أحدث المنشورات من South Australia (@southaustralians) على Telegram

منشورات South Australia على Telegram

South Australia
South Australia

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أحدث المحتوى الذي تم مشاركته بواسطة South Australia على Telegram

South Australia

02 Feb, 00:21


Spend your Sundays grappling in the park!

@SouthAustralians 🐦‍⬛️

🇦🇺 @EAMUncensored2

💬 @EAMContactBot
South Australia

02 Feb, 00:08


From coast to coast our race matters most!
South Australia

02 Feb, 00:07


Victoria continually remains steadfast in the face of political persecution.

Thank you to South Australia for hosting a tremendously successful Summer National Meet.

Finally, a public service announcement to South Australian Police: We will be back.

📍 Victoria⚡️🇦🇺

Get Active!

🇦🇺 @EAMUncensored2

💬 @EAMContactBot

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South Australia

25 Jan, 09:18


Shill this graphic in every comment section, every Adelaide community page or Patriot group on Facebook, on instagram, in 7news Adelaide replies on twitter.. Every single possible place you can

We can't allow the South Australian government to kill Australia Day
South Australia

25 Jan, 01:56


They think this will make us look bad and you're blackpilling?
South Australia

23 Jan, 22:48


Nine nationalist activists have been hit with an obscure charge and given onerous bail conditions over a peaceful protest in Adelaide.

A magistrate said police appeared to be trying to stop them attending an Australia Day rally on Sunday.


Follow: @NoticerNews
South Australia

22 Jan, 10:14


We march in lockstep with the spirit of our ancestors. They sacrificed their lives for this nation, and they were betrayed.
It is every man's duty this Sunday, the 26th, to stand and fight for this country.
Our ancestors are watching.

Fight for Australia Day.
Fight for White Australia.

Hail victory!


🇦🇺 @nsnuncensored

💬 @NSNContactBot

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South Australia

22 Jan, 03:19


The Magistrates Court has today indicated they will imprison me if found guilty for stating facts regarding demographic replacement and race realism because it hurt brown peoples feelings.

My intention is to contest the charges.
South Australia

21 Jan, 00:24


The beast system will not stop us. Its feeble attempts to crush the spirit of White men in revolt will do nothing but strengthen us. Your frail democracy is making us stronger, pigs.

Australia for the White man: the rest WILL go!

Hail Victory!

@SouthAustalians 🐦‍⬛️
South Australia

20 Jan, 21:20



It is crystal clear that we are dealing with an assassination attempt!

Nationalists from all over Greece are donating blood for Michaloliakos’ treatment. An urgent protest has already been held outside the Board, and larger actions will soon take place.

The Greek government believes that they can murder a political prisoner, by violating even the “human rights” they so much like to talk about, without facing any consequences.

We ask our friends around the world to show that there will be no cover-up for that crime!

➡️Read the full statement in English on ANTEPITHESI.GR

Official Contact: [email protected]