پایگاه خبری غرب_سهیل نیوز سنقر (Persian)
🔺 پایگاه خبری غرب کشورn🔺 آمادهدریافتخبرازسراسراستانn🔺 بیانمشکلاتمردمیn🔺️ درجانتقادسازنده ازمسئولینn✔ مدیریتتبادل؛تبلیعاتارتباطباآدمینnnSoheill News is a Telegram channel dedicated to providing news from the western part of the country. With a focus on current events and issues affecting the local population, Soheill News is the go-to source for news and updates from across the region. The channel also encourages constructive criticism of officials and allows for open discussions on community issues.
Who is it?
Soheill News is managed by Amir Heshmati, who is responsible for curating and sharing news articles, updates, and engaging with the channel's audience. With a commitment to transparency and accountability, Soheill News aims to be a reliable source of information for its followers.
What is it?
Soheill News is a platform for sharing news and information from the western region of the country. It provides a platform for citizens to voice their concerns, share their feedback, and engage in discussions about local issues. Through its content, the channel aims to inform, educate, and empower its audience, promoting dialogue and awareness within the community.
For the latest updates and news from the western part of the country, join Soheill News on Telegram: https://t.me/soheillnewss