Дishni is a Telegram channel created for Chechen speakers to come together and share their culture, traditions, and language. The channel name translates to 'Stars' in English, symbolizing the bright and shining community that the channel aims to create. Led by the username @so_dishni, the channel provides a platform for Chechens to connect, learn, and engage with each other. Whether you are looking to discuss traditional Chechen cuisine, music, or history, Dishni is the perfect place to do so. Join us in celebrating the rich heritage and vibrant community of the Chechen people. Дикадерг даржаде, ял хир ю хьуна инша́ АллахI (Let's come together and create a bright future, as we are all united by the will of God).
31 Dec, 15:54
12 Dec, 06:09
12 Dec, 06:09
24 Nov, 19:37
21 Nov, 07:19
18 Nov, 19:18
31 Oct, 20:04
31 Oct, 18:32
31 Oct, 18:31
31 Oct, 17:46
31 Oct, 06:52
30 Oct, 19:49
30 Oct, 04:09
27 Oct, 09:20
27 Oct, 08:41
26 Sep, 21:50
15 Aug, 07:31
06 Aug, 06:48
05 Aug, 13:02
04 Aug, 15:22
03 Aug, 13:55