Welcome to the official Telegram channel of SOJNMS, IGNOU! Are you a student or an aspiring student of IGNOU's School of Journalism and New Media Studies (SOJNMS)? If so, this channel is the perfect place for you to stay updated on all the latest news, announcements, and events related to the school. From important deadlines to workshop and seminar details, you will find all the information you need right here. Who is SOJNMS, IGNOU? SOJNMS stands for the School of Journalism and New Media Studies, which is a part of IGNOU, the Indira Gandhi National Open University. IGNOU is a renowned institution in India that offers distance education programs to students across the country. SOJNMS specifically focuses on journalism, media studies, and communication. What is SOJNMS, IGNOU? This channel serves as the official platform for SOJNMS, IGNOU to communicate with its students and the community. Here, you will find updates on courses, examinations, admission procedures, and other important information. Whether you are a current student looking for resources or a prospective student interested in joining SOJNMS, this channel has got you covered. Join us on this channel to connect with fellow students, get valuable insights from faculty members, and stay informed about all the happenings at SOJNMS, IGNOU. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be a part of the vibrant community of learners and educators at one of India's premier institutions of journalism and media studies. Subscribe now and start engaging with us today!
04 Nov, 13:35
29 Oct, 15:47
14 Aug, 09:06
26 Jun, 06:48
17 May, 08:32
04 May, 02:53
02 Apr, 11:37
25 Feb, 12:58
20 Jan, 10:22
15 Dec, 15:22