підписаний серцем і душею. це мовчазна обітниця, яку ми даємо одне одному,
не вимовляючи жодного слова.
Welcome to our Telegram channel "шукаю сс/друзів." or in English, "looking for a significant other/friends." This channel is dedicated to helping people find new relationships and friendships in the Ukrainian community. If you are looking to connect with like-minded individuals or expand your social circle, you have come to the right place!
The channel is managed by @krasnozion, who ensures a safe and respectful environment for all members. Please note that any inappropriate behavior will result in a ban from the channel. All the necessary information and guidelines can be found in the pinned messages, so make sure to familiarize yourself with them
Our journey begins on July 20, 2022, so mark your calendars and get ready to meet new people! The channel's design and layout are created by @ilovefolio, ensuring a visually appealing and user-friendly experience
Whether you are looking for a romantic partner or simply want to expand your social circle, "шукаю сс/друзів." is the perfect place for you. Join us today and start your journey towards meaningful connections and new friendships. We look forward to welcoming you to our community!
19 Jan, 10:12
19 Jan, 10:11
19 Jan, 09:47
19 Jan, 09:38
12 Jan, 10:27
12 Jan, 10:12
12 Jan, 10:10
&& . prᦅfile . me05 Jan, 22:34
05 Jan, 22:32
05 Jan, 22:26
05 Jan, 22:02
05 Jan, 21:49
07 Dec, 09:07
07 Dec, 08:59
07 Dec, 08:08
01 Dec, 21:02
01 Dec, 21:02
01 Dec, 21:02
01 Dec, 20:27
22 Nov, 07:28
22 Nov, 07:17
22 Nov, 06:58
09 Nov, 22:49
readers туди ((()((
мʼю ôr вз. «»»
09 Nov, 22:16
09 Nov, 22:09
09 Nov, 21:40
09 Nov, 21:38