Все равно приятно было поиграть с девочками
сомнительный на самом деле бек в стримы, я чуть позже собиралась. так что ждите анонс до февраля. Аахахаха
Welcome to the Smorodinova Telegram channel! This channel is managed by Lera Smorodinova, a renowned lifestyle influencer and content creator. Here, you will find a variety of content ranging from fashion to travel, beauty tips, home decor ideas, and much more. Lera shares her personal experiences, recommendations, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into her glamorous life. If you're looking for inspiration, advice, or simply want to stay updated on the latest trends, this channel is perfect for you. Join the Smorodinova community today and elevate your lifestyle with Lera Smorodinova!
11 Jan, 16:01
10 Jan, 11:42
09 Jan, 16:20
09 Oct, 09:18
11 Sep, 07:10
09 Sep, 11:35
27 Aug, 09:57