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Sigmund's Metaphysical Männerbund 🜨
Paganism, culture, self improvement, outdoorsmanship.

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最后更新于 09.03.2025 15:03


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Sigmund's Metaphysical Männerbund 🜨

02 Jul, 16:17



OPWW has a new Europa distribution alliance in the form of French black metal legion Baise Ma Hache.

Our brothers in BMH will be handling all European design, stock and shipping, meaning our comrades in Europe will be able to support without the highway robbery of international shipping costs.

New designs for shirts and flags will be available this Friday at

Sigmund's Metaphysical Männerbund 🜨

28 Jun, 19:28


The warrior aristocracy of Bronze Age Europe were buried in warrior graves with personal weaponry - like daggers, swords, and spears.

But there were other objects in these graves like hair combs, bronze razors and tweezers, cloak pins, and awls for tattooing the skin, that all speak to a profound interest in clothing, personal grooming and in adorning the warrior.

So what can this all tell us about this aristocracy, the beliefs and practices of these elite men, and the nature of masculinity in prehistory?

Find out by watching this video!
Sigmund's Metaphysical Männerbund 🜨

28 Jun, 05:42


We must be a force for creation in a culture bent on our destruction.
Sigmund's Metaphysical Männerbund 🜨

28 Jun, 05:37


Throwing accusations and slander at other men on the internet is ergi as fuck and, if you're going to do it to hold other men to account, you'd better have some proof. This online community of folkish heathens can be amazing at times, and at others it's downright poison.

Maybe we should start holding these slanderous individuals to account. The very act of trying to destroy a man's reputation based on lies is itself dishonourable
Sigmund's Metaphysical Männerbund 🜨

24 Jun, 05:42


An interesting new find from Denmark; a Viking Age trefoil brooch, with three entwined bearded faces. Could be Odin, Thor and Freyr, or perhaps Vili, Vé and Odin. ᚬ
Sigmund's Metaphysical Männerbund 🜨

22 Jun, 19:24


The Hearth of Devon’s Midsummer blot to Thunor was attended by 25 worshippers last night in Somerset.

It was an auspicious offering of mead libations, bone fire, a bread idol, and other food including a communal goat stew. The blot was followed by sumble and games late into the night.
Sigmund's Metaphysical Männerbund 🜨

20 Jun, 21:43


The physical and metaphysical nature of our Gods and ritual worship are discussed frequently on a multitude of platforms. But what’s rarely seen are observances to the scale of our Gods and the importance of physical ritual worship to know Them.

Narration: Þórr siðr
Featuring: The Chad Pastoralist
Sigmund's Metaphysical Männerbund 🜨

19 Jun, 09:13


The Uppåkra complex in southern Sweden is one of the largest sites of cult activity to Woden/Óðinn from the Iron Age. It is believed to have been the former site of a chieftain that was both a marketplace and a place of worship as evidence of other structures surrounding the temple were found in the archaeological record.

Close to the buildings were deposits of spears and shields, and a right-side ocular and eyebrow from a helmet, similar to the types found as Sutton Hoo, Valsgärde and Vendel. A bronze horned figure was also discovered with the right eye on his face purposely struck out.