شــب هـای جـمــعـه is a Telegram channel run by the user @sooo85. This channel is dedicated to providing a platform for young people to gather and connect on Friday nights. In Persian culture, Friday nights are a time for relaxation and socializing, and this channel aims to foster a sense of community among its members. The channel regularly hosts virtual events, discussions, and activities to keep its members engaged and entertained. Whether you're looking to make new friends, have meaningful conversations, or simply unwind after a long week, شــب هـای جـمــعـه is the perfect place to do so. Join the channel today and be a part of a welcoming and vibrant community of young people!
17 Apr, 20:25
17 Apr, 09:52
13 Apr, 18:48
13 Apr, 12:02
11 Apr, 07:26
06 Apr, 12:40
05 Apr, 17:10
04 Apr, 15:02
03 Apr, 09:22
03 Apr, 09:21
01 Apr, 08:36