoken
╰─🎧 @Spanish4me
Pedrito Y Fido
Pedrito, un niño travieso de siete años, decide tomar un paseo en el parque. A su lado camina su perro llamado Fido. Fido es de pelo largo, color blanco y tiene las orejas marrones. Mueve su cola con emoción mientras ambos transitan por un camino entre filas de árboles.
Es un día muy feliz para Pedrito. Se siente muy a gusto. Su mamá está en casa, pero ya le dio permiso para que se fuera con Fido a caminar.
Translation: es-en
Pedrito, a naughty seven-year-old boy, decides to take a walk in the park. Next to him walks his dog named Fido. Fido is long-haired, white in color and has brown ears. He wags his tail excitedly as the two walk down a path between rows of trees.
It is a very happy day for Pedro. He feels very comfortable. His mom is home, but she already gave him permission to go with Fido for a walk.
╰─🎧 @Spanish4me
Pedrito, un niño travieso de siete años, decide tomar un paseo en el parque. A su lado camina su perro llamado Fido. Fido es de pelo largo, color blanco y tiene las orejas marrones. Mueve su cola con emoción mientras ambos transitan por un camino entre filas de árboles.
Es un día muy feliz para Pedrito. Se siente muy a gusto. Su mamá está en casa, pero ya le dio permiso para que se fuera con Fido a caminar.
Translation: es-en
Pedrito, a naughty seven-year-old boy, decides to take a walk in the park. Next to him walks his dog named Fido. Fido is long-haired, white in color and has brown ears. He wags his tail excitedly as the two walk down a path between rows of trees.
It is a very happy day for Pedro. He feels very comfortable. His mom is home, but she already gave him permission to go with Fido for a walk.
╰─🎧 @Spanish4me