Do you have a passion for extreme music that pushes boundaries and tests the limits of what you thought was possible? Look no further than the Telegram channel 'Slamming/Brutal Death Metal'! This channel, with the username '@slammingbrutaldeath', offers a casual vision of Slam and Brutal music that will leave you craving more. Created by @forestdforest in April 2020, this channel has been a haven for fans of TRUE & Guttural Brutal sounds. Now ruled by .:πΉΡκ αeΜ·β¦:., the channel promises to continue delivering the best in Slam and Brutal music for years to come. If you're looking to discover new bands, engage with fellow metalheads, or simply immerse yourself in the raw power of extreme music, 'Slamming/Brutal Death Metal' is the place to be. Join us today and experience the adrenaline-pumping world of Slam and Brutal Death Metal!