Introducing the 【K姐】精准获客app数据资源(独家解析通道) Telegram channel, managed by the username @shegongku99233. This channel is dedicated to providing accurate and exclusive analysis of customer acquisition app data resources. With a focus on data extraction, they offer desensitized information in various industries such as stocks, lotteries, POS systems, loans, education, and more. Led by a team of experts, including female bosses, 【K姐】 guarantees authentic and desensitized data without any false information. They offer competitive prices straight from the source, aiming to support ethical telemarketing practices. This channel only accepts green marketing initiatives, distancing themselves from any fraudulent activities. For additional updates and resources, users can also follow their backup channel: The channel welcomes inquiries and business collaborations, with the option to reach out to customer service for more details at @godisme99233 and @godisher99. In case of any messaging restrictions, users can contact the channel's dedicated bot: @KJdata99233_bot. Stay informed and connected with the latest trends in customer acquisition data resources through the 【K姐】精准获客app数据资源(独家解析通道) channel on Telegram. Join now to access valuable insights and boost your marketing strategies with reliable information.
11 Feb, 05:14
07 Feb, 07:18
04 Feb, 22:46
26 Jan, 12:30
21 Jan, 07:16
19 Jan, 11:40
06 Jan, 06:50
01 Jan, 04:11
23 Dec, 07:39
22 Dec, 06:30
19 Dec, 07:58
18 Dec, 11:56
18 Dec, 11:56
17 Dec, 07:26
16 Dec, 13:27
13 Dec, 06:06
09 Dec, 06:44
09 Dec, 06:22
05 Dec, 07:47
04 Dec, 09:03
27 Nov, 12:58
24 Nov, 13:52
21 Nov, 12:32
13 Nov, 04:31
06 Nov, 03:20
28 Oct, 05:13
23 Oct, 04:32
21 Oct, 04:59
18 Oct, 07:26
14 Oct, 03:23
09 Oct, 09:46
05 Oct, 05:05
30 Sep, 05:02
24 Sep, 06:35
18 Sep, 03:04
13 Sep, 06:28
09 Sep, 06:33
04 Sep, 09:09
30 Aug, 05:50